4,145,726 research outputs found
A New Kind of Finance
Finance has benefited from the Wolfram's NKS approach but it can and will
benefit even more in the future, and the gains from the influence may actually
be concentrated among practitioners who unintentionally employ those principles
as a group.Comment: 13 pages; Forthcoming in "Irreducibility and Computational
Equivalence: 10 Years After Wolfram's A New Kind of Science," Hector Zenil,
ed., Springer Verlag, 201
‘A new kind of conversation’: Michael Chekhov's ‘turn to the crafts’
Dartington Hall, which was the home of the Chekhov Theatre Studio between 1936 and 1938, also accommodated other performing artists including the Ballets Jooss and Hans Oppenheim's music school as well as artist-craftsmen such as the painter Mark Tobey, the potter Bernard Leach and the sculptor Willi Soukop. This essay examines the training undertaken in Chekhov's studio in dialogue with the practice of these artists (who also worked with his students) and theories of practice articulated by the wider constructive movement in the arts in the 1930s. It goes on to propose that Chekhov's technique be considered as a means of achieving theatre-artistry through craftsmanship, and as an artistic technique whose reach extends far beyond the confines of actor training
A new kind of cyclic universe
Combining intervals of ekpyrotic (ultra-slow) contraction with a
(non-singular) classical bounce naturally leads to a novel cyclic theory of the
universe in which the Hubble parameter, energy density and temperature
oscillate periodically, but the scale factor grows by an exponential factor
from one cycle to the next. The resulting cosmology not only resolves the
homogeneity, isotropy, flatness and monopole problems and generates a nearly
scale invariant spectrum of density perturbations, but it also addresses a
number of age-old cosmological issues that big bang inflationary cosmology does
not. There may also be wider-ranging implications for fundamental physics,
black holes and quantum measurement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
A new kind of augmentation of filtrations
Let be a
filtered probability space satisfying the usual assumptions: it is usually not
possible to extend to (the -algebra generated by
) a coherent family of probability measures
, each of them being defined on . It is known
that for instance, on the Wiener space, this extension problem has a positive
answer if one takes the filtration generated by the coordinate process, but can
have a negative answer if one takes its usual augmentation. On the other hand,
the usual assumptions are crucial in order to obtain the existence of regular
versions of paths for most stochastic processes of interest, such as the local
time of the standard Brownian motion, stochastic integrals, etc. In order to
fix this problem, we introduce a new property for filtrations, intermediate
between the right continuity and the usual conditions. We show that most of the
important results of the theory of stochastic processes which are generally
proved under the usual augmentation, such as the existence of regular version
of trajectories or the d\'ebut theorem, still hold under the N-augmentation;
moreover this new augmentation allows the extension of a coherent family of
probability measures whenever this is possible with the original filtration.Comment: A new reference to earlier work by K. Bichteler is adde
AI: Inventing a new kind of machine.
A means-ends approach to engineering an artificial intelligence machine now suggests that we focus on the differences between human capabilities and the best computer programs. These differences suggest two basic limitations in the "symbolic" approach. First, human memory is much more than a storehouse where structures are put away, indexed, and rotely retrieved. Second, human reasoning involves more than searching, matching, and recombining previously stored descriptions of situations and action plans. Indeed, these hypotheses are related: Remembering and reasoning both involve reconceptualization. This short paper outlines recent work in situated cognition, robotics, and neural networks that suggests we frame the problem if AI in terms of inventing a new kind of machine
Justice online: a new kind of justice?
It is a fact that mediation and other alternative dispute resolution means are becoming increasingly popular. Actually, governments are encouraging people to use them instead of going to Court, as they are quicker, cheaper and more informal than trials, and can be implemented using internet. The author focus on the analysis of the structure and purposes of mediation, in particular. The paper aims to discuss and understand what kind of justice, if any, is offered by alternative dispute resolution
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