158,285 research outputs found

    Incoming Extradition in Indonesia and Its Implication to Human Rights

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    Law enforcement to transnational fugitives especially those perpetrators of money laundering with international dimension in Indonesia, in particular related to incoming extradition is needed to reconstruct. This is because hitherto, the decision to extradite is the decision of the executive branch as stipulated in Act No.1 of 1979 on Extradition. Hence, the consideration for the government to extradite is more on political concern rather than judicial. This practice is deemed neglecting the protection of human rights and creating legal uncertainty, especially in relation to detention period that could exceed beyond admissible time as stipulated in KUHAP because of the grace period on the issuance of the Presidential Decision. This research is doctrinal and field study. Based on findings in the field, incoming extradition request must be based on the court’s decision, or judicial order in the future to ensure protection of human rights and legal certainty of the person who is subject of the extradition and to the requested country. Penegakan hukum terhadap buronan transnasional, terutama para pelaku pencucian uang di Indonesia, perlu sebuah rekontruksi khususnya terkait dengan ekstradisi. Ini karena sampai sekarang, keputusan untuk mengekstradisi adalah keputusan cabang eksekutif sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.1 tahun 1979 tentang Ekstradisi. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengekstradisi lebih pada masalah politik daripada peradilan. Praktik ini dianggap mengabaikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan masa penahanan yang dapat melebihi melampaui waktu yang dapat diterima sebagaimana diatur dalam KUHAP karena masa tenggang pada penerbitan Keputusan Presiden. Penelitian ini bersifat doktrinal dan studi lapangan. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, permintaan ekstradisi yang masuk harus didasarkan pada keputusan pengadilan, atau perintah pengadilan di masa depan untuk memastikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan kepastian hukum dari orang yang menjadi sasaran ekstradisi dan ke negara yang diminta

    Governance and HIV Prevalence in African Countries

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    Previous studies based on data from the World Bank have shown a negative association between governance and HIV prevalence. Using the Index of African Governance, this study investigates the correlation between governance and HIV prevalence in all African countries (N = 53) in order to determine which dimension of governance is more predictive of this relationship. No statistically significant association was found between governance and HIV prevalence across the whole spectrum of countries. In the multivariate analysis, the most predictive dimension of governance, “Rule of Law, Transparency and Corruption” was found to be positively associated with HIV prevalence across all African countries (p \u3c.001), Beta =.816 .When grouped by clusters, only two regions (North and West Africa) out of five showed negative significant associations between governance and HIV prevalence. The analysis of socio cultural and geographical factors revealed significant associations with HIV prevalence; religion and HIV prevalence ( p \u3c .003), region, and HIV prevalence ( p \u3c .001). French colonial heritage was found to be negatively associated with HIV prevalence. This study suggests that geographical location and religion predict HIV prevalence rather than governance. International organizations and public health program managers should consider these findings in the implementation of large multi-country and regional HIV programs in Africa

    Earth's rotation variability triggers explosive eruptions in subduction zones

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    The uneven Earth’s spinning has been reported to affect geological processes, i.e. tectonism, seismicity and volcanism, on a planetary scale. Here, we show that changes of the length of day (LOD) influence eruptive activity at subduction margins. Statistical analysis indicates that eruptions with volcanic explosivity index (VEI) ≥3 alternate along oppositely directed subduction zones as a function of whether the LOD increases or decreases. In particular, eruptions in volcanic arcs along contractional subduction zones, which are mostly E- or NE-directed, occur when LOD increases, whereas they are more frequent when LOD decreases along the opposite W- or SW-directed subduction zones that are rather characterized by upper plate extension and back-arc spreading. We find that the LOD variability determines a modulation of the horizontal shear stresses acting on the crust up to 0.4 MPa. An increase of the horizontal maximum stress in compressive regimes during LOD increment may favour the rupture of the magma feeder system wall rocks. Similarly, a decrease of the minimum horizontal stress in extensional settings during LOD lowering generates a larger differential stress, which may enhance failure of the magma-confining rocks. This asymmetric behaviour of magmatism sheds new light on the role of astronomical forces in the dynamics of the solid Earth

    Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) in the Semantic Web: A Multi-Dimensional Review

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    Since the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) specification and its SKOS eXtension for Labels (SKOS-XL) became formal W3C recommendations in 2009 a significant number of conventional knowledge organization systems (KOS) (including thesauri, classification schemes, name authorities, and lists of codes and terms, produced before the arrival of the ontology-wave) have made their journeys to join the Semantic Web mainstream. This paper uses "LOD KOS" as an umbrella term to refer to all of the value vocabularies and lightweight ontologies within the Semantic Web framework. The paper provides an overview of what the LOD KOS movement has brought to various communities and users. These are not limited to the colonies of the value vocabulary constructors and providers, nor the catalogers and indexers who have a long history of applying the vocabularies to their products. The LOD dataset producers and LOD service providers, the information architects and interface designers, and researchers in sciences and humanities, are also direct beneficiaries of LOD KOS. The paper examines a set of the collected cases (experimental or in real applications) and aims to find the usages of LOD KOS in order to share the practices and ideas among communities and users. Through the viewpoints of a number of different user groups, the functions of LOD KOS are examined from multiple dimensions. This paper focuses on the LOD dataset producers, vocabulary producers, and researchers (as end-users of KOS).Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, accepted paper in International Journal on Digital Librarie

    Impact of Eperiential Marketing and Perceived Quality on Brand Loyalty with Brand Trust as Mediation

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    This study is to look at: 1) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand trusts; 2) the influence of perceived quality on brand trust; 3) the influence of brand trust on brand loyalty; 4) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand loyalty; 5) the influence of perceived quality on brand loyalty. The samples used in this study were as many as 100 respondents using data analysis with Smart PLS. The results of this study are: 1) there is an eperiential marketing influence on brand trust. 2) There is an influence of perceived quality on brand trust. 3) There is no influence of brand trust on brand loyalty. 4) There is no eperiential marketing influence on brand loyalty. 5) There is a perceived quality influence on brand loyalty

    Integration of linked open data in case-based reasoning systems

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    This paper discusses the opportunities of integrating Linked Open Data (LOD) resources into Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems. Upon the application domain travel medicine, we will exemplify how LOD can be used to fill three out of four knowledge containers a CBR system is based on. The paper also presents the applied techniques for the realization and demonstrates the performance gain of knowledge acquisition by the use of LOD
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