827,546 research outputs found
Peptide redesign for inhibition of the complement system: Targeting age-related macular degeneration.
PurposeTo redesign a complement-inhibiting peptide with the potential to become a therapeutic for dry and wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD).MethodsWe present a new potent peptide (Peptide 2) of the compstatin family. The peptide is developed by rational design, based on a mechanistic binding hypothesis, and structural and physicochemical properties derived from molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The inhibitory activity, efficacy, and solubility of Peptide 2 are evaluated using a hemolytic assay, a human RPE cell-based assay, and ultraviolet (UV) absorption properties, respectively, and compared to the respective properties of its parent peptide (Peptide 1).ResultsThe sequence of Peptide 2 contains an arginine-serine N-terminal extension (a characteristic of parent Peptide 1) and a novel 8-polyethylene glycol (PEG) block C-terminal extension. Peptide 2 has significantly improved aqueous solubility compared to Peptide 1 and comparable complement inhibitory activity. In addition, Peptide 2 is more efficacious in inhibiting complement activation in a cell-based model that mimics the pathobiology of dry AMD.ConclusionsWe have designed a new peptide analog of compstatin that combines N-terminal polar amino acid extensions and C-terminal PEGylation extensions. This peptide demonstrates significantly improved aqueous solubility and complement inhibitory efficacy, compared to the parent peptide. The new peptide overcomes the aggregation limitation for clinical translation of previous compstatin analogs and is a candidate to become a therapeutic for the treatment of AMD
Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes
Abnormally elevated proinsulin secretion has been reported in type 2 and early type 1 diabetes when significant C-peptide is present. We questioned whether individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes and low or absent C-peptide secretory capacity retained the ability to make proinsulin.
C-peptide and proinsulin were measured in fasting and stimulated sera from 319 subjects with long-standing type 1 diabetes (≥3 years) and 12 control subjects without diabetes. We considered three categories of stimulated C-peptide: 1) C-peptide positive, with high stimulated values ≥0.2 nmol/L; 2) C-peptide positive, with low stimulated values ≥0.017 but <0.2 nmol/L; and 3) C-peptide <0.017 nmol/L. Longitudinal samples were analyzed from C-peptide-positive subjects with diabetes after 1, 2, and 4 years.
Of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes, 95.9% had detectable serum proinsulin (>3.1 pmol/L), while 89.9% of participants with stimulated C-peptide values below the limit of detection (<0.017 nmol/L; n = 99) had measurable proinsulin. Proinsulin levels remained stable over 4 years of follow-up, while C-peptide decreased slowly during longitudinal analysis. Correlations between proinsulin with C-peptide and mixed-meal stimulation of proinsulin were found only in subjects with high stimulated C-peptide values (≥0.2 nmol/L). Specifically, increases in proinsulin with mixed-meal stimulation were present only in the group with high stimulated C-peptide values, with no increases observed among subjects with low or undetectable (<0.017 nmol/L) residual C-peptide.
In individuals with long-duration type 1 diabetes, the ability to secrete proinsulin persists, even in those with undetectable serum C-peptide
Cholesterol-directed nanoparticle assemblies based on single amino acid peptide mutations activate cellular uptake and decrease tumor volume.
Peptide drugs have been difficult to translate into effective therapies due to their low in vivo stability. Here, we report a strategy to develop peptide-based therapeutic nanoparticles by screening a peptide library differing by single-site amino acid mutations of lysine-modified cholesterol. Certain cholesterol-modified peptides are found to promote and stabilize peptide α-helix formation, resulting in selectively cell-permeable peptides. One cholesterol-modified peptide self-assembles into stable nanoparticles with considerable α-helix propensity stabilized by intermolecular van der Waals interactions between inter-peptide cholesterol molecules, and shows 68.3% stability after incubation with serum for 16 h. The nanoparticles in turn interact with cell membrane cholesterols that are disproportionately present in cancer cell membranes, inducing lipid raft-mediated endocytosis and cancer cell death. Our results introduce a strategy to identify peptide nanoparticles that can effectively reduce tumor volumes when administered to in in vivo mice models. Our results also provide a simple platform for developing peptide-based anticancer drugs
Evaluation of a PACAP Peptide Analogue Labeled with (68)Ga Using Two Different Chelating Agents.
OBJECTIVE: The authors have conjugated chelating agents (DOTA and NODAGA) with a peptide (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide [PACAP] analogue) that has a high affinity for VPAC1 receptors expressed on cancer cells. To determine a suitable chelating agent for labeling with (68)Ga, they have compared the labeling kinetics and stability of these peptide conjugates.
METHODS: For labeling, (68)GaCl3 was eluted in 0.1 M HCl from a [(68)Ge-(68)Ga] generator. The influences of peptide concentration, pH, and temperature on the radiolabeling efficiency were studied. The stability was evaluated in saline, human serum, DTPA, transferrin, and metallic ions (FeCl3, CaCl2, and ZnCl2). Cell binding assay was performed using human breast cancer cells (T47D). Tissue biodistribution was studied in normal athymic nude mice.
RESULTS: Optimal radiolabeling (\u3e95.0%) of the DOTA-peptide conjugates required a higher (50°C-90°C) temperature and 10 minutes of incubation at pH 2-5. The NODAGA-peptide conjugate needed incubation only at 25°C for 10 minutes. Both radiocomplexes were stable in saline, serum, as well as against transchelation and transmetallation. Cell binding at 37°C for 15 minutes of incubation with (68)Ga-NODAGA-peptide was 34.0% compared to 24.5% for (68)Ga-DOTA-peptide. Tissue biodistribution at 1 hour postinjection of both (68)Ga-labeled peptide conjugates showed clearance through the kidneys.
CONCLUSIONS: NODAGA-peptide showed more convenient radiolabeling features than that of DOTA-peptide
Introduction of d-Glutamate at a Critical Residue of Aβ42 Stabilizes a Prefibrillary Aggregate with Enhanced Toxicity.
The amyloid beta peptide 42 (Aβ42) is an aggregation-prone peptide that plays a pivotal role in Alzheimer's disease. We report that a subtle perturbation to the peptide through a single chirality change at glutamate 22 leads to a pronounced delay in the β-sheet adoption of the peptide. This was accompanied by an attenuated propensity of the peptide to form fibrils, which was correlated with changes at the level of the fibrillary architecture. Strikingly, the incorporation of d-glutamate was found to stabilize a soluble, ordered macromolecular assembly with enhanced cytotoxicity to PC12 cells, highlighting the importance of advanced prefibrillary Aβ aggregates in neurotoxicity
The influence of body mass index and age on C-peptide at the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children who participated in the diabetes prevention trial-type 1
The extent of influence of BMI and age on C-peptide at the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is unknown. We thus studied the impact of body mass index Z-scores (BMIZ) and age on C-peptide measures at and soon after the diagnosis of T1D.
Data from Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 (DPT-1) participants <18.0 years at diagnosis was analyzed. Analyses examined associations of C-peptide measures with BMIZ and age in 2 cohorts: oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) at diagnosis (n = 99) and mixed meal tolerance tests (MMTTs) <6 months after diagnosis (n = 80). Multivariable linear regression was utilized.
Fasting and area under the curve (AUC) C-peptide from OGTTs (n = 99) at diagnosis and MMTTs (n = 80) after diagnosis were positively associated with BMIZ and age (P < .001 for all). Associations persisted when BMIZ and age were included as independent variables in regression models (P < .001 for all). BMIZ and age explained 31%-47% of the variance of C-peptide measures. In an example, 2 individuals with identical AUC C-peptide values had an approximate 5-fold difference in values after adjustments for BMIZ and age. The association between fasting glucose and C-peptide decreased markedly when fasting C-peptide values were adjusted (r = 0.30, P < .01 to r = 0.07, n.s.).
C-peptide measures are strongly and independently related to BMIZ and age at and soon after the diagnosis of T1D. Adjustments for BMIZ and age cause substantial changes in C-peptide values, and impact the association between glycemia and C-peptide. Such adjustments can improve assessments of β-cell impairment at diagnosis
Alamethicin self-assembling in lipid membranes: concentration dependence from pulsed EPR of spin labels
The antimicrobial action of the peptide antibiotic alamethicin (Alm) is commonly related to peptide self-assembling resulting in the formation of voltage-dependent channels in bacterial membranes, which induces ion permeation. To obtain a deeper insight into the mechanism of channel formation, it is useful to know the dependence of self-assembling on peptide concentration. With this aim, we studied Alm F50/5 spin-labeled analogs in a model 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) membrane, for peptide-to-lipid (P/L) ratios varying between 1/1500 and 1/100. Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) spectroscopy reveals that even at the lowest concentration investigated, the Alm molecules assemble into dimers. Moreover, under these conditions, electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy of D2O-hydrated membranes shows an abrupt change from the in-plane to the trans-membrane orientation of the peptide. Therefore, we hypothesize that dimer formation and peptide reorientation are concurrent processes and represent the initial step of peptide self-assembling. By increasing peptide concentration, higher oligomers are formed. A simple kinetic model of equilibrium among monomers, dimers, and pentamers allows for satisfactorily describing the experimental PELDOR data. The inter-label distances in the oligomers obtained from PELDOR experiments become better resolved with increasing P/L ratio, thus suggesting that the supramolecular organization of the higher-order oligomers becomes more defined
Identification of the N-terminal Peptide Binding Site of Glucose-regulated Protein 94
Because the stress protein GRP94 can augment presentation of peptides to T cells, it is important to define how it, as well as all other HSP90 family members, binds peptides. Having previously shown that the N-terminal half of GRP94 can account for the peptide binding activity of the full-length protein, we now locate this binding site by testing predictions of a molecular docking model. The best predicted site was on the opposite face of the β sheet from the pan-HSP90 radicicol-binding pocket, in close proximity to a deep hydrophobic pocket. The peptide and radicicol-binding sites are distinct, as shown by the ability of a radicicol-refractive mutant to bind peptide. When the fluorophore acrylodan is attached to Cys(117)within the hydrophobic pocket, its fluorescence is reduced upon peptide binding, consistent with proximity of the two ligands. Substitution of His(125), which contacts the bound peptide, compromises peptide-binding activity. We conclude that peptide binds to the concave face of the β sheet of the N-terminal domain, where binding is regulated during the action cycle of the chaperone
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