2,965,823 research outputs found

    A framework for the measurement and prediction of an individual scientist's performance

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    Quantitative bibliometric indicators are widely used to evaluate the performance of scientists. However, traditional indicators do not much rely on the analysis of the processes intended to measure and the practical goals of the measurement. In this study, I propose a simple framework to measure and predict an individual researcher's scientific performance that takes into account the main regularities of publication and citation processes and the requirements of practical tasks. Statistical properties of the new indicator - a scientist's personal impact rate - are illustrated by its application to a sample of Estonian researchers.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Manufacturing Coalition: Cooperation, Solidarity, and Sisterhood in the New York Women\u27s Trade Union League, 1906-1919

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    This dissertation examines how the rhetorical postures of coalition within the meeting minutes, officers’ reports, and Annual Reports of the New York Women’s Trade Union League between 1906 and 1919 contributed to the League’s ability to overcome the many economic, cultural, ideological, and gender differences that acted as barriers to their unified action to improve the lives and working conditions of women wage earners. Within the Literature Review and Methodology section, I first explore the scholarly roots of my project in recent rhetorical and women’s historiographic endeavors as well as in the work of labor and feminist historians, and then turn my attention to the methods and methodology I employed as I approached the archives of the New York League. In the Historical Context section, I discuss, well, the historical context surrounding the emergence of the League and the reform traditions that inspired it, as well as looking at several of the major events within their early history that played out in the documents I am examining. The next three chapters, Cooperation, Solidarity, and Sisterhood, are structured as Findings chapters in the sense of a qualitative research project. As such, they contain, essentially, a guided tour through the records of the League highlighting the places where the League attempted to conjure feelings of cooperation, solidarity, and sisterhood in their members through their calculated presentation of events, an act I am referring to as rhetorical posturing. Finally, in the Discussion section, I consider several important landmarks along that guided tour within the larger context of other scholarly work on the League, both in terms of the historical and theoretical grounding of the League’s words and our interpretations of them with a nod toward potential future research

    Feline and Canine Coronaviruses: Common Genetic and Pathobiological Features

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    A new human coronavirus responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was identified in 2003, which raised concern about coronaviruses as agents of serious infectious disease. Nevertheless, coronaviruses have been known for about 50 years to be major agents of respiratory, enteric, or systemic infections of domestic and companion animals. Feline and canine coronaviruses are widespread among dog and cat populations, sometimes leading to the fatal diseases known as feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) and pantropic canine coronavirus infection in cats and dogs, respectively. In this paper, different aspects of the genetics, host cell tropism, and pathogenesis of the feline and canine coronaviruses (FCoV and CCoV) will be discussed, with a view to illustrating how study of FCoVs and CCoVs can improve our general understanding of the pathobiology of coronaviruses


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    The article focuses on the attitudes of the parents of three different countries—Sweden, Finland, and Estonia—towards the balance between work and family life in a particular environment of the welfare state through their evaluation of the social context. The aim of this analysis is to determine the extent to which family policies have successfully met the expectations of parents. We have found differences in the expectations of parents towards supportive measures offered by the state that would help combine work and family life in the countries studied, and in the respondents’ evaluations of the social environment they live in. On the basis of this analysis it is possible to argue that the participating Swedish and Finnish parents are highly satisfied with their position in the context of their respective countries, while Estonian parents feel insecure

    Une contrainte cumulative continue multi-ressources avec des conso mmations - Productions en ressources Positives - Négatives

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    Cet article introduit une extension de la contrainte cumulative classique : une tâche n'est plus représentée par un simple rectangle mais par une suite de sous-tâches trapézoïdales de durées et hauteurs variables. La fonction de ressource n'est plus une constante, mais une fonction du temps, linéaire par morceaux, positive ou négative. Enfin, unetâche n'est pas pré-affectée à une ressource mais à une tâche correspond un ensemble d'affectations possibles. Dans ce contexte, cet article propose un algorithme en O(p(logp+q))O(p \cdot (\log p +q)) pour calculer les profils minimum etmaximum d'utilisation des ressources par les tâches où qq est le nombre de ressources et pp le nombre total de sous-tâches de toutes les tâches

    Une contrainte cumulative continue multi-ressources avec des conso mmations - Productions en ressources Positives - Négatives

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    Cet article introduit une extension de la contrainte cumulative classique : une tâche n'est plus représentée par un simple rectangle mais par une suite de sous-tâches trapézoïdales de durées et hauteurs variables. La fonction de ressource n'est plus une constante, mais une fonction du temps, linéaire par morceaux, positive ou négative. Enfin, unetâche n'est pas pré-affectée à une ressource mais à une tâche correspond un ensemble d'affectations possibles. Dans ce contexte, cet article propose un algorithme en O(p(logp+q))O(p \cdot (\log p +q)) pour calculer les profils minimum etmaximum d'utilisation des ressources par les tâches où qq est le nombre de ressources et pp le nombre total de sous-tâches de toutes les tâches