4,433,370 research outputs found
Complex Random Vectors and ICA Models: Identifiability, Uniqueness and Separability
In this paper the conditions for identifiability, separability and uniqueness
of linear complex valued independent component analysis (ICA) models are
established. These results extend the well-known conditions for solving
real-valued ICA problems to complex-valued models. Relevant properties of
complex random vectors are described in order to extend the Darmois-Skitovich
theorem for complex-valued models. This theorem is used to construct a proof of
a theorem for each of the above ICA model concepts. Both circular and
noncircular complex random vectors are covered. Examples clarifying the above
concepts are presented.Comment: To appear in IEEE TR-IT March 200
A Hierarchy of Information Quantities for Finite Block Length Analysis of Quantum Tasks
We consider two fundamental tasks in quantum information theory, data
compression with quantum side information as well as randomness extraction
against quantum side information. We characterize these tasks for general
sources using so-called one-shot entropies. We show that these
characterizations - in contrast to earlier results - enable us to derive tight
second order asymptotics for these tasks in the i.i.d. limit. More generally,
our derivation establishes a hierarchy of information quantities that can be
used to investigate information theoretic tasks in the quantum domain: The
one-shot entropies most accurately describe an operational quantity, yet they
tend to be difficult to calculate for large systems. We show that they
asymptotically agree up to logarithmic terms with entropies related to the
quantum and classical information spectrum, which are easier to calculate in
the i.i.d. limit. Our techniques also naturally yields bounds on operational
quantities for finite block lengths.Comment: See also arXiv:1208.1400, which independently derives part of our
result: the second order asymptotics for binary hypothesis testin
Achievable Rates for K-user Gaussian Interference Channels
The aim of this paper is to study the achievable rates for a user
Gaussian interference channels for any SNR using a combination of lattice and
algebraic codes. Lattice codes are first used to transform the Gaussian
interference channel (G-IFC) into a discrete input-output noiseless channel,
and subsequently algebraic codes are developed to achieve good rates over this
new alphabet. In this context, a quantity called efficiency is introduced which
reflects the effectiveness of the algebraic coding strategy. The paper first
addresses the problem of finding high efficiency algebraic codes. A combination
of these codes with Construction-A lattices is then used to achieve non trivial
rates for the original Gaussian interference channel.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201
Sum-Rate Maximization in Two-Way AF MIMO Relaying: Polynomial Time Solutions to a Class of DC Programming Problems
Sum-rate maximization in two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) relaying belongs to the class of difference-of-convex
functions (DC) programming problems. DC programming problems occur as well in
other signal processing applications and are typically solved using different
modifications of the branch-and-bound method. This method, however, does not
have any polynomial time complexity guarantees. In this paper, we show that a
class of DC programming problems, to which the sum-rate maximization in two-way
MIMO relaying belongs, can be solved very efficiently in polynomial time, and
develop two algorithms. The objective function of the problem is represented as
a product of quadratic ratios and parameterized so that its convex part (versus
the concave part) contains only one (or two) optimization variables. One of the
algorithms is called POlynomial-Time DC (POTDC) and is based on semi-definite
programming (SDP) relaxation, linearization, and an iterative search over a
single parameter. The other algorithm is called RAte-maximization via
Generalized EigenvectorS (RAGES) and is based on the generalized eigenvectors
method and an iterative search over two (or one, in its approximate version)
optimization variables. We also derive an upper-bound for the optimal values of
the corresponding optimization problem and show by simulations that this
upper-bound can be achieved by both algorithms. The proposed methods for
maximizing the sum-rate in the two-way AF MIMO relaying system are shown to be
superior to other state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to the IEEE Trans. Signal Processing
in Nov. 201
A joint time-invariant filtering approach to the linear Gaussian relay problem
In this paper, the linear Gaussian relay problem is considered. Under the
linear time-invariant (LTI) model the problem is formulated in the frequency
domain based on the Toeplitz distribution theorem. Under the further assumption
of realizable input spectra, the LTI Gaussian relay problem is converted to a
joint design problem of source and relay filters under two power constraints,
one at the source and the other at the relay, and a practical solution to this
problem is proposed based on the projected subgradient method. Numerical
results show that the proposed method yields a noticeable gain over the
instantaneous amplify-and-forward (AF) scheme in inter-symbol interference
(ISI) channels. Also, the optimality of the AF scheme within the class of
one-tap relay filters is established in flat-fading channels.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure
Decision Fusion in Space-Time Spreading aided Distributed MIMO WSNs
In this letter, we propose space-time spreading (STS) of local sensor
decisions before reporting them over a wireless multiple access channel (MAC),
in order to achieve flexible balance between diversity and multiplexing gain as
well as eliminate any chance of intrinsic interference inherent in MAC
scenarios. Spreading of the sensor decisions using dispersion vectors exploits
the benefits of multi-slot decision to improve low-complexity diversity gain
and opportunistic throughput. On the other hand, at the receive side of the
reporting channel, we formulate and compare optimum and sub-optimum fusion
rules for arriving at a reliable conclusion.Simulation results demonstrate gain
in performance with STS aided transmission from a minimum of 3 times to a
maximum of 6 times over performance without STS.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Incremental Relaying for the Gaussian Interference Channel with a Degraded Broadcasting Relay
This paper studies incremental relay strategies for a two-user Gaussian
relay-interference channel with an in-band-reception and
out-of-band-transmission relay, where the link between the relay and the two
receivers is modelled as a degraded broadcast channel. It is shown that
generalized hash-and-forward (GHF) can achieve the capacity region of this
channel to within a constant number of bits in a certain weak relay regime,
where the transmitter-to-relay link gains are not unboundedly stronger than the
interference links between the transmitters and the receivers. The GHF relaying
strategy is ideally suited for the broadcasting relay because it can be
implemented in an incremental fashion, i.e., the relay message to one receiver
is a degraded version of the message to the other receiver. A
generalized-degree-of-freedom (GDoF) analysis in the high signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) regime reveals that in the symmetric channel setting, each common relay
bit can improve the sum rate roughly by either one bit or two bits
asymptotically depending on the operating regime, and the rate gain can be
interpreted as coming solely from the improvement of the common message rates,
or alternatively in the very weak interference regime as solely coming from the
rate improvement of the private messages. Further, this paper studies an
asymmetric case in which the relay has only a single single link to one of the
destinations. It is shown that with only one relay-destination link, the
approximate capacity region can be established for a larger regime of channel
parameters. Further, from a GDoF point of view, the sum-capacity gain due to
the relay can now be thought as coming from either signal relaying only, or
interference forwarding only.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theor
Low-Complexity LP Decoding of Nonbinary Linear Codes
Linear Programming (LP) decoding of Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes has
attracted much attention in the research community in the past few years. LP
decoding has been derived for binary and nonbinary linear codes. However, the
most important problem with LP decoding for both binary and nonbinary linear
codes is that the complexity of standard LP solvers such as the simplex
algorithm remains prohibitively large for codes of moderate to large block
length. To address this problem, two low-complexity LP (LCLP) decoding
algorithms for binary linear codes have been proposed by Vontobel and Koetter,
henceforth called the basic LCLP decoding algorithm and the subgradient LCLP
decoding algorithm.
In this paper, we generalize these LCLP decoding algorithms to nonbinary
linear codes. The computational complexity per iteration of the proposed
nonbinary LCLP decoding algorithms scales linearly with the block length of the
code. A modified BCJR algorithm for efficient check-node calculations in the
nonbinary basic LCLP decoding algorithm is also proposed, which has complexity
linear in the check node degree.
Several simulation results are presented for nonbinary LDPC codes defined
over Z_4, GF(4), and GF(8) using quaternary phase-shift keying and
8-phase-shift keying, respectively, over the AWGN channel. It is shown that for
some group-structured LDPC codes, the error-correcting performance of the
nonbinary LCLP decoding algorithms is similar to or better than that of the
min-sum decoding algorithm.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201
Fuzzy-model-based robust fault detection with stochastic mixed time-delays and successive packet dropouts
This is the Post-Print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 IEEEThis paper is concerned with the network-based robust fault detection problem for a class of uncertain discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems with stochastic mixed time delays and successive packet dropouts. The mixed time delays comprise both the multiple discrete time delays and the infinite distributed delays. A sequence of stochastic variables is introduced to govern the random occurrences of the discrete time delays, distributed time delays, and successive packet dropouts, where all the stochastic variables are mutually independent but obey the Bernoulli distribution. The main purpose of this paper is to design a fuzzy fault detection filter such that the overall fault detection dynamics is exponentially stable in the mean square and, at the same time, the error between the residual signal and the fault signal is made as small as possible. Sufficient conditions are first established via intensive stochastic analysis for the existence of the desired fuzzy fault detection filters, and then, the corresponding solvability conditions for the desired filter gains are established. In addition, the optimal performance index for the addressed robust fuzzy fault detection problem is obtained by solving an auxiliary convex optimization problem. An illustrative example is provided to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed design method.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61028008, 60825303, 61004067,
National 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, the Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation for the Process Industry (Northeastern University), Ministry of Education, the Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K. under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., the University of Hong
Kong under Grant HKU/CRCG/200907176129 and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany
Objective assessment of region of interest-aware adaptive multimedia streaming quality
Adaptive multimedia streaming relies on controlled
adjustment of content bitrate and consequent video quality variation in order to meet the bandwidth constraints of the communication
link used for content delivery to the end-user. The values of the easy to measure network-related Quality of Service metrics have no direct relationship with the way moving images are
perceived by the human viewer. Consequently variations in the video stream bitrate are not clearly linked to similar variation in the user perceived quality. This is especially true if some human visual system-based adaptation techniques are employed. As research has shown, there are certain image regions in each frame of a video sequence on which the users are more interested than in the others. This paper presents the Region of Interest-based Adaptive Scheme (ROIAS) which adjusts differently the regions within each frame of the streamed multimedia content based on the user interest in them. ROIAS is presented and discussed in terms of the adjustment algorithms employed and their impact on the human perceived video quality. Comparisons with existing approaches, including a constant quality adaptation scheme across the whole frame area, are performed employing two objective metrics which estimate user perceived video quality
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