1,077 research outputs found
Professional sport is not an activity for enthusiasts. That is a highly valuable branch of economy that has global significance. However, as opposed to “regular” business activities, sport has its own rules. General public is unfamiliar with the fact that sport is a regulated activity, just not by governmental bodies. Probably every state has its own law on sports that establishes legal framework for the activities, but disputes concerning sport can rarely be found before state courts. They are made public only when they concern a famous athlete. The aim of this article is to present sports arbitration, recent changes of its rules, its courts, annulment of arbitral decisions, and mediation as well. The article aims to give insight into the sports arbitration, through decisions of CAS and Swiss Supreme court. CAS has through its 32-year-existence grown into the “Supreme court of sports”. Despite the fact that recent Pechstein case was announced as the end of CAS, the court still operates and has a reputation of a place that is qualified to arbitrate in disputes concerning sport. The focal point of the article is the action for annulment of the arbitral decision that is in the jurisdiction of Swiss Supreme court. We point as one of the problems the autonomy of the parties, i.e. the lack of it at the time of signing the contract by athletes and their organization on which the jurisdiction of the CAS is established, and consequentially the jurisdiction of Swiss Supreme court. Therefore the mediation is seen as better solution – faster, simpler and cheaper.Profesionalni sport nije aktivnost namijenjena entuzijastima. To je visokovrijedna gospodarska grana globalnog značenja. Međutim, za razliku od „običnih“ poslovnih aktivnosti sport se odvija prema vlastitim pravilima. Šira javnost ne zna2 da je sport regulirana aktivnost, samo što pravila nisu donijela zakonodavna tijela. Vjerojatno svaka država na svijetu ima svoj Zakon o sportu kojim se daje samo zakonodavni okvir unutar kojega će se aktivnosti odvijati, ali sporovi u vezi sporta se rijetko vode pred državnim sudovima. Izađu u javnost tek kada je protagonist velika sportska zvijezda. Stoga je cilj je ovoga članka reći nešto o sportskoj arbitraži, recentnim izmjenama pravila po kojima se ona provodi, sudištima, poništavanju arbitražnih odluka, te medijaciji.
Ambicija je ovog članka da kroz presude CAS-a i švicarskog Vrhovnog suda damo uvid u sportsku arbitražu. CAS se tijekom svog tridesetdvogodišnjeg djelovanja izrastao u „Vrhovni sud sporta“. Nedavno okončan slučaj Pechstein najavljivan je kao kraj CAS-a, međutim, sudište i dalje nastavlja s radom uživajući i nadalje reputaciju mjesta koje je kvalifcirano i stručno arbitrirati u sporovima vezanim za sport. Fokus članka je na tužbi za poništaj arbitražnog pravorijeka za koje je nadležan švicarski Vrhovni sud.
Kao problem ističemo stranačku autonomiju, tj. nedostatak iste kod potpisivanja ugovora sportaša i asocijacija kojima pripadaju, a temeljem kojih im se nameće podvrgavanje jurisdikciji CAS-a, i posljedično, švicarskom Vrhovnom sudu. Zbog toga se kao bolja, tj. brža, jednostavnija i jeftinija solucija nameće alternativno rješenje spora putem medijacije
Strategies for mediating children's use of mobile phones and their relationship with parenting features
Roditeljska medijacija korištenja medija označava strategije koje roditelji koriste da bi kontrolirali, nadgledali ili objasnili sadržaj i djelovanje medija djeci. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati kakve strategije medijacije korištenja mobitela, kao sredstva pristupanja različitim medijima, koriste roditelji osnovnoškolske djece kao i je li vrsta i učestalost korištenja tih strategija povezana s njihovim i dječjim demografskim značajkama, osjećajem roditeljske kompetencije za upravljanje dječjim korištenjem medija i dimenzijama roditeljskog ponašanja općenito. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 206 roditelja osnovnoškolske djece (57,8 % majki). Podaci su prikupljeni metodom papir-olovka u suradnji s jednom osnovnom školom iz Kutjeva. Podaci su prikupljeni primjenom Upitnika općih sociodemografskih obilježja i korištenja medija u obitelji, Ljestvicom roditeljske medijacije korištenja mobitela (ROD-MED) i Ljestvicom roditeljske kompetencije regulacije korištenja medija (ROD-MEDKOMP) konstruiranim za ovo istraživanje te Upitnikom roditeljskog ponašanja (URP-29, Keresteš, Brković, Kuterovac Jagodić, Greblo, 2012.). Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji najčešće koriste strategiju poučavanja i upravljanja sigurnošću na internetu, zatim aktivnu medijaciju, a najrjeđe strategiju restriktivne medijacije i nadgledanja korištenja mobitela. Rezultati su pokazali da čestina korištenja pojedinih strategija ovisi o dobi roditelja i djece. Utvrđeno je i kako su općenite dimenzije roditeljskog ponašanja i roditeljskog osjećaja kompetencije za regulaciju korištenja medija povezane s češćim korištenjem nekih strategija medijacije. Istraživanje ukazuje na značajnu ulogu roditelja prilikom posredovanja učinaka mobitela na djecu te upozorava na važnost provođenja preventivnih aktivnosti kako bi roditelji osvijestili svoju ulogu kvalitetnog posrednika i osnažili se u njoj.Parental Mediation of Media Use signifies strategies that parents use to control, monitor or explain the content and the media's action to children. The aim of this research was to examine the strategies of mediation of using cell phones as accessing media to parents of elementary school children, as well as whether the type and frequency of use of these strategies are related to their and child's demographic characteristics, the sense of parental competence to manage child media use and dimensions parenting behavior in general. The study involved 206 parents of elementary school children (57.8% of mothers). The data were collected using a paper-pencil method in cooperation with one elementary school from Kutjevo. The data were collected using the Questionnaire of General Sociodemographic Characteristics and Family Media Use, the Parental Mediation of Cellular Use Questionnaire (PMCUQ) and the Parental Competence in Cellular Use Regulation Questionnaire (PCURQ) constructed for this research and the Parental Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ-29, Keresteš , Brković, Kuterovac Jagodić, Greblo, 2012.). The results show that parents mostly use the Internet teaching and security management strategy, active mediation, and the least restrictive mediation strategy and monitoring of cell phone usage. The results have shown that the frequency of using some strategies depends on the age of parents and children. It was also found that the general dimensions of parental behavior and the parental feeling of competences for regulating the use of media are related to the more frequent use of some mediation strategies. The research points to the important role of parents in mediating the effects of cell phones on children, and warns of the importance of conducting preventative activities to make parents more aware of their role as a quality mediator and strengthen it
Медијацијата како метод за алтернативно решавање на споровите нуди многу предности и придобивки за странките во спорот. Решавањето на спорот по пат на медијација значи избегнување на скапите и долги судски постапки и решавање на спорот по мирен начин. Споровите од индустриска сопственост, особено оние кои настанале за време на долготраен договорн однос, вклучуваат прашања кои се од важност на странките да останат надвор од дометот на јавноста, да бидат надминати и решени без да стават последици на понатамошната соработка на странките. Споровите од индустриска сопственост најчесто се однесуваат на прашања за кои постојат комплексни законски решенија, но и чувствителни информации кои е потребно да останат доверливи. Во трудот се анализирани правните претпоставки за дозволеноста на споровите од индустриска спственост да бидат решавани по пат на медијација, како во компаративното право така и во Република Македонија. Преку анализа на ситуацијата во сферата на решавањето на споровите од индустиска сопственост по пат намедијација во Република Македонија, ќе бидат препорачани одредени мерки за подобрување и поголема примена на медијацијата во споровите од индустриска сопственост.Клучни зборови: медијација,ефикасно решавање на спорови, индустриска сопственос
Infertility problem in the context of theory of stress : the importance of resilience and self-efficacy for the relationships between coping mechanisms, stress and quality of life
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje psiholoških aspekata steriliteta u kontekstu Transakcionog modela stresa i prevladavanja kod žena koje imaju problem sa sterilitetom. Ispitani su zastupljenost i međusobna povezanost rezilijentnosti, opštih i specifičnih mera samoefikasnosti, mehanizama prevladavanja, stresa i kvaliteta života kod ispitanica koje imaju problem sa sterilitetom i onih koje su trudne ili imaju decu.
Uzorak (N=500) čine žene koje imaju problem sa sterilitetom – klinička grupa (N=250) i trudnice i majke koje nisu imale problem sa sterilitetom – kontrolna grupa (N=250), starosti od 20 do 48 godina (M=33,04; SD=4,877). Dve grupe ispitanica ujednačene su po starosnoj dobi. Prvi deo istraživanja sproveden je na Ginekološko-akušerskoj klinici „Narodni front“ u Beogradu, na odeljenju steriliteta, a drugi deo u savetovalištu za trudnice Ginekološko-akušerske klinike „Narodni front“ i online. Primenjeni su sledeći upitnici: Sociodemografski upitnik, modifikovana verzija Multidimenzionalnog upitnika psihosocijalnih aspekata steriliteta (Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility; Schmidt, 2006), Skala rezilijentnosti (Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale; Connor & Davidson, 2003), Skala opšte samoefikasnosti (General Self-Efficacy Scale; Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), Skala samoefikasnosti kod problema steriliteta (Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale – ISE; Cousineau i sar., 2006), Upitnik prevladavanja – kraća verzija (Brief COPE Inventory; Carver, 1997), Upitnik prevladavanja steriliteta (Coping with Infertility Questionnaire – CIQ; Benyamini, Gozlan & Kokia, 2005), Skala doživljenog stresa (Perceived Stress Scale; Cohen, Kamarak & Mermelstein, 1983), Problemi sa plodnošću (Fertility Problem Inventory; Newton i sar., 1999), Skala kvaliteta života (Quality of Life Scale – QOLS; Burckhardt i sar., 1989), Upitnik o kvalitetu života kod problema sa plodnošću (Fertility quality of life questionnaire; Boivin, Takefman & Braverman., 2011)...The objective of this PhD thesis is to examine the psychological aspects of infertility in the context of the Transactional model of stress and coping in women who have a infertility problem. The prevalence and interrelation of resilience, general and specific self-efficacy, coping mechanisms, stress and quality of life were examined among women with infertility and women who are pregnant or have children.
The study sample (N=500) consists of women who have a problem with infertility - a clinical group (N=250) and pregnant women and mothers who did not have a problem with infertility - control group (N=250), aged 20 to 48 years (M=33,04; SD=4.877). Two groups of respondents were equated by age. The first part of the research was conducted at the Gynecology and Obstetric Clinic "Narodni Front" in Belgrade, at the department of infertility, and the second part was conducted at the counseling center for pregnant women at the Gynecology and Obstetric Clinic "Narodni Front", and on line. The following questionnaires were applied: Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility (Schmidt, 2006), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (Connor & Davidson, 2003), General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale – ISE (Cousineau et al., 2006), Brief COPE Inventory (Carver, 1997), Coping with Infertility Questionnaire – CIQ (Benyamini, Gozlan & Kokia, 2005), Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarak & Mermelstein, 1983), Fertility Problem Inventory (Newton et al., 1999), Quality of Life Scale – QOLS (Burckhardt et al., 1989), Fertility quality of life questionnaire (Boivin, Takefman & Braverman., 2011)..
Posljednjih desetljeća stopa razvoda braka bitno se povećava u zemljama zapadnog svijeta. Ovo istraživanje nastojat će odgovoriti na sljedeća pitanja: koji su razlozi razvoda braka iz perspektive supružnika u postupku posredovanja, postoje li spolne razlike u njihovoj percepciji te pomoću kojih varijabli možemo razlikovati bračne parove koji postižu sporazum o roditeljskoj skrbi od onih parova koji ga ne postižu. Provedena je analiza sadržaja 177 stručnih mišljenja u postupku posredovanja provedenih 2010. i 2013. godine u Centru za socijalnu skrb Zagreb, Podružnica Sesvete. Rezultati pokazuju da su bračni partneri navodili sljedeće razloge koji su doveli do razvoda braka: Komunikacijski problemi, Emocionalno udaljavanje, Nedostatak emocionalne podrške i poštovanja, Neusklađenost partnerskih očekivanja, Nedostatak instrumentalne podrške, Partnersko nasilje, Financijski problemi, Partnerovi roditelji kao izvor sukoba, Roditeljstvo kao izvor sukoba, Emocionalni/psihički problemi pojedinca i Nevjera. Od navedenih razloga, prva četiri su najčešće navođeni, tj. najzastupljeniji. Žene statistički značajno više od muškaraca kao razloge razvoda navode nedostatak instrumentalne podrške, partnersko nasilje te emocionalne/psihičke probleme pojedinca, dok se niti za jedan razlog nije pokazalo da ga statistički značajno više navode muškarci. Dobivene varijable koje najbolje razlikuju roditelje koji su postigli sporazum o roditeljskoj skrbi od onih koji nisu, su sljedeće: Procjena stručnjaka o spremnosti supružnika na suradnju oko roditeljske skrbi, Partnersko nasilje, Komunikacijski i Emocionalni/psihički problemi, te Emocionalno udaljavanje. Također, zanimljivost dobivenih značajnih varijabli oslanja se na moguće implikacije za korištenje obiteljske medijacije u praksi.In the recent decades, the rate of divorce has increased significantly in the Western world. This study aims to answer the following questions: what are the reasons that led to divorce from the perspective of the spouses in the mediation process (1); are there gender differences in their perception of those reasons (2); which variables can be used to distinguish between married couples who achieve agreement on parental care and those who do not (3). In 2010 and 2013, Social Welfare Centre Zagreb, office Sesvete, conducted a problem description analysis of 177 expert opinions gathered in mediation processes. The results have shown that the spouses stated the following reasons that lead to divorce: communication problems, emotional distancing, lack of emotional support and respect, incompatibility of expectations, lack of instrumental support, partner violence, financial problems, partner‘s parents as a source of conflict, parenting as a source of conflict, emotional/psychological problems of the individual and infidelity. Of all these causes, the first four were the most frequently stated and were the most common. However, lack of instrumental support, partner violence and emotional/psychological problems of the individual are reasons that are statistically more significantly reported by women than by men. None of the reasons was statistically more significantly reported by men. The variables that best differentiate between the parents who have reached an agreement on parental care and those who have not are the following: expert assessment of cooperation between parents regarding parental care, partner violence,
communication and emotional/psychological problems, and emotional distancing. Also, the importance of the obtained significant variables relies on the possible implications for the use of family mediation in practice
School-Based Peer Mediation
Brojna istraživanja upućuju na porast sukoba u školi, a vrlo često ti sukobi prerastaju u nasilje (Cremin, 2007). Iako se u medijima vrlo često izvještava o ozbiljnim posljedicama sukoba i nasilja u školskom okruženju, malo je poduzetih konkretnih koraka u prevenciji istih (Arvaj, Bužinkić i Đorđević, 2010; Isić, 2010; Kuzmanović, 2013). Kao jedna od metoda koja smanjuje sukobe u školi, agresivne interakcije i školsko nasilje navodi se vršnjačka medijacija. Osim što se pokazala kao učinkovita metoda u prevenciji nasilja kroz pozitivno i konstruktivno rješavanje sukoba, ona je također i dobar resurs koji promiče pozitivnu interakciju vršnjaka (Cantrell Schellenberg, Parks-Savage i Rehfuss, 2007). Ciljevi ovoga rada bili su, pregledom literature, steći uvid u proces medijacije, načine implementacije vršnjačke medijacije u školi te ishode koje vršnjačka medijacija ima na učenike i školsku klimu. U radu su prikazani inozemni i hrvatski primjeri dobre prakse iz kojih se može zaključiti kako se vršnjačka medijacija, da bi bila uspješna, treba primjenjivati u sklopu većih, sveobuhvatnih preventivnih programa koji ciljaju na razvoj komunikacijskih i socijalnoemocionalnih vještina kod učenika.A large number of research (e.g. Cremin, 2007) show an increase of conflicts in school which often leads to violence. Although, the media often reports about serious outcomes of conflicts and violence in schools, small amount of specific steps are taken to prevent them (Arvaj, Bužinkić & Đorđević, 2010; Isić, 2010; Kuzmanović, 2013). Peer mediation is mentioned as one of the efficient methods that prevent conflicts, aggressive communication and violence in school. In addition of being efficient method in violence prevention through positive and constructive conflict resolution, peer mediation is also a good resource in promoting positive peer interaction (Cantrell Schellenberg, Parks-Savage & Rehfuss, 2007). This paper aims to acquire an insight in the process of mediation, ways of implementing peer mediation in school and the outcomes that peer mediation has on student's behaviour and school climate. Foreign and Croatian examples of good practice show us that peer mediation, in order to be successful, needs to be implemented as part of larger, comprehensive programs that aim at communication and social-emotional skills development among students
Obligatory Counselling and Family Mediation de Lege Lata and de Lege Ferenda
Svrha je rada razmotriti zakonodavne promjene uvedene Obiteljskim zakonom iz 2014., odnosno 2015. godine te razmotriti ključna pitanja novog uređenja obveznog savjetovanja i obiteljske medijacije. To su uvođenje stupnjevitog pristupa državne pomoći obitelji u krizi; smisao, doseg i dobrovoljnost obiteljske medijacije u svjetlu postojećih rješenja; sudjelovanje djece u postupcima obveznog savjetovanja i obiteljske medijacije te nedostatci podzakonskih akata kojima se ovo područje uređuje. Na temelju provedene analize nastoje se dati prijedlozi de lege ferenda s ciljem daljnjeg usavršavanja iznimno vrijednih načina mirnog rješavanja obiteljskopravnih sukoba interesa.The purpose of this paper is to analyse legislative changes introduced by Family Law Act of 2014 and 2015 respectively and to shed additional light on the most important questions of the new regulation of obligatory counselling and family mediation. The key questions include the introduction of gradual approach in the state assistance to families in crisis; the meaning, scope and voluntariness of the family mediation as regards the solutions now in force; participation of children in the procedures of obligatory counselling and family mediation as well as the deficiencies of relevant bylaws regulating this area. As a result of the analysis, the proposals de lege ferenda are offered, with the aim of further improvement of very valuable means of peaceful resolution of family law conflicts
Strategies for mediating children's use of mobile phones and their relationship with parenting features
Roditeljska medijacija korištenja medija označava strategije koje roditelji koriste da bi kontrolirali, nadgledali ili objasnili sadržaj i djelovanje medija djeci. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati kakve strategije medijacije korištenja mobitela, kao sredstva pristupanja različitim medijima, koriste roditelji osnovnoškolske djece kao i je li vrsta i učestalost korištenja tih strategija povezana s njihovim i dječjim demografskim značajkama, osjećajem roditeljske kompetencije za upravljanje dječjim korištenjem medija i dimenzijama roditeljskog ponašanja općenito. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 206 roditelja osnovnoškolske djece (57,8 % majki). Podaci su prikupljeni metodom papir-olovka u suradnji s jednom osnovnom školom iz Kutjeva. Podaci su prikupljeni primjenom Upitnika općih sociodemografskih obilježja i korištenja medija u obitelji, Ljestvicom roditeljske medijacije korištenja mobitela (ROD-MED) i Ljestvicom roditeljske kompetencije regulacije korištenja medija (ROD-MEDKOMP) konstruiranim za ovo istraživanje te Upitnikom roditeljskog ponašanja (URP-29, Keresteš, Brković, Kuterovac Jagodić, Greblo, 2012.). Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji najčešće koriste strategiju poučavanja i upravljanja sigurnošću na internetu, zatim aktivnu medijaciju, a najrjeđe strategiju restriktivne medijacije i nadgledanja korištenja mobitela. Rezultati su pokazali da čestina korištenja pojedinih strategija ovisi o dobi roditelja i djece. Utvrđeno je i kako su općenite dimenzije roditeljskog ponašanja i roditeljskog osjećaja kompetencije za regulaciju korištenja medija povezane s češćim korištenjem nekih strategija medijacije. Istraživanje ukazuje na značajnu ulogu roditelja prilikom posredovanja učinaka mobitela na djecu te upozorava na važnost provođenja preventivnih aktivnosti kako bi roditelji osvijestili svoju ulogu kvalitetnog posrednika i osnažili se u njoj.Parental Mediation of Media Use signifies strategies that parents use to control, monitor or explain the content and the media's action to children. The aim of this research was to examine the strategies of mediation of using cell phones as accessing media to parents of elementary school children, as well as whether the type and frequency of use of these strategies are related to their and child's demographic characteristics, the sense of parental competence to manage child media use and dimensions parenting behavior in general. The study involved 206 parents of elementary school children (57.8% of mothers). The data were collected using a paper-pencil method in cooperation with one elementary school from Kutjevo. The data were collected using the Questionnaire of General Sociodemographic Characteristics and Family Media Use, the Parental Mediation of Cellular Use Questionnaire (PMCUQ) and the Parental Competence in Cellular Use Regulation Questionnaire (PCURQ) constructed for this research and the Parental Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ-29, Keresteš , Brković, Kuterovac Jagodić, Greblo, 2012.). The results show that parents mostly use the Internet teaching and security management strategy, active mediation, and the least restrictive mediation strategy and monitoring of cell phone usage. The results have shown that the frequency of using some strategies depends on the age of parents and children. It was also found that the general dimensions of parental behavior and the parental feeling of competences for regulating the use of media are related to the more frequent use of some mediation strategies. The research points to the important role of parents in mediating the effects of cell phones on children, and warns of the importance of conducting preventative activities to make parents more aware of their role as a quality mediator and strengthen it
Conflict resolution as an entrepreneurial competence: a review of the secondary school population and the role of professional associates
Konflikt između učenika kao mogući početak krizne situacije u školi dio je školskog procesa i s njim se redovito susreću nastavnici i stručni suradnici. Međutim, konflikt, iako može izazvati krizu, s druge strane, otvara mogućnosti za uspostavljanje bolje i adekvatnije komunikacije među učenicima i stvara prostor za učenje o nenasilnom komuniciranju, medijaciji kao formi rješavanja sukoba te asertivnom zastupanju svojih stavova i uvjerenja, što dugoročno vodi ka jačanju i poduzetničkih kompetencija. Iako se neki vršnjački konflikti zadržavaju samo na razini učenika i eventualno nastavnika u razredu, kada sukobi eskaliraju redovito se traži pomoć stručnih suradnika u školi poput psihologa ili pedagoga. Kakva je komunikacijska uloga tih profesionalaca u procesu medijacije između učenika, kojim tehnikama se oni služe u svom savjetodavnom radu, primjećuju li pomake ili promjene u ponašanju učenika nakon provedene medijacije, što se u njihovoj praksi pokazuje kao najuspješnija metoda svladavanja i razumijevanja konflikta, dio je ispitivanja ovoga rada kroz dubinske intervjue. S druge strane, rad analizira i percepciju učenika kroz anketni upitnik. Javljaju li se stručnim suradnicima za pomoć, kako rješavaju i upravljaju svojim konfliktima, što im je potrebno da prevladaju sukob, te razvijaju li svoje poduzetničke kompetencije, neka su od problemskih pitanja ovoga rada. U nastojanju da se prepoznaju kapaciteti savjetodavnoga rada i uloge medijacije stručnih suradnika u vršnjačkim sukobima u školi, za istraživačku analizu odabrana je Srednja škola Metković, s ciljem determiniranja uloge pedagoga i psihologa u kriznoj situaciji rješavanja učeničkih konflikata kroz primjer iz prakse. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako stručni suradnici imaju ulogu u procesu rješavanja konflikata između učenika, međutim postoji prostor za poboljšanje u smislu dodatnog uključivanja stručnih suradnika u savjetodavni rad s učenicima te rad u edukaciji učenika o ulozi medijacije u interpersonalnoj komunikaciji i poduzetništvu.Conflict between students, as a possible beginning of a crisis situation at school, is an integral part of the school process and is regularly encountered by teachers and professional associates. However, conflict, although it can cause a crisis, opens up opportunities for establishing better and more adequate communication among students as much as it creates space for learning about nonviolent communication, mediation as a form of conflict resolution and assertive representation of their attitudes, beliefs and entrepreneurial competencies. Although some peer conflicts persist only at the student level and possibly teachers in the classroom, when conflicts escalate, the aid from professional school associates such as psychologists or pedagogues is regularly sought. What is the communication role of these professionals in the process of mediation between students, what techniques they use in their counseling work, whether they notice changes in student behavior after mediation, which in their practice proves to be the most successful method of overcoming and understanding conflict - the paper examines all these aspects through in-depth interviews. On the other hand, the paper also analyzes students’ perception through a survey questionnaire. Whether they turn to professional associates for help, how they resolve and manage their conflicts, what they need to overcome conflict, and whether they develop their entrepreneurial competencies are some of the problematic issues of this paper. In an effort to identify the capacity of counseling and the role of mediation of professional associates in peer conflicts at school, Metković High School was selected for research analysis, with the aim of determining the role of pedagogues and psychologists in critical situations of student conflicts through practical examples. The research showed that professional associates have a role in the process of resolving conflicts among students, but there is room for improvement in terms of additional involvement of professional associates in counseling and educating students on the role of mediation in interpersonal communication and entrepreneurship
Museum Mediation of Art in the “White Cube”
Rasprave o temeljnoj ulozi umjetničkog muzeja poglavito se vežu za različito shvaćanje prirode umjetnosti—njezine autonomnosti ili instrumentalnosti. Zagovaranje potonjeg u kontekstu demonstracije društvene vrijednosti umjetničkog muzeja ili participacije u umjetnosti dovelo je u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća do potrebe za umjetničkom medijacijom prvenstveno kao edukacijom posjetitelja o važnosti i značenju umjetničkih djela. Međutim, u radu se medijacija u muzejima koji slijede model takozvane „bijele kocke” promatra kroz prizmu komunikacije na izložbi tijekom pojedinačnog posjeta, a u obzir se uzimaju svi izložbeni mediji, od prostora, teksta, do različitih oblika digitalnih sadržaja i tehnologije. Teorijski okvir rada predstavljaju tri načela muzejske medijacije koji uključuju paradigme istraživanja umjetnosti i estetskog iskustva na kojima se temelji muzejska praksa, izložbene medije te paradigme kulturnih politika. Pregledom medijacije na umjetničkim muzejskim izložbama od 30-ih godina 20. stoljeća do danas, u kontekstu tri navedena načela, predlaže se i analiza medijacije kao svojevrsnog alata za određivanje odnosa koje muzeji uspostavljaju između umjetnosti i posjetitelja, a time i njihove društvene uloge.Discussions about the fundamental role of the art museum are mainly related to different understandings of the nature of art—its autonomy or instrumentality, and lead to the polarization between the relationship of “to see” (exhibition) and “to know” (the meaning of the exhibited). Advocating the latter in the context of demonstrating the social value of the art museum or participating in art leads to the need for mediation, i.e. educating visitors about the importance and meaning of artworks. However, looking at mediation not through the prism of education but of communication, and considering all elements of the exhibition—from the space to the digital media—this paper tries to emphasise the fact that the art museum has always reflected the social value and participation in art, primarily through its longest-running exhibition mode, the so-called “white cube”. The paper presents the interrelations of the three principles of mediation in the “white cube” from the 1930s to the present, which include the paradigms of researching art and the aesthetic experience that form the basis of museum practice, exhibition media and cultural policy paradigms. Accordingly, the paper proposes an analysis of mediation as a tool for determining the relationships that museums establish between art and visitors, and thus also their social role. In the first half of the 20th century, the exhibition space shaped according to the “white cube” model was dominated by the discipline of art history and the curatorial knowledge, on the basis of which the best, selected works of art are communicated through their placement in space. The museum\u27s experience of art is based on formal aesthetics and conditioned by the knowledge of art. The authority and cultural power of a museum institution is manifested in communication with those who have an artistic background or understand museum codes. In this context, discursive mediation is born as an instrument of democratising museums and culture, and realized as a transfer of artistic knowledge to those who do not possess it, primarily through texts and audio recordings. Due to the expansion of the interpretation paradigm, not only the broader context of artworks, but also the specific characteristics of visitors have become important for the aesthetic experience. Art discourses have expanded from historical-artistic to cultural-historical, and even to popular themes that connect artworks with the visitors’ interests, identities and styles of learning, thus realizing the museum as a place of cultural democracy that expands the opportunities for accessibility and participation, even in the sense of exhibiting visitors’ interpretations. Here digital media constitute a significant medium that enables a wide range of interpretive approaches and active participation, without violating the standard form of the “white cube”. With the paradigm shift toward the affect, mediation in the art museum ceases to be tied to discourse, but uses media to allow for embodied experience of art and aesthetic experience of space associated with the aesthetic and experiential economy. Following these changes, the paper highlights the manners of mutual connections between the three aspects of exhibition mediation, and proposes mediation analysis as a tool for determining the museum\u27s position in relation to the profession, the visitors, and the wider role in the society
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