5,554,630 research outputs found
General Formulation for Proton Decay Rate in Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT
We make an explicit formulation for the proton decay rate in the minimal
renormalizable supersymmetric (SUSY) SO(10) model. In this model, the Higgs
fields consist of and SO(10) representations in
the Yukawa interactions with matter and of , , , and representations in the Higgs potential. We present all
the mass matrices for the Higgs fields contained in this minimal SUSY SO(10)
model. Finally, we discuss the threshold effects of these Higgs fields on the
gauge coupling unification.Comment: 32 pages, typos are corrected, a few references and comments to the
papers arXiv:hep-ph/0204097 and arXiv:hep-ph/0402122 are adde
Improving Sweden's Automatic Pension Adjustment Mechanism
The public pension world has seen two innovations in recent years. One is the emergence of notional defined contribution (NDC) plans. The other is the introduction of automatic adjustment mechanisms to help keep pension systems solvent when the economy weakens. This brief looks at the Swedish system to demonstrate how NDCs work and evaluates the workÂings of the automatic adjustment mechanism in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Sweden passed reform legislation in 1994 that inÂtroduced a partially-funded NDC plan.1 The arrangeÂment is conceptually similar to a defined contribution plan in that contributions are accumulated in indiÂvidual accounts, but different in that the accounts are not fully funded and may be financed entirely on a pay-as-you-go basis. In this setting, the rate of return credited on the account assets is based on a rule rathÂer than on actual returns. The Swedish system uses a notional interest rate equal to the rate of growth of average earnings. However, if a calculation suggests a potential deficit, the notional interest rate is autoÂmatically reduced through a “brake” mechanism. The recent financial crisis has highlighted ways in which the brake mechanism could be improved. This brief proceeds as follows. The first section describes Sweden’s NDC plan. The second describes the Swedish brake mechanism. The third describes two problems with the current adjustment procedure: 1) it creates the likelihood of large shocks for retirÂees; and 2) while disadvantaging retirees, it tends to advantage workers. The fourth section presents posÂsible fixes for the current problems. The final section concludes that the Swedish NDC plan could function more effectively with modest changes to the brake mechanism.
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