2,465 research outputs found
Neverbalna komunikacija
Tema ovog rada je analiza neverbalne komunikacije među ljudima, koji su oblici neverbalne komunikacije, njen način proučavanja kroz povijest, koje su njene glavne karakteristike i funkcije te prednosti i nedostaci. Na kraju rada su predstavljeni oblici primarnog istraživanja provedenog putem anketnog upitnika o poznavanju neverbalnih znakova kako bi se donio zaključak o tome kako neverbalni izričaj utječe na stvaranje općeg dojma o govorniku i koliko je poznavanje te pravilna interpretacija neverbalnog izražavanja važna u svakodnevnom životu
Neverbalna komunikacija u razredu
When it comes to communication, language allows people to communicate with great precision as it represents an important tool of communication. However, it is not always the most important one and it is often said that how people act is more important than what they say. If our nonverbal communication is not aligned with the words we have spoken, our message will be misinterpreted. Majority of messages we exchange with people around us have a nonverbal component to them. We are often unaware of both our as well as of other people’s nonverbal communication since it consists of numerous channels or subcodes, such as proxemics, haptics, physical appearance, kinesics, vocalics, and many other. When children reach school age, a whole new world of communication opens to them and they also learn how to express themselves. Therefore, teachers must be able to approach children on their level of communication, and one way to do it is via nonverbal communication. Every skillful teacher must be aware of his/her nonverbal communication. Despite the fact that it is not easily controlled, nonverbal behaviour plays an important role in teaching process. Bearing in mind the power of this type of communication, the aim of this thesis is to give an overview of the forms of possible teachers’ nonverbal communication behaviours and the effects they have on students’ success, especially in light of the fact that teachers play an important role in raising children, not just educating them
Stilovi poslovne komunikacije u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj
Komunikacija je proces u kojem poruka putuje od pošiljatelja prema primatelju poruke krozneki kanal i uz neke šumove. Dvije su osnovne vrste komunikacije: verbalna i neverbalna.Ovaj rad bavi se komunikacijskim stilovima čija je osnovna razdioba na agresivan, pasivan,pasivno-agresivan i asertivan stil. Asertivan stil predstavlja komunikaciju ja-porukama,odnosno porukama kojima se iznose vlastita zapažanja, osjećaji i viđenja situacija s jasnomporukom, smisleno i bez namjere da se povrijedi aktivan slušatelj. Komunikacijski stilovi uposlovanju također se mogu podijeliti u ove četiri kategorije, a radno sposobni stanovnicisjevera Republike Hrvatske prema istraživanju provedenom na uzorku od sto osoba služe seasertivnim stilom u poslovnoj komunikaciji.Communication is the process in which one or more messages travel from it's sender to therecipient of that message - through some kind of channel and with some noise. There are twobasic types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. This paper focuses on communicationstyles, whose main distribution in an aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and assertivestyle. Assertive communication style represents I-messages, or messages that express theirown observations, feelings and perceptions of the situation with a clear meaningful messageand without intent to injure an active listener.Communication styles in the business can also be divided into these four categories. Theworking-age residents of the north of the Croatia according to a study conducted on a sampleof 100 people are used to assertive style in business communication
Relation of paralinguistic elements and nonverbal signals in communication
U radu se opisuje i kategorizira neverbalna komunikacija na primjeru dviju emisija, radijskoj – Brtva glave i televizijskoj – Svaki dan dobar dan. Neverbalna se komunikacija u radijskoj emisiji prati vlastitim prisustvovanjem u studiju i snimanjem vlastitom kamerom. U prvom se dijelu rada određuju ključni pojmovi: komunikacija, neverbalna komunikacija, paralingvistička sredstava, neverbalni znakovi, uljudnost i kontekst, a u drugome se dijelu opisuju sastavnice neverbalne komunikacije u tematiziranim emisijama. Opisuju se paralingvistička sredstva poput boje glasa, tona i tempa te vrste neverbalnih znakova poput gesta i mimike. Na kraju analize promatraju se učinci uljudnosti u komunikaciji voditelja. Cilj je rada prikazati na koji način neverbalna komunikacija pridonosi komuniciranju uopće te utvrditi u kakvome odnosu stoje njezine sastavnice spram sugovornika i spram verbalne sastavnice jezika
Neverbalna komunikacija u razredu
When it comes to communication, language allows people to communicate with great precision as it represents an important tool of communication. However, it is not always the most important one and it is often said that how people act is more important than what they say. If our nonverbal communication is not aligned with the words we have spoken, our message will be misinterpreted. Majority of messages we exchange with people around us have a nonverbal component to them. We are often unaware of both our as well as of other people’s nonverbal communication since it consists of numerous channels or subcodes, such as proxemics, haptics, physical appearance, kinesics, vocalics, and many other. When children reach school age, a whole new world of communication opens to them and they also learn how to express themselves. Therefore, teachers must be able to approach children on their level of communication, and one way to do it is via nonverbal communication. Every skillful teacher must be aware of his/her nonverbal communication. Despite the fact that it is not easily controlled, nonverbal behaviour plays an important role in teaching process. Bearing in mind the power of this type of communication, the aim of this thesis is to give an overview of the forms of possible teachers’ nonverbal communication behaviours and the effects they have on students’ success, especially in light of the fact that teachers play an important role in raising children, not just educating them
Neverbalna signalizacija u televizijskoj emisiji Red Carpet
U radu se razmatra neverbalna komunikacija te posebno različite njezine manifestacije kao što su položaj tijela, mimika, dodiri, mirisi ili posebni zvukovi. Promatrajući goste i voditelje televizijske emisije Red Carpet, analizirani su različiti neverbalni signali u realnim uvjetima te je pokazano da je neverbalna komunikacija ponekad važniji od verbalne
Neverbalna komunikacija u vrtiću
Con questo lavoro si voleva evidenziare l’importanza della comunicazione non verbale nella scuola dell’infanzia. Infatti, capire e prestare attenzione al linguaggio segreto della comunicazione non verbale, aiuta a sentirsi più vicini ai bambini e, di conseguenza, poterli accompagnare e guidare meglio nel loro sviluppo. Attraverso il linguaggio non verbale il bambino ci rivela, non solo i propri pensieri, ma anche i suoi timori, i suoi conflitti più profondi, i suoi bisogni e i desideri nascosti. Molti manuali parlano dell’importanza della comunicazione verbale, tuttavia la parola è solamente una piccolissima parte della comunicazione. Infatti, la maggior parte della comunicazione riguarda i gesti, gli sguardi, la postura, il tono della voce, la mimica facciale, lo spazio comunicativo e altro perché anche quando il bambino comincia a pronunciare parole e frasi, il linguaggio segreto della comunicazione non verbale continua a essere alla base dell’interazione comunicativa. Nella tesi ho trattato l’analisi della comunicazione e del linguaggio del bambino, l’atto comunicativo (con il suo meccanismo) e analizzato le fasi precoci del linguaggio (da neonato a 6 anni) e la comunicazione non verbale. Ho riportato vari cenni storici sullo studio della CNV e parlato dell’efficacia e l’importanza della comunicazione non verbale e delle sue molteplici funzioni. Un’attenzione particolare è stata dedicata alle espressioni del volto analizzate attraverso delle foto di bambini e all’importanza della comunicazione non verbale nella scuola dell’infanzia. Nella seconda parte della tesi ho proposto alcune attività accomunate dall’obiettivo di far conoscere, riconoscere e rafforzare la comunicazione non verbale nei bambini. Tutte le attività presentate sono state testate da me, nei vari gruppi alla scuola dell’infanzia dove ho lavorato (Cittanova). Nel loro svolgimento sono state prese in considerazione l’età e le esigenze dei vari gruppi.This thesis aims to make everyone aware of the importance of non-verbal communication in preschool institutions/kindergartens. The complete content is dedicated to both children and teachers/educators. In fact, understanding and paying attention to the secret and hidden language of non verbal communication, helps to get and feel closer to the children and consequently to guide them better in their further development. This secret language reveals not only what the child thinks, but his fears, his deepest conflicts, his hidden needs and desires too. There are many manuals explaining the importance of verbal communication, but the pronounced word is only a very small part of communication. In fact, the word communication includes gestures, looks, posture, tone of voice, and much more than only pronounced words. My intention is to underline the fact that even when the child begins to pronounce words and phrases, the secret language of nonverbal communication continues to be the basis and a really important part of communication generally intended. Before I came to this conclusion (mentioned above), I had to start from the basis. I started my thesis, therefore, with an analysis of child communication and language. That way, I treated the act of communication (with its mechanism) and analyzed the early language phases in children (from newborn to children aged six). After this brief introduction I could deal with nonverbal communication. I have reported various historical facts about it and have underlined the effectiveness and importance of nonverbal communication. I have exposed its components and several functions. Particular attention was given to face expressions. I have analyzed and demonstrated some of the expressions we see in children with the help of photos. I concluded the first part of the thesis with the importance of non-verbal communication for the kindergarten child. In the second part of this thesis I have proposed some of the activities that aim to make known, recognize and strengthen non-verbal communication in children. They have been tested by me in the kindergarten where I worked (Novigrad). The activities were ideated with much attention and focus on children's age and needs. In response, a huge amount and variety of results were given. The activities proposed were: Game of the mime; Happy, sad, angry!; The die of feelings; The mute film; The wheel of emotions; The music of the body; All at the theater!; Bigface.Svrha i cilj ovog završnog rada je upoznavanje i isticanje važnosti neverbalne komunikacije kod djece u predškolskim ustanovama. Od velikog je značaja za djecu i odgojitelje razumjeti i pažljivo pratiti neverbalnu komunikaciju kod djece što omogućava uspostavljanje boljeg kontakta s djecom te mogućnost efikasnijeg praćenja pojedinog djeteta u njegovom razvoju. Neverbalna komunikacija otkriva, ne samo misli djeteta, već i njegovu nesigurnost, strah, interne sukobe, potrebe i skrivene želje. Mnogi priručnici ukazuju na važnost verbalne komunikacije, međutim riječ pokriva samo mali dio komunikacije. Naime, ostatak komunikacije odnosi se na pokrete, poglede, držanje, tonove glasa itd. Istaknula bih da i onda kada dijete počinje izgovarati riječi i rečenice, neverbalna komunikacija ostaje i dalje temeljem komunikacije. U drugom dijelu rada ponudila sam nekoliko aktivnosti s ciljem upoznavanja, prepoznavanja i jačanja neverbalne komunikacije. Sve ove aktivnosti testirala sam u praksi, uz pomoć odgojiteljica raznih grupa, u vrtiću gdje sam radila. Aktivnosti su prilagođene dobi djece i njihovim potrebama, te su i rezultati bili raznovrsni. U teorijskom dijelu rada govorila sam o mehanizmu komunikacije, analizirala faze ranog govora djeteta (od novorođenča do 6 godina), historijski obradila razvoj neverbalne komunikacije te istaknula njezinu efikasnost i važnost. Posebnu pažnju pridala sam facijalnoj ekspresiji i analizi izraza lica kroz fotografije i važnosti neverbalne komunikacije kod djece predškolskog uzrasta. U drugom dijelu radnje ponudila sam nekoliko aktivnosti za rad s djecom u cilju boljeg poznavanja, prepoznavanja i jačanja neverbalne komunikacije. Sve sam aktivnosti testirala u vrtiću gdje sam radila (Novigrad). Aktivnosti su odabrane vodeći računa o dobi djece i njihovim potrebama pa su i rezultati raznovrsni
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