114,339 research outputs found
CRISPR for Bio-Art?
Es el resumen de mi ponencia oral (seleccionada entre todas las propuestas recibidas de todo el mundo, siendo una de las 12 únicas comunicaciones orales y la única con representante español en dicho Simposio).This communication will explain the biotechnological procedure of gene edition based on CRISPR and will discuss the implications that its use could have in the bioartistic praxis. A metaphorical figure has been produced for this communication by Mr. José Joaquín Serrano (who is a Graduate in Biology and Master in Cell and Molecular Biology and currently is working in synthetic biology projects) to illustrate my reasoning on the topic. The figure has been entitled " Art CRISPRarty: From Lab to Louvre". The Figure is a metaphorical image of the potential of CRISPR gene editing technology to boost new radical trends of bio-art.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Metaphor is an intellectual medium that differentiates the language from other communicative means. It is a vivid proof that the language is a social phenomenon. This mentality is distinguished from other mentalities, with the ability to manifest itself in a material way. In metaphorical thinking, it sees the harmony between events and phenomena and in this way separates the important ones for itself and the listener – a new image. In this image, the contrast between old times creates a new whole.Keywords: metaphor, discourse, thinking, memory, mentality, language, speech, linguistic metaphor, speech metaphor, computer linguistics, corpora analysis, metaphorical discourse
Structural and Contextual Frameworks: Distinguishing Literal from Metaphorical Depictions of Exaggerated Size
In 2016, the authors proposed the Contextual Framework and Structural Framework for understanding pictorial metaphors. These two dichotomous frameworks are especially useful for assessing the apprehension by viewers of pictorial devices that can be used either literally or metaphorically. One such pictorial device is exaggerated size—that is, depicting objects as being overly large. This pictorial device can be used metaphorically (e.g., to indicate importance) or literally (e.g., to depict a giant). We analyze three comic book covers from the Silver Age of American comic books using both frameworks to illustrate how observers distinguish metaphoric pictorial devices from literal ones
The Translation Strategies of Metaphors in the Movies Mulan and Moana
This study analyzes the metaphor in the movies Mulan and Moana. The objectives of this research are to identify the strategy in the translation of metaphor and to explain the motive in using the translation strategy. This research employs several theories such as Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) theory to identify the metaphor, Newmark’s (1988) theory to categorize the translation strategy. The result of this study shows that out of seven strategies, three strategies are employed to translate the metaphor in the movies. Those strategies are 1) reproducing the same image as the source language, 2) replacing the image into a different image in the target language, and 3) converting the image into sense. The strategy of reproducing the same image is used when the metaphorical image is acceptable in the target language. The strategy of replacing the image into a different image is employed when the SL image is uncommon and there is an equal image in the target language. When the metaphorical image is not familiar and there is no equal image in the target language, converting the image into the sense is applied in translating the metaphor
Foreignization in news translation : metaphors in Russian translation on the news translation website InoSMI
L’emploi métaphorique est récurrent dans les textes à caractère journalistique. Cet article étudie la façon dont les traductions russes de textes originaux traitent les expressions métaphoriques et vise à circonscrire les stratégies traductives utilisées. Dans une première étape, nous avons constitué un double corpus de soixante articles originaux en anglais, néerlandais ou finnois accompagnés de leur traduction russe. La comparaison des métaphores identifiées dans les textes sources avec leurs équivalents russes permet ensuite de déterminer dans quelle mesure certaines images acquièrent dans le texte cible un degré d’étrangeté absent dans le texte original. La dernière phase de l’enquête consiste en l’analyse des cas exotisants afin de préciser la motivation qui explique le recours à cette stratégie traductive. L’article montre comment, dans un certain nombre de contextes spécifiques, le procédé d’exotisation garde en effet la trace de points de vue occidentaux sur des sujets concernant la Russie, plus particulièrement lorsque les métaphores des textes sources font affleurer une interprétation critique de la société russe, de la structure de l’État ou de ses dirigeants.Journalistic texts, as a rule, contain a considerable number of metaphorically used expressions. This paper investigates the handling of metaphors in Russian translations of journalistic texts in order to reveal the different translation strategies used by the translators. The research is conducted in three consecutive steps. First, we identify all metaphors in a twofold corpus of 60 original Dutch, English and Finnish newspaper articles on the one hand, and their corresponding 60 translations into Russian on the other. Secondly, we compare the use of metaphors in the translations with their source texts in order to establish the translation strategies and to determine to which extent the metaphorical expressions in the target texts display a higher degree of foreignness than those used in the source texts. Finally, we analyze the cases of foreignization in the target texts in order to find an explanation for the use of this translation strategy. The investigation shows how foreignization is adopted by the translators in a certain number of specific contexts, making the Western discourse on Russian subjects more visible to the reader, especially in these cases where the source text contains metaphors that suggest a critical interpretation of the Russian state, society or the leaders of the country
Social Conflict through Conceptual Metaphor in Media Discourse
AbstractThe article deals with the problem of metaphorical modeling of social conflict in Russian media discourse. News and analytical texts of newspapers and news agencies, telling about the conflict in Greece are analyzed. The conflict components metaphorically represented in media discourse are sorted out and studied. The ways of social conflict metaphorical interpretation and shaping of its image within the framework of conceptual metaphors are described
A Castaway’s Look. The Writing of the Wreck-Metaphor in Catherine Pozzi’s Diaries
French poet and writer Catherine Pozzi is a remarkable figure of the late 19th century and the period between the World Wars In 1893 at the age of 13 she won a little notebook from her grandmother and started a diarywriting practice she maintained until the end of her life except for a few interruptions This research stands at the intersection between intellectual history and literary studies It is focused on the role played by the castaway image developed by Pozzi as a self-reflexive construction in her diary As a reflexive and metaphorical image her castaway s wreck draws from three main motifs which are noticeable in her self-referential discourse the sadness of an ill-fated love affair with one of the most celebrated men of French intelligentsia namely Paul Val ry the impact of tuberculosis on her body and a frustrated intellectual vocation Based on Hans Blumenberg s views about metaphors and dialoguing with his theoretical construction I sought to understand how a self-referential statement acts on a discourse by resorting to the textual composition of a metaphorical image in order to be capable of representing the experience of a painfully stimulated conscience This image emerges as an intimate and unique element which can be interpreted as Pozzi s entries accept the wreck image as the reflexive form of a metaphorical destin
Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Classical Theory: Affinities Rather than Divergences
Conceptual Metaphor Theory makes some strong claims against so-called Classical Theory which spans the accounts of metaphors from Aristotle to Davidson. Most of these theories, because of their traditional literal-metaphorical distinction, fail to take into account the phenomenon of conceptual metaphor. I argue that the underlying mechanism for explaining metaphor bears some striking resemblances among all of these theories. A mapping between two structures is always expressed. Conceptual Metaphor Theory insists, however, that the literal-metaphorical distinction of Classical Theories is empirically wrong. I claim that this criticism is based rather on terminological decisions than on empirical issues. Conceptual Metaphor Theory focusses primarily on conventional metaphors and struggles to extend its mechanism to novel metaphors, whereas Classical Theories focus on novel metaphors and struggle to extend their mechanisms to conventional metaphors. Since all of these theories study metaphors from the synchronic point of view, they are unable to take into account any semantic change. A diachronic perspective is what we need here, one which would allow us to explain the role of metaphor in semantic change and the development of language in general
Metaphor in Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Science
This article surveys theories of metaphor in analytic philosophy and cognitive science. In particular, it focuses on contemporary semantic, pragmatic and non-cognitivist theories of linguistic metaphor and on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory advanced by George Lakoff and his school. Special attention is given to the mechanisms that are shared by nearly all these approaches, i.e. mechanisms of interaction and mapping between conceptual domains. Finally, the article discusses several recent attempts to combine these theories of linguistic and conceptual metaphor into a unitary account
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