1,123,892 research outputs found
What Is New America?
A Pamphlets describing what New America is with the words : A movement dedicated to the achievement of American Unity for Democracy and Abundance. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collectio
War or Peace
Anti-war Pamphlet, 4pgs Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection, 3 page
Front Park\u27s Past and Future
Front Park is a 26-acre urban park in Buffalo, New York. The park entrance is located on Porter Avenue. The park is bounded on the west by interstate 190, on the north by the Peace Bridge truck plaza and on the north by Busti Avenue and the adjacent Columbus Park-Prospect Hill neighborhood. Front Park is part of Buffalo’s Olmsted park system. The park system takes its name from its most prominent original designer, Frederick Law Olmsted Sr., a nationally renowned landscape architect who along with his partner, Calvert Vaux, designed parks and park systems across the country, including New York City’s Central Park. Olmsted’s work in New York City garnered the attention of prominent Buffalonians, who hired him to design a park system in 1868. Buffalo’s Olmsted park system was designed over a nearly 50-year period, from 1869 to 1915
Climate change: a new avenue for IWMI?
Climate change, Assessment, Drought, Models
Review of: The Ethics of Reproductive Technology (Kenneth D. Alpern ed., Oxford University Press 1992)
Review of: The Ethics of Reproductive Technology (Kenneth D. Alpern ed., Oxford University Press 1992). Additional readings, glossary, introduction, notes, preface. LC 92-8252; ISBN 0-19-507435-1. [370 pp. Paper $19.95. 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016.
Book Review
Review of: MARY R. ENGLISH, SITING LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES: THE PUBLIC POLICY DILEMMA. (Quorum Books 1992) [278 pp.], Appendices, index, introduction, references. LC-91-42774; ISBN 0-89930-560-1. [$49.95 cloth. One Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010.
Oxford Avenue Sewer Extension Project in the City of Portsmouth
Financial support provided by the New Hampshire Estuaries Project (NHEP) to the City of Portsmouth helped with the cost of installing a new sewer line at Oxford Avenue that replaced the on-site subsurface disposal systems (septic systems) for fourteen homes. The homes border the Great Bog and Pickering Creek watersheds. The construction occurred during the autumn of 2004
Review of: Sharon M. Friedman et al. eds., Communicating Uncertainty
A review of the book Communicating Uncertainty: Media Coverage of New and Controversial Science (Sharon M. Friedman, Sharon Dunwoody & Carol L. Rogers, eds.; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1999). Preface, introduction. ISBN 0-8058-2728-5 [261 pp. $32.50. Paperback, 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262]
Book Review
Review of: JOHN HARRIS, WONDERWOMAN AND SUPERMAN: THE ETHICS OF HUMAN BIOTECHNOLOGY. (Oxford University Press 1992) [271 pp.] Acknowledgements, further reading, index, introduction, notes. LC 91-23939; ISBN 0-19-2177540-0. [$22.95 cloth. 200 Madison Avenue; New York NY 10016.
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