186,511 research outputs found
Design of Force Meter for Traction Unit
Force gauge is an instrument used to measure the force on the traction unit. The purpose of this study is made a force gauge meter which used during traction operation. The main component of this force gauge meter is Atmega 328, HX711 module and Loadcell type S sensor. The mikrokontroller Atmega 328 is the main board. Loadcell type S used to detect the force of traction, and the module HX711 is used to amplify the output of the loadcell sensor. In this study, the measurements were performed in the hospital. The error of this design is 0.01% and 4.8% for minimum and maximum, respectively. The force gauge designed portable and comes with a battery indicator
The Design of CC1101 Wireless Sensor Module Based on RTOS
The wireless sensor module is the foundation of Internet of Things (IOT) bottom node, the wireless sensor module mainly completes the data acquisition, the intermittent type work, uses the battery power supply generally, must have the extremely low power loss. This article through an example for designing the wireless sensor module completes data acquisition, aimed at its low power loss request, defining the technology used in hardware design
Report of the sensor readout electronics panel
The findings of the Sensor Readout Electronics Panel are summarized in regard to technology assessment and recommended development plans. In addition to two specific readout issues, cryogenic readouts and sub-electron noise, the panel considered three advanced technology areas that impact the ability to achieve large format sensor arrays. These are mega-pixel focal plane packaging issues, focal plane to data processing module interfaces, and event driven readout architectures. Development in each of these five areas was judged to have significant impact in enabling the sensor performance desired for the Astrotech 21 mission set. Other readout issues, such as focal plane signal processing or other high volume data acquisition applications important for Eos-type mapping, were determined not to be relevant for astrophysics science goals
4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator
Thermocouple (Thermocouple) is a type of temperature sensor used to detect or measure temperature through two types of metal conductors, whose working principle is that each end of a metal conductor is combined to create a "Thermoelectric" effect. One type of metal conductor contained in a thermocouple will serve as a reference with a constant temperature (fixed), while a metal conductor functions as a metal conductor that detects hot temperatures. Sterilisator is a device used to sterilize medical instruments to avoid the bacteria that attach to the remainder of the use of medical instruments. The temperature of the sterilizer varies but generally for dry sterilizers ranges from 175 ° Celsius. From the above problems, the author wants to develop a "4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator", Using the Arduino Nano Atmega328 as a minimum system, K type thermocouple and MAX6675 module as a sensor. Measurements were made by comparing modules with standard measuring instruments, obtained the smallest error 0.2% at T3 and T4 when measuring 100 ° C, and the largest 4.4% at T2 when measuring 150 ° C
Process Control and Transducer Module DL2314 type is a De Lorenzo manufactured module that made for control process training that are one set sensor and actuator for the level (height), pressure, temperature and flow. In this module also included a controller module that for controlled actuator based on sensor. This controller module has PID controller which can be used to do some experiments that using sensors in this modul DL2314. This Final Project was used PLC to replace function of control from controller module in DL2314 module, especially on level sensor. PLC that used in this Final Project is PLC Omron CS1H, while the control method that used is fuzzy Logic and PID. The Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in this PLC has a better respond than PID. It looked from the data test result. PID use a controller module DL2314 or PID(190) function on ladder diagram. Although that was error made was bigger than both of them, this fuzzy controller has a high stability level and fast time respond to reach setpoint. In this Final Project it could be resumed that the implementation of fuzzy logic and method and PID can be implemented on PLC, especially PLC Omron CS1H. For PID using PID (190) function on ladder diagram and Fuzzy Logic also using the combination of ladder diagram
Investigation of the response of high-bandwidth MOX sensors to gas plumes for application on a mobile robot in hazardous environments
A custom sensor module has been developed comprising high-bandwidth metal oxide (MOX), low-cost non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) and miniature solidly mounted resonator (SMR) acoustic sensors for use on a mobile exploration robot. The module has been tested in a wind tunnel in order to evaluate the performance of three MOX sensors (with coatings of PdPt SnO2, WO3 and NiO) to plumes of 2-propanol (concentration < 2.5 ppm). The formation of the VOC (volatile organic compound) plumes was verified through mapping of sensor responses across a grid of 9 positions in the wind tunnel. Fluctuating sensor responses were observed (±5%), demonstrating variation of VOC concentration within the gas plumes. Higher sensor responses were demonstrated with the n-type SnO2 and WO3 based devices (80% and 40% change relative to baseline, respectively) compared to the p-type NiO device (10%). Short plumes of VOC demonstrated the effect of gas pulse broadening, where longer duration responses (10% greater) were observed at locations further from the VOC source (∼0.4 m distance variation tested). Finally, the module was tested in a real-world environment, where plumes of VOC were observed using the MOX sensors and verified using a commercial Photoionization Detector (PID)
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A Novel Wireless Mobile Platform to Locate and Gather Data From Optical Fiber Sensors Integrated Into a WSN
This paper presents a novel design for a wireless mobile platform to locate and gather data from different types of optical fiber sensors, thereby enabling the more effective integration of a number of such optical fiber sensors with an advanced mobile wireless sensor network (WSN). This then more readily permits potential applications, such as monitoring in remote and harsh environments and tracking, exploiting fully the combined advantages offered both by the mobile WSN and the advanced optical fiber sensing technologies. The platform which was designed and implemented consists of an optical fiber sensor module and a smart mobile WSN module, which shows important advantages for mobile sensing and tracking and mesh networking. In this paper, a fiber Bragg grating-based temperature sensor and an intrinsic pH optical fiber sensor were specially designed and integrated successfully into the optical fiber sensor module as an exemplar to investigate the performance of the integrated system based on themobile WSN platform. The positive experimental results obtained have confirmed the functionality of the platform designed and demonstrated its capacity for real-time optical fiber sensor data monitoring, processing, and wireless transmission. The successful creation of this type of wireless mobile platform with optical fiber sensors can thus be expected to make an important impact on a number of sectors, where either conventional optical sensor designs or WSNs alone cannot meet the systems requirements
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