573,662 research outputs found

    Penerapan Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio (Moora) Dalam Penentuan Asisten Laboratorium

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    Penerimaan asisten laboratorim merupakan tahap proses perekrutan yang dilakukan oleh penanggung jawab lab, terdapat beberapa kriteria yang dijadikan patokan penilaian dari kualifikasi masing-masing calon asisten yang melamar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Meotde Multi-Objective Optimization on The Basis Of Ratio (MOORA) dalam penentuan aisten laboratorium. Terdapat 3 kriteria yaitu Nilai Ujian, Indeks Prestasi dan Semester. Alternatif dengan rangking nomor 1 merupakan alternatif dengan nilai tertinggi pada perhitungan Metode Moor

    Multi-objective optimization shapes ecological variation

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    Ecological systems contain a huge amount of quantitative variation between and within species and locations, which makes it difficult to obtain unambiguous verification of theoretical predictions. Ordinary experiments consider just a few explanatory factors and are prone to providing oversimplified answers because they ignore the complexity of the factors that underlie variation. We used multi-objective optimization (MO) for a mechanistic analysis of the potential ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of variation in the life-history traits of a species of moth. Optimal life-history solutions were sought for environmental conditions where different life stages of the moth were subject to predation and other known fitness-reducing factors in a manner that was dependent on the duration of these life stages and on variable mortality rates. We found that multi-objective optimal solutions to these conditions that the moths regularly experience explained most of the life-history variation within this species. Our results demonstrate that variation can have a causal interpretation even for organisms under steady conditions. The results suggest that weather and species interactions can act as underlying causes of variation, and MO acts as a corresponding adaptive mechanism that maintains variation in the traits of organisms

    Robust multi-objective optimization in product development with respect to user-scenario and manufacturing uncertainties

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    In product development, user-scenarios are a way of tailoring requirements to defined customer groups. Furthermore, a product design often involves multiple conflicting objectives that are analyzed within an iterative process. The models typically used for the analysis often do not accurately reflect the real-world representation. This can be alleviated by finding robust product designs. While usually uncertainties due to manufacturing tolerances are investigated, we additionally consider uncertainties in the user-scenario. Therefore, we present a robustness evaluation in a multi-objective numerical optimization in product development. For this, we consider manufacturing tolerances using an adjusted Latin Hypercube Sampling as well as deviations in the user-scenario by means of a Gaussian distribution. In the case study, we present the robust development of a customer specific coffee machine, where we show the robustness evaluation and the impact of the proposed adjustments. The advantage of the presented process is a product design tailored to the customer's requirements under specified uncertainties. In addition, this enables a time benefit in the product development due to the automated analysis used in the optimization

    Hybrid multi-objective network planning optimization algorithm

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