12,778 research outputs found

    Seni dalam Bingkai Budaya Mitis: Nilai Life Force dan Transformasinya ke Budaya Ontologis

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan merumuskan teori transformasi nilai-nilai life force dalam seni dari ranah budaya mitis ke budaya ontologis.Ă‚ Kehadiran teori ini cukup penting karena dapat menjadi salah satu sarana mengkaji seni masa lampau kaitannya dengan seni masa kini, serta pijakan ilmiah penciptaan karya seni masa kini yang berbasis nilai-nilai budaya masa lampau. Objek material yang dikaji adalah tokoh Petruk dalam wayang kulit purwa. Metode telaah yang digunakan untuk kepentingan tersebut adalah conceptual approach. Hasil kajian menunjukkan, bahwa transformasi nilai-nilai life force dalam seni dari ranah budaya mitis ke budaya ontologis dapat dilakukan jika kreator mampu menemukan, menginterpretasi, dan mengejawantahkan nilai- nilai tersebut ke dalam karya seni masa kini dengan memperhatikan tiga dasar penciptaan seni, yakni: isi, bentuk, dan penyajian karya yang kontekstual


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    Agama telah menjadi ulasan menarik disetiap negara sejak dulu kala tak terkecuali di Amerika Serikat. Agama juga seolah sudah menjadi bagian penting di dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan berbudaya. Keanekaragaman budaya yang masuk ke Amerika juga berdampak pada beragamnya kepercayaan atau agama yang ada di sana. Salah satu yang menarik adalah Komunitas Amish yang terkenal dengan kehidupannya yang sangat religius dan sederhana. Di tengah kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang sangat pesat di Amerika, komunitas Amish masih ada dengan segala nilai-nilai kehidupan religiusnya yang sangat sederhana tanpa mengindahkan kemajuan teknologi yang ada. Konsep ketuhanan yang dipercaya memicu seseorang menjadi religius kemudian membentuk komunitas yang mempunyai kepercayaan yang sama, bisa menjadi sangat kuat, berkembang dan bertahan lama. Mereka berfikir, bereaksi dan bertindak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai religius yang telah mereka terima sejak kecil hingga dewasa tanpa boleh mengajukan pertanyaan. Nilai-nilai tersebut yang mereka yakini akan mengantarkan mereka pada kehidupan terbaik di dunia maupun setelah kematian yaitu surga


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    In their daily life, Javanese society uses Javanese as a means of communication. However, because of the rapid development of communication and information technology and social needs to communicate in globalization era, Javanese societies tend to use Indonesian instead of Javanese. The result of the research by Eko Kuntarto (1999) shows that the number of Javanese speakers reduces 3.36% and that of Indonesian speakers increases 3.26%. It shows that the number of Javanese speakers decreases. The young Javanese societies (under 25 years) start to leave Javanese. The tendency to use Indonesian instead of Javanese appears in the communication among Javanese living in the cities and then those living in villages, especially the young generations. The phenomena happen because of the increasing number of bilingual Javanese-Indonesian speakers and the decrease of their consciousness and understanding of the values, cooperation, and politeness in Javanese language and culture. Many values of character education are covered in Javanese language and culture. Sindu Galba and Sumintarsih (1991: 35) mention the Javanese levels including: very polite, polite, and friendship. Sunarjo (2009: 10) states ”... the Javanese guided by Javanese culture really pay attention to the cooperative and politeness principles. The Javanese is also used to express the aesthetic feeling and as a means to transfer cultural values. The Javanese usually think of the other needs before thinking of theirs. Cooperative attitude, respecting each others, and helping each others appear in their daily life. It is line with policy maxim (Leech, 1993: 206-207) to sacrifice personal benefit for someone else’s benefits. The result of a research conducted by Eko Kuntarto (1999) reveals that politeness in Javanese society is motivated by two norms to separate humans’ right and responsibility. The two norms are cooperative and respective principles. The cooperative principle requires the Javanese not to make conclict and respective priciple requires the Javanese to show respective attitude in talking to the others. Considering the important role of Javanese language and culture in character education and building, the Javanese language and culture should be maintained by using the following ways: (1) Javanese is included in the school curriculum becasue most of the students cannot use Javanese appropriately and even think that Javanese is more difficult than English; (2) using Javanese as the only vehicle in teaching Javanese subject as English is used in teaching English subject; (3) giving homeworks to the students to create Javanese dialogues or write essays in Javanese; (4) using Javanese in their daily life in the Javanese family and society; and (5) maintaining Javanese culture as what is done by the civil servants in Solo who wear Javanese uniform on Thursdays and those in Karanganyar who speak Javanese on Wednesdays

    Pengembangan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana (Identifikasi Nilai-nilai Karakter Berbasis Budaya)

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    Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang memiliki karakter kuat bersumber dari nilai-nilai yang digali dari budaya masyarakatnya. Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal bukanlah penghambat kemajuan di era global, namun menjadi kekuatan transformasional yang luar biasa dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia sebagai modal keunggulan kompetetif dan komparatif suatu bangsa. Oleh karena itu, penggalian nilai-nilai kearifan lokal merupakan langkah strategis dalam upaya membangun karakter bangsa. Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana merupakan filosofi yang mengandung dimensi karakter secara komprehensif. Hamemayu hayuning bawana bermakna selalu mengupayakan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat dan mendorong terciptanya sikap serta perilaku hidup individu yang menekankan keselarasan manusia dengan manusia, manusia dengan alam, dan manusia dengan Allah dalam melaksanakan hidup dan kehidupan. Kata Kunci: budaya lokal, kearifan lokal, pengembangan karakter, hamemayu hayuning bawana CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM HAMEMAYU HAYUNING BAWANA(Identification of Character Values Based on Culture)Abstract: Abstract: great nation is a nation that has a strong character derived from the values exposed from the culture of the people. The values of local wisdom is not inhibiting progress in the global era, but a tremendous transformational force in improving the quality of human resources as a competitive advantage and comparative capital of a nation. Therefore, extracting the values of local wisdom is a strategic step in building national character. Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana is a philosophy that contains a comprehensive dimensional character. Hamemayu hayuning bawana means always strive to increase the welfare of the people and encouraging attitudes and behavior of individuals who emphasize the harmony between human, between human and nature, and between human and God in carrying out life and living

    Relationship of Nutritional Status with Oral Health Status in Visual Impairment

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    To analyze the relationship of nutritional status with oral health status among visual impairment. The subjects were 146 elderly people (70 males and 76 females) aged 20-72 years (mean 48.8±6.2 years), Phitsanulok, Thailand. Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) questionnaires were administered. Oral examinations investigated the number of present teeth, DMFT and Functional Tooth Units (FTUs). According to the MNA score, 44.5% of subjects were categorized as normal nutrition, 47.3% as questionable, and 8.2 % as malnutrition. The mean numbers of present teeth and FTUs were 17.8±6.9 and 6.9±3.2, respectively. Subjects with malnutrition had lower numbers of present teeth (10.7±1.4) and FTUs (4.3±1.7) than those with normal nutrition (20.2±0.7 and 12.3±0.5) (p≤0.05). Nutritional status of visual impaired Thai was associated with mean numbers of present teeth and FTUs. Keeping many natural teeth or having appropriate numbers of FTUs by replacing missing teeth with dentures would prevention malnutrition

    Simulasi Fatigue Frame Mountain Bike Dengan Variasi Bahan Dan Ketebalan Menggunakan Standar Cen 14766

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    Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang transportasi dewasa ini sangatlah pesat, salah satunya yaitu sepeda kayuh yang umum digunakan untuk lintasan offroad adalah MTB atau mountain bike karena desainnya yang mampu menerima beban static dan fatigue yang baik serta ergonomis. Tujuan dari simulasi ini adalah mengetahui distribusi tegangan fatigue dan daerah kritis dari masing-masing bahan dengan variasi ketebalan pada pipa penyusun frame sepeda MTB, mengetahui nilai minimum cycle proses uji fatigue yang dipakai dari frame sepeda MTB dan memberikan usulan perbaikan apabila hasil yang diperoleh menujukkan tidak aman. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja sepeda adalah frame atau rangka badan sepeda tersebut. Metode penelitian ini adalah melakukan variasi bahan dan ketebalan pada pipa pipa penyusun rangka frame. Variasi bahan yang digunakan adalah Steel AISI 4130 dan Aluminium AA 6061 T6 sedangkan variasi ketebalan pada pipa penyusun rangka frame adalah 1,4; 1,6 dan 1,8 (mm). Simulasi pada penelitian ini memakai standar CEN 14766 yaitu frame fatigue test with horizontal loads dan frame fatigue test with vertical loads dengan Software berbasis metode elemen hingga yang dipakai yaitu Solidworks 2015. Dalam simulasinya untuk frame fatigue test with horizontal loads gaya diberikan pada dummy fork ke arah horizontal dan fixed support terletak pada bagian rearend, sedangkan frame fatigue test with vertical loads gaya diberikan pada dummy seatpost ke arah vertikal dan fixed support juga terletak pada bagian rearend. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan nilai life minimum terkecil dalam pengujian fatigue frame with horizontal force bahan Steel sebesar 12985 pada ketebalan 1,4 mm, sedangkan nilai life nilai life minimum terkecil dalam pengujian fatigue frame with minimum dalam pengujian fatigue frame with vertical force sebesar 1.000.000 cycle pada setiap ketebalan. Untuk bahan alumunium horizontal force sebesar 257 pada ketebalan 1,4 mm, untuk pengujian fatigue frame with vertical force alumunium nilai life minimum terkecil sebesar 120433 pada ketebalan 1,4 mm. Dari hasil frame modifikasi untuk Steel didapatkan life minimum sebesar 67244 pada pembebanan horizontal, sedangkan pada pembebanan vertikal didapatkan nilai life minimum sebesar 1.000.000 cycle. Kemudian frame modifikasi untuk bahan alumunium pada pembebanan horizontal life minimum sebesar 60208 dan pada pembebanan vertikal sebesar 1.000.000 cycle. ================================================================================================================== Technological developments in the field of transport is very rapid today, one of which is a bicycle that commonly used for offroad track is MTB or mountain bike because the designs are able to receive static and fatigue loads as well as ergonomic. The purpose of this simulation was to determine the distribution of stress fatigue and critical areas of each material with thickness variation in the pipe of frame MTB, knowing the value of the minimum cycle test process fatigue wear of the bike frame MTB and give propose improvements if the results obtained showed no secure. One example of the factors that affect performance of the bike is frame or the body of bicycle. This research method is to perform the material and thickness variations in pipe which is the framework of the frame. The material Variations that used in this research is AISI 4130 Steel and Aluminum AA 6061 T6 and also variations in thickness of the pipe framework of the frame is 1.4; 1.6 and 1.8 (mm). Simulations standard in this study used CEN 14 766 which is the frame fatigue test with horizontal loads and fatigue test frames with vertical loads by finite element method-based software that used is Solidworks 2015. In the simulation for the frame fatigue test with horizontal force loads applied on the dummy fork and the direction horizontal for fixed support lies at iv rearend, while the frame fatigue test with vertical loads on the dummy seatpost is applied to the vertical direction and fixed support is also located on the rearend. Results of this study, the smallest value of life in a fatigue test frames with a horizontal force is 12985 at Steel with thickness of 1.4 mm , while the minimum value of life in a fatigue test frames with vertical force of 1,000,000 cycles at each thickness. For Aluminum material the smallest value of life in a fatigue test frames with a horizontal force of 257 at a thickness of 1.4 mm, for aluminum fatigue frame with vertical force smallest value of life is 120433 at a thickness of 1.4 mm. From the results of Steel frame modifications a minimum life is 67244 on the horizontal loading, whereas the vertical load value obtained minimum life of 1,000,000 cycles. Then from frame modifications with aluminum material on the horizontal imposition of a minimum life is 60208 and the vertical load is 1,000,000 cycles


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    Keluarga merupakan suatu lembaga sosial yang terdiri dari beberapa individu yang berinteraksi satu sama lain dan memiliki peran sosial seperti suami, istri, adik, dan kakak. Di Amerika, terdapat berbagai tipe keluarga seperti nuclear family, extended family, dan keluarga orang tua tunggal.Hal ini dapat diteliti dalam film Jersey Girl. Untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis yang baik , digunakan dua metode penelitian yaitu metode penelitian dengan studi kepustakaan dan juga metode pendekatan secara historis dan eksponensial. Dalam film tersebut digambarkan dengan jelas kehidupan sebuah keluarga ayah tunggal di Amerika yang berusaha menjalankan perannya dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai keluarga. Dan nilai kekeluargaan tersebut juga mempengaruhi hubungan antara anggota keluarga dan kondisi kehidupan sosial keluarga ayah tunggal di Amerika tersebut

    The Concept and Development of Land Value Assessment

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    Problem in land acquisition increasingly complex, this problem can be related directly to the land acquisition process from planning to project delivery, as well as indirect effects of the reasonableness of the value of the land. Land value is expected to accommodate attributes as physical development and infrastructure projects in a more comprehensive city, thus the value of the land can represent a reasonable condition and can be estimated in accordance with the development that is influenced by multiple attributes (discrete and continuous) as well as the spatial effect of the gradient measured geographical. Based on a review of empirical, conceptual and literature, the value of land is affected by several variables that can be explaned as follows: supply and demand ; highest and best use ; phisic, legal, social and economic. The method can combine the data value of the land and the land characters are more accurate and spatially, it is necessary to use Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) and Geographic Information System (GIS
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