678 research outputs found
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Buah Lontar Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Kekuatan Impak Komposit Bermatrik Polyester
In the industrial world nowadays, natural fiber has been widely developed as an important part in the preparation of composite material. Lontar Fruit is a natural commodity enriched with fiber but still less maximally utilized. Lontar Fruit fiber is then composed with polyester matrix to be an alternative material to the preparation of polymer-based helmet and gas tube. Research attempts to examine the tensile and impact strengths of this application. In this research, therefore, polyester resin is composed with Lontar Fruit fiber and this composite is treated with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes. Preliminary test has indicated that the tensile strength of genuine single fiber (without treatment) is 33.3 N/mm2 and the maximal tensile strength of single fiber is 36.96 N/mm2 after treatment with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes. After this preliminary test, the composite is then tested by treating Lontar Fruit fiber with alkali 5 % NaOH for 30 minutes upset time against various volume fractions of Lontar Fruit fiber, respectively at 0 %, 5 %, 15 %, 25 % and 35%. It is then by the results, the favorable mechanic attributes, precisely the tensile strength and impact strength of the polyester matriculated composite with Lontar Fruit fiber as the reinforce, can be explained as follows. The best tensile strength of the composite is 47.7 MPa found at volume fraction variation of 15 %. The best impact strength of the composite is 30.1519179 J observed at volume fraction of 35 %
Karakteristik Buah dan Biji Lontar (Borassus Flabelifer L.)
The purpose of this study was to provide the data about character of lontar fruit and seeds in Kefamenanu City, North Central Timor Regency. This research was conducted from August to September 2022 using exploration and sample collection methods than contnued with characterization of fruit and seed. The results showed that the lontar fruit and seed in Kefamenanu can be characterized using the characteristics of the diameter of the base of the petals, the diameter of the tip of the petals, the length of the inner petals, the length of the outer petals, the width of the inner petals, the width of the outer petals, the number of petals, color. petals, edges of petals, petal shape, weight of petals, weight of fruit with petals, weight of fruit without petals, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit circumference, fruit skin color, fruit shape, fruit skin surface, fruit tip and base surface, base color and fruit tip, seed weight, seed length, seed width, seed diameter, endosperm diameter, seed coat thickness, endosperm length, and endoperm color. In conclusion, there are 31 qualitative and quantitative characters that have been used to characterize lontar fruit and seed in Kefamenanu City.
Keywords: Fruit and Seed Characters, Lonta
Ethnobotany of Lontar (Borassus flabellifer L.) in Tuamese Village, East Nusa Tenggara
Lontar is a plant that distributed in tropical areas and has beneficial values for the people in Tuamese Village, Biboki Anleu District, North Central Timor Regency. However, the information about the ethnobotany of lontar is not documented. This research aimed to determine the utilization of lontar in Tuamese Village. Data were collected using semi-structured interview techniques and field observation. The ethnobotany data were analyzed to calculate cultural significance index value. The results showed that the people in Tuamese Village who generally work as lontar farmers use stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit as building and fence materials, handicraft materials, food and drink ingredients, and firewood. Product from sap flower, namely liquid sugar, slab sugar, and traditional fermented drink (sopi) are the leading trade commodity. The utilization of lontar in Tuamese Village is grouped into seven forms of utilization with index of cultural significance 151 and classified very high. The classification means that lontar greatly affects people's lives in Tuamese Village and its use has become cultured. People's dependence on lontar is very high so the conservation effort needs to make the existence of lontar is maintained.
Keywords: index cultural significance, lontar, Tuames
Conservation Status of Lontar Palm Trees (Borassus flabellifer Linn) In Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Abstract: This study aimed to describe the botanical description, conservation status and potentials of Sulawesi native lontar palm trees (Barassus flabellifer Linn) in Jeneponto district, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
This study was extended to include a study on the
community’s attitude towards preservation of lontar
palm trees involving 30 people distributed over
three research sites. Overall 53% of the dry-land in
Jeneponto district is grown by lontar palm trees with
the tree density ranging from 50 trees per ha for trees
aged between 1-5 years; 37 trees per ha for trees
aged between 5-10 years; and 32 trees per ha for
trees aged more than 10 years. New lontar palm trees
which are being managed by the local communities
are planted on 27% of the land area. Tamalatea subdistrict has the largest lontar palm tree population in Jeneponto District
One of the areas in Gresik that has natural and environmental potential is used as a tourist spot, namely Hendrosari village. Tourist attractions in Hendrosari village called Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu provide various facilities, including restaurants and food stalls typical of Hendrosari with dishes. Palm trees are the main potential of Hendrosari village. People take advantage of the palm tree from its fruit and water. Cultivation of lontar plants as the main commodity produces siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.). Generally, people consume siwalan fruit in fresh condition and the basic ingredients for making siwalan dawet. Fresh siwalan fruit easily rots, this causes losses for farmers and sellers of siwalan fruit. The results of previous observations obtained long shelf life of siwalan fruit products. In addition to improving the quality of siwalan fruit products, with processing efforts also increase consumer interest in buying siwalan fruit products. The variety of siwalan fruit products is also expected to increase the production value and selling value. Palm trees producing siwalan fruit in the Hendrosari village community, Menganti District are used in 2 types of products. Products sold by the public are usually in the form of fresh siwalan fruit and dawet siwalan. Community service activities through innovation in processing siwalan fruit with the aim of increasing the variety of food products and creativity of the Hendrosari village community. This activity consists of observation, licensing, training, and evaluation. The implementation of the activity was supported by the enthusiasm of the participants, the support of village officials and a group of women from Hendrosari village. The heating process aims to reduce the water content and shape the texture of food products as expected to produce snacks that are liked by everyone at various stages of age. The community needs to socialize and develop the processing of siwalan fruit into snack products from various characteristics of siwalan fruit (young, ripe, and old). Variety of snack products from siwalan fruit optimally to increase product added value, independence, community creativity and one of the choices of local tourism souvenirs
Palmyra fruit (Borassus flabellifer L.) contains active compounds and nutritional content that can maintain and improve the quality of processed goat milk products. The objective of this research was to analyze the antioxidant activity and physical characteristics of goat's milk pasteurized using palmyra fruit. A completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments with 3 replications was used in this research with parameters of antioxidant activity, viscosity and pH. The number of panelists in organoleptic testing was 25 people. Treatments with the addition of palmyra fruit percentage of the total volume of milk made were 0%, 10%, 12%, 14%, and 16% (w/v). The addition of palmyra fruit to pasteurized goat milk had an effect (P<0.01) on antioxidant activity, viscosity, sweetness, milk taste and palmyra taste, however, it had no effect on the pH value. The use of 10% palm fruit in the processing of pasteurized goat milk will produce the best quality based on antioxidant studies and its physical characteristics.
Keywords: antioxidants, goat's milk, palmyra fruit, pasteurization, physical propertie
Selama 28 hari, Aktivitas PkM ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap, diawali dengan observasi dan diakhiri dengan pemeriksaan manfaat operasional. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang membantu perekonomian masyarakat karena dilakukan bersama dengan desa-desa yang ada di wilayah sekitar kampus. Keberhasilan dengan suatu produk diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Salah satu ilustrasi pemanfaatan aset tetap (SDA) untuk lebih mengembangkan perekonomian daerah setempat adalah lompatan maju Selai Tala Barakka, seperti yang akan dianggap normal untuk lebih mengembangkan kemampuan pengganti karena aset tetap yang melimpah. Buah lontar (Borassus Flabellifer) dihasilkan di Desa Canrego, Kecamatan Polongbangkeng, Kabupaten Takalar. Selain mencegah buah aren membusuk karena menumpuk selama proses penjualan, pengolahan buah aren menjadi selai juga mencegah harga buah aren jatuh setelah panen. Pada saat panen, nilai buah sawit meningkat karena kedua faktor tersebut. Pengawetan selai buah sawit dapat diperlambat. Selai yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk mengisi kue, roti, dan kue kering. Produksi Selai Tala Barakka telah berhasil meningkatkan perekonomian warga melalui eksperimen
Potensi Senyawa Bioaktif Mesocarp Buah Lontar (Borassus Fl Abeliffer L.) sebagai Sumber Antioksidan Alami
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk karakterisasi senyawa bioaktif dalam mesocarp buah lontar berdasarkan sifat fisik dan kimia, mengetahui jenis pelarut terbaik untuk mengekstrak senyawa bioaktif dengan metode maserasi, serta mengevaluasi sifat antioksidan senyawa bioaktif mesocarp dengan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil). Dasar pemisahan karotenoid dengan metoda KLT (kromatografi lapis tipis) pada ekstrak lalu dikuatkan dengan hasil scanning menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mesocarp buah lontar mengandung kadar air 77,31%; total lemak 0,11%, kadar abu 1,43%; tanin 0,08%; total karotenoid 8324,6 µg/100g dengan kandungan senyawa karoten 6217,48 µg/100g. Perlakuan pelarut terbaik untuk proses ekstraksi senyawa bioaktif adalah etanol dan aseton dengan rasio (1:1). Hasil rendemen tertinggi yaitu 4,3% dan potensi senyawa bioaktif dalam ekstrak mesocarp buah lontar sebagai antioksidan dengan metode DPPH yaitu sekitar 87%, sehingga berpotensi sebagai salah satu senyawa antioksidan. Identifi kasi dengan metode KLT yang menghasilkan 2 noda yaitu noda 1 diduga karotenoid dari golongan xantofi l dan noda 2 yatu karoten
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