4,015,219 research outputs found

    Ways to open innovation: main agents and sources in the Portuguese case

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    Facing increasing open innovation trends, Portuguese enterprises are considering the related processes and impacts. Thus, this work aims to identify the sectors whose enterprises most engage in open innovation (such as cooperation on this issue) and which sources/agents are most used. This is analyzed by sector and type of innovation as an interesting way of differentiation for better open innovation strategy delineation. Using the data from the Community Innovation Survey (CIS-2012), it first appraises the nature of the innovation process, either cooperative or firm-based, as the starting level of analysis. Then, it differentiates the results by sector illustrating which cooperation sources/agents are most used (scope) and relative intensity of use (scale). This is important to assess levels of openness and related factors. Results show that main innovating sectors in Portugal are of three types: research-based, knowledge-based and service-based. They reveal an increasing focus on knowledge and services, trends that have been leading to more active openness towards innovation. For instance, health and construction are increasing their openness for innovating and internationalizing processes. However, Portuguese innovation is still more firm-based (in-house) than cooperation-based, especially concerning new products' launching. This work and future analyzes around it can contribute to encourage the open innovation strategy in more sectors of the economy as an easy and effective way to cope with rapid trends and changes. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Main features characteristics of semiconductor light sources

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    Particle production in field theories coupled to strong external sources I. Formalism and main results

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    We develop a formalism for particle production in a field theory coupled to a strong time-dependent external source. An example of such a theory is the Color Glass Condensate. We derive a formula, in terms of cut vacuum-vacuum Feynman graphs, for the probability of producing a given number of particles. This formula is valid to all orders in the coupling constant. The distribution of multiplicities is non--Poissonian, even in the classical approximation. We investigate an alternative method of calculating the mean multiplicity. At leading order, the average multiplicity can be expressed in terms of retarded solutions of classical equations of motion. We demonstrate that the average multiplicity at {\it next-to-leading order} can be formulated as an initial value problem by solving equations of motion for small fluctuation fields with retarded boundary conditions. The variance of the distribution can be calculated in a similar fashion. Our formalism therefore provides a framework to compute from first principles particle production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions beyond leading order in the coupling constant and to all orders in the source density. We also provide a transparent interpretation (in conventional field theory language) of the well known Abramovsky-Gribov-Kancheli (AGK) cancellations. Explicit connections are made between the framework for multi-particle production developed here and the framework of Reggeon field theory.Comment: 44 pages, 19 postscript figures, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Main crustal seismic sources in El Salvador

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    We present a map and a data set containing information about intra-plate seismic sources in El Salvador. These are the results of the field campaigns and data analysis carried out by the research group of Planetary Geodinamics, Active Tectonics and Related Risks from Complutense University of Madrid during the last 12 years. We include two maps, the first map contains 1405 fault traces with evidences of Quaternary activity derived form morphometric, paleoseismological and geomorphological analysis together with field data mapping carried in El Salvador. The second map is a synthesis of the 29 intra-plate seismic sources selected from the quaternary faults map. The geometry of these sources was simplified and we also include a table where some available data of the proposed sources are included, such as their name, orientation, length and slip-rate. For further interpretation and discussion of these sources see (Alonso-Henar et al., 2018) [1, doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.06.015]This research was supported by the project“ QUAKESTEP”(CGL2017–83931-C3-1-P) founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We are grateful to our colleagues atDGOA-MARN (Observatorio Ambiental del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de ElSalvador): Manuel Díaz, Walter Hernandez and Douglas Hernández for their assistance. Figures were produced using GMT softwar

    Hard X-ray emission from a young massive star-forming cluster

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    We report the detection of hard X-ray emission (>2 keV) from a number of point sources associated with the very young massive star-forming region IRAS 19410+2336. The X-ray emission is detected from several sources located around the central and most deeply embedded mm continuum source, which remains undetected in the X-ray regime. All X-ray sources have K-band counterparts, and those likely belonging to the evolving massive cluster show near-infrared colors in the 2MASS data indicative of pre-main-sequence stages. The X-ray luminosities around 10^{31} erg/s are at the upper end of luminosities known for low-mass pre-main-sequence sources, and mass estimates based on the infrared data indicate that at least some of the X-ray detected sources are intermediate-mass objects. Therefore, we conclude that the X-ray emission is due to intermediate-mass pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae/Be stars or their precursors. The emission process is possibly due to magnetic star-disk interaction as proposed for their low-mass counterparts.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, A&A accepte

    A Three Micron Survey of the Chamaeleon I Dark Cloud

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    We describe an L-band photometric survey of 0.5 square deg of the Cha I dark cloud. The survey has a completeness limit of L < 11.0. Our survey detects 124 sources, including all known pre-main sequence stars with L < 11. The fraction of sources with near-IR excess emission is 58% +- 4% for K = 9-11. Cha I sources have bluer H-K and K-L colors than pre-main sequence stars in Taurus-Auriga. These sources also have a strong correlation between EW(H-alpha) and K-L. Stars with K-L 0.6 have strong H-alpha emission. Because many Cha I sources are heavily reddened, this division between weak emission T Tauri stars and classical T Tauri stars occurs at a redder K-L than in Taurus-Auriga.Comment: 12 pages of text, 4 figures, and 1 three page table of data modified version adds reference and acknowledgemen

    Simplicity of C*-algebras associated to row-finite locally convex higher-rank graphs

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    In previous work, the authors showed that the C*-algebra C*(\Lambda) of a row-finite higher-rank graph \Lambda with no sources is simple if and only if \Lambda is both cofinal and aperiodic. In this paper, we generalise this result to row-finite higher-rank graphs which are locally convex (but may contain sources). Our main tool is Farthing's "removing sources" construction which embeds a row-finite locally convex higher-rank graph in a row-finite higher-rank graph with no sources in such a way that the associated C*-algebras are Morita equivalent.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, figure drawn using Tikz/PGF. Version 2: the hypothesis "with no sources" has been removed from Theorem 3.4; it appeared there in error since the main point of the theorem is that it applies in the absence of this hypothesis (cf Theorem 3.1 of arXiv:math/0602120

    Religion and State: Some Main Issues and Sources

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    Public reason\u27s default position is not atheism or agnosticism about the dependence of everything on a transcendent Creator. On the contrary, there is good reason to judge that there is such a transcendent cause, capable of communicating with intelligent creatures, that one of the world\u27s religions may be essentially true and others substantially truer than atheism, and that there is a human or natural right to immunity from coercion in religious inquiry, belief (or unbelief, precisely as such), and practice so far as is compatible with public order, that is with the rights of others, public peace and public morality. Contrary to the arguments of legal theorists such as Dworkin, Eisgruber and Sager, and the mystery passage in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the right to religious freedom should not be regarded as a mere instance of a general right to choose one\u27s lifestyle and ethical beliefs or passionate choices. At the same time, any religious beliefs or practices which deny or overlook that right to religious liberty, and which encourage or license intimidation in relation to religious belief or in the name of religion, are not immune from coercive defensive measures where necessary for the protection of the rights of others or of the other aspects of public order. Such measures discriminate amongst religions justifiably