10,830,460 research outputs found

    Genealogical Reference Material Collection - Accession 1386

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    The Genealogical Reference Material Collection consists of genealogical publications collected by the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections and often includes serials with which that the Ida Jane Dacus Library at Winthrop University maintained a subscription. The collection is continually added to. This collection is a valuable source for any persons researching family genealogy.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/2222/thumbnail.jp

    Case and event structure

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    I argue in this paper for a novel analysis of case in Icelandic, with implications for case theory in general. I argue that structural case is the manifestation on the noun phrase of features which are semantically interpretable only on verbal projections; thus, Icelandic case does not encode features of noun phrase interpretation, but it is not uninterpretable either; case is properly seen as reflecting (interpretable) tense and aspect features. Accusative case in Icelandic is available when the two subevents introduced in a transitive verb phrase are identified with each other, and dative case is available when the two parts are distinct (thus Icelandic case manifests aktionsart or inner aspect, in partial contrast to Finnish). This analysis bears directly on the theory of feature checking in the Minimalist Program; specifically, it paves the way for a restrictive theory of feature checking in which no features are strictly uninterpretable: all formal features come in interpretable-uninterpretable pairs, and feature checking is the matching of such pairs, driven by legibility conditions at Spell-Out

    Nanoporous PMMA: A novel system with different acoustic properties

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    The acoustic properties of closed cell nanoporous and microporous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) foams have been well characterized, showing that nanoporous PMMA exhibit a different absorption coefficient and transmission loss behavior in comparison with microporous PMMA. Experimental differences may be explained by the different wave propagation mechanism in the micro and nanoscale, which is determined by the confinement of both the gas (Knudsen regime) and the solid phases. These results place nanoporous materials as a new class of polymeric porous material with potential properties in the field of acoustics, especially in multifunctional systems requiring a certain degree of soundproofing

    Production RAW Material Inventory Control Information System at PT. SIIX EMS Indonesia

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    Application of web-based raw material inventory control information system with a bill of materials (BOM) using the PHP and MySQL programming language as a database, and using the SDLC livestock device engineering method with stages of planning, design, implementation, and testing. I create a recording application that provides information about the availability of raw material reducing the error in calculating the amount of raw material based on the bill of material. With this application, it can help to purchase in determining the number of raw materials needed for production based on the master bill of material data

    Developing Extensive Reading Material For Semester 2 Students Of YOGYAKARTA University Of Technology

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    This research study was aimed at developing extensive reading material for semester 2 students of Yogyakarta University of Technology. This research was a Research and Development study that included the steps of needs analysis, course grid design, product development, product validation, product revision, try-out, and study of the final product. This research developed ten units of extensive reading material. The extensive reading material was developed according to the needs analysis data.  The need of semester 2 students of Yogyakarta University of Technology is to improve their reading skills. The appropriate extensive reading material are describe the language skills clearly, look nice, give a lot practice, give feedback and let the learners know how to complete the tasks, give examples and tell the learners how to learn best. The needs-related appropriate extensive reading material in terms of their components are: the goal of learning reading is to improve the students' reading skills; the input presents interesting pictures and vocabulary list; the procedure presents interesting and enjoyable activities; the learners' role is as the active reader; the teacher's role is the feedback giver; and the setting is individual work. The needs-related arrangement of the components of appropriate extensive reading material in terms of their organisations are arranged into three stages, namely: introduction, exercises, and evaluatio

    Picture Collection Art File Index

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    Art Files are arranged by artist and by country. There is a section for art movements and types of art, and a large collection of Illustrators. The mounted art prints include many rare black and white photographs of historic architecture.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/picturecollection_indexes/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Opening Remarks

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    Picture Collection Subject Index

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    The Subject Files cover people, places, objects, design, fashion, buildings, nature, and concepts. Research a time period by looking at subjects that are subdivided chronologically, such as Automobiles, Costume, Family Life, Advertising, Furniture, Interiors, Houses, Street Scenes, and U.S. History. The collection covers many decades, from the 19th century to the present day, and contains many images that you won\u27t find on the internet, and they all circulate!https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/picturecollection_indexes/1000/thumbnail.jp
