1,957,490 research outputs found

    Operational Time of Arrival in Quantum Phase Space

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    An operational time of arrival is introduced using a realistic position and momentum measurement scheme. The phase space measurement involves the dynamics of a quantum particle probed by a measuring device. For such a measurement an operational positive operator valued measure in phase space is introduced and investigated. In such an operational formalism a quantum mechanical time operator is constructed and analyzed. A phase space time and energy uncertainty relation is derived.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the space-time interval between two events using the retarded and advanced times of each event with respect to a time-like world-line

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    Several recent studies have been devoted to investigating the limitations that ordinary quantum mechanics and/or quantum gravity might impose on the measurability of space-time observables. These analyses are often confined to the simplified context of two-dimensional flat space-time and rely on a simple procedure for the measurement of space-like distances based on the exchange of light signals. We present a generalization of this measurement procedure applicable to all three types of space-time intervals between two events in space-times of any number of dimensions. We also present some preliminary observations on an alternative measurement procedure that can be applied taking into account the gravitational field of the measuring apparatus, and briefly discuss quantum limitations of measurability in this context.Comment: 17 page

    Action principle for continuous quantum measurement

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    We present a stochastic path integral formalism for continuous quantum measurement that enables the analysis of rare events using action methods. By doubling the quantum state space to a canonical phase space, we can write the joint probability density function of measurement outcomes and quantum state trajectories as a phase space path integral. Extremizing this action produces the most-likely paths with boundary conditions defined by preselected and postselected states as solutions to a set of ordinary differential equations. As an application, we analyze continuous qubit measurement in detail and examine the structure of a quantum jump in the Zeno measurement regime.Comment: Published version. 8 pages, 3 figures, movies available at http://youtu.be/OQ3PwkSKEUw and http://youtu.be/sTlV2amQtj

    The Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE)

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    A spaceborne lidar system is presently being constructed for flight aboard the U. S. Space Shuttle in early 1991. The experiment, Lidar In Space Technology Experiment (LITE), utilizes a neodymium:YAG laser and 0.85 meter effective diameter Cassegranian-configured telescope receiver for making elastic backscatter measurements. The laser will be frequency doubled and tripled simulataneously producing a 10 Hz rate of 200 mJ at 1064 nm, 400 mJ at 532 nm, and 150 mJ at 355 nm. The technological objectives of LITE are to evaluate lidar system operations in space, lidar techniques in space, and to provide a test bed for new lidar technologies in later flights. The measurement objectives include the determination of cloud top and planetary boundary layer heights, the measurement of tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols, and the measurement of temperature and density between 10 to 40 km altitude. Detailed simulations will be presented showing the errors associated with each of these measurement objectives. In addition, the experiment scenario will be described including measurement times, data flow, processing and archival, and initial plans for validation of the LITE data set with correlative measurements

    A Measurement of the Space-Like Pion Electromagnetic Form-Factor

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    The pion form factor has been measured in the space-like q 2 region 0.014 to 0.26 (GeV/ c ) 2 by scattering 300 GeV pions from the electrons of a liquid hydrogen target. A detailed description is given of the apparatus, data analysis and corrections to the data. The mean square charge radius extracted from the data is model-dependent. We find that a form which includes a realistic description of the form factor phase gives a similar results to the naive pole form, and conclude \u3008r 2 \u3c0 \u3009 = 0.438\ub10.008 fm 2

    Algebras of Measurements: the logical structure of Quantum Mechanics

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    In Quantum Physics, a measurement is represented by a projection on some closed subspace of a Hilbert space. We study algebras of operators that abstract from the algebra of projections on closed subspaces of a Hilbert space. The properties of such operators are justified on epistemological grounds. Commutation of measurements is a central topic of interest. Classical logical systems may be viewed as measurement algebras in which all measurements commute. Keywords: Quantum measurements, Measurement algebras, Quantum Logic. PACS: 02.10.-v.Comment: Submitted, 30 page
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