451 research outputs found


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    Culture codes are the key to understanding culture, which allows the identification of cultural information encoded in some form. Cultural codes are also called linguocultural codes. Linguocultural codes are a term of linguocultural studies. Based on scientific definitions and interpretations of cultural codes, it can be said that the term refers to a system of material or ideal symbols that express a particular cultural content in a conditional, symbolic, and coded way. Linguocultural codes are the product of the process of categorizing the world by man. Human language is one of the most important expressions of cultural content. Linguocultural codes are reflected in the language in linguocultural units such as proverbs, phrases, metaphors, curses, prayers, and applause, which mainly reflect the figurative thinking of the people. Linguocultural codes clearly show people's ideas about the material and spiritual world, national thinking, axiological views. The theory of cultural codes can be used to study the Uzbek linguistic landscape of the world, to determine the evolution of the laws inherent in the national thinking of our people. At the same time, it should be noted that cultural codes are primarily a phenomenon related to the national-cultural character of the people.Keywords: linguocultural, cultural code, linguocultural code, somatic code, time code, spatial code, subject code, spiritual code, biomorph code

    Linguocultural aspects of the discursive synergy

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    This article discusses the basic principles of the innovative “discursive synergy of cultural linguistics” concept. The relation of language and culture in the format of linguocultural concept as the basis of linguocultural discourse, which is anonlinear communication model is researchedyesBelgorod State Universit

    The link between language and culture on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language

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    The main aim of a foreign language teacher is to form a student’s communicative competence, which is a complex of other competencies such as linguistic, discursive and linguocultural.  For successful psychological and social adaptation in a new cultural and linguistic space for a foreign student is extremely important at the initial level of education begin to master the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that reflect the culture of the speakers of the studied language and leads to the adoption of a different worldview.  Thus, for successful communication, you need not only use phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic rules of the language, but also you should have a clear idea of the conceptual picture of the world of the people, who speaks this language.  It follows that the study of any foreign language should occur inextricably linked with the knowledge of culture, values and understanding of the native people of this language. The objective of the work is to formulate the key linguocultural principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language. To achieve this objective, the works of leading researchers in the field of linguistics, didactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been analyzed. The research object is an inextricable link between learning a foreign language and the culture of its speakers. The research result is the proof of the need to learn a foreign language as being inextricably linked with knowledge of the culture, values and world outlook of the people - speakers of this language, as well as a list of basic linguocultural principles, on which teaching a foreign language, including Russian as a foreign language, should be based


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    This article discusses the national-cultural units of a particular nation, their specific features, the role of these units in the life of the people. It highlights the study of national-cultural units, especially in world linguistics, as well as in Uzbek linguistics from scientific and social poinst of view. The views of different linguists on this issue have been comparatively analyzed. Furthermore, the units observed in only one nation, not in others have been analyzed in  pragmalinguistic, cognitive, psycholinguistic, statistical, associative aspects. The results of the analysis are summarized and a scientific  conclusion is drawn.It is taken into consideration to analyze the impact of person's speech of national-cultural units through psychologic aspect.Keywords: national-cultural unit, non-equivalent vocabulary, association, linguoculturology, linguocultural code,  metaphorical unity, symbol, precedent name, national-cultural association

    Phonosemantic interpretation of lexical units in the context of Russian and Slovak linguocultures

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    Phonosemantics is one of the youngest disciplines in the modern linguistics but takes an important part in the intercultural communication. The purpose of the article is to carry out the comparative analysis of lexical units of the Russian and Slovak language systems from the perspective of phonosemantics and philological hermeneutics. There has been made an attempt to study the correlation between the phonetic and semantic motivations of lexemes and paroemias (proverbs and sayings) in the system of the Russian and Slovak languages ​​on the basis of the phonosemantic analysis and hermeneutic method. The mechanism for determining the language ​​ connotation on the knowledge based system makes it possible to reveal the linguocultural peculiarities of phraseological units, taking into account national-cultural, territorial, ethnolinguistic factors provided the individual’s cognitive abilities are activated. The problem of decoding of semantics in the situation of cross-cultural cooperation is not researched only from the view of the traditional linguistics, but also by means of cognitive activities: perception, presentation, reflection, interpretation. The adequate interpretation of the linguo-cultural phenomena and lexical units is the reflection in the internal communication  aimed at the decoding of cultural and language code. In the external communication the reflection of the individual is expressed in the  interpretation. The phonosemantic analysis, based on the description of natural-cultural lexical blocks from the view of philological hermeneutics, was revealed at first differences and similarities in Russian and Slovak languages; secondly, it were determined the so-called linguocultural codes. The analysis of lexical units in the Russian and Slovak languages has revealed common and distinctive peculiarities of the languages regarding their phonology and semantics. Perception and interpretation of linguistic units in foreign culture helps to achieve the most important communicative and pragmatic purpose – the establishment of intercultural and interpersonal parity and mutual understanding in the process of communicative interaction

    Especificidade linguocultural das unidades fraseológicas no processo do ensino de línguas

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    In modern linguistics, there is a great interest in the analysis of linguistic and cultural material in the process of teaching languages, an anthropocentric paradigm is formed, the language is considered not only within its communicative and cognitive function, but as a kind of cultural code of individual linguistic and cultural communities. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the manifestation of linguistic and cultural worldview and to study the linguistic and cultural aspect of learning English through phraseological level units. The study of the conceptual structure allows us to identify deeper and more significant properties of an object or phenomenon. Such properties represent generalized features of an object or phenomenon that are considered the most important and necessary for their identification, since the features of an object or phenomenon form the structure of the concept. The object of this scientific article is phraseological units that express the concepts of the inner world of a person, the specifics of their functioning and interpretation in the English language, and aspects of their use in the process of teaching English. All the subtleties of a nation's culture are reflected in its language, which is specific and unique since it captures the world and the person in it in different ways (BUYANOVA, 1998). “Therefore, the problem of the relationship between language and culture occupies one of the Central places in the problems of research conducted in the field of linguoculturology and cognitive science.”. Linguoculturology is the branch of linguistics that emerged at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies and exploring the manifestations of the culture of the people, which were reflected and fixed in the language (VERESHCHAGIN, 1982).En la lingüística moderna existe un gran interés por el análisis del material lingüístico y cultural en el proceso de enseñanza de las lenguas, se forma un paradigma antropocéntrico, se considera la lengua no solo dentro de su función comunicativa y cognitiva, sino como una especie de código cultural de las comunidades lingüísticas y culturales individuales. El propósito de este artículo científico es estudiar la manifestación de la cosmovisión lingüística y cultural y estudiar el aspecto lingüístico y cultural del aprendizaje del inglés a través de unidades de nivel fraseológico. El estudio de la estructura conceptual nos permite identificar propiedades más profundas y significativas de un objeto o fenómeno. Tales propiedades representan características generalizadas de un objeto o fenómeno que se consideran las más importantes y necesarias para su identificación, ya que las características de un objeto o fenómeno forman la estructura del concepto. El objeto de este artículo científico son las unidades fraseológicas que expresan los conceptos del mundo interior de una persona, las especificidades de su funcionamiento e interpretación en el idioma inglés, y aspectos de su uso en el proceso de enseñanza del inglés. Todas las sutilezas de la cultura de una nación se reflejan en su lenguaje, que es específico y único ya que capta el mundo y la persona en él de diferentes formas (BUYANOVA, 1998). «Por tanto, el problema de la relación entre lengua y cultura ocupa uno de los lugares centrales en los problemas de la investigación realizada en el campo de la lingüoculturología y las ciencias cognitivas. La linguoculturología es la rama de la lingüística que surge en la intersección de la lingüística y los estudios culturales y explora las manifestaciones de la cultura de las personas, que se reflejaban y fijaban en la lengua (VERESHCHAGIN, 1982).Na linguística moderna, há um grande interesse na análise de material linguístico e cultural no processo de ensino de línguas, forma-se um paradigma antropocêntrico, a língua é considerada não apenas dentro de sua função comunicativa e cognitiva, mas como uma espécie de código cultural de comunidades linguísticas e culturais individuais. O objetivo deste artigo científico é estudar a manifestação da visão de mundo linguística e cultural e estudar o aspecto linguístico e cultural da aprendizagem do inglês por meio de unidades de nível fraseológico. O estudo da estrutura conceitual nos permite identificar propriedades mais profundas e significativas de um objeto ou fenômeno. Tais propriedades representam características generalizadas de um objeto ou fenômeno que são consideradas as mais importantes e necessárias para sua identificação, uma vez que as características de um objeto ou fenômeno formam a estrutura do conceito. O objeto deste artigo científico são as unidades fraseológicas que expressam os conceitos do mundo interior de uma pessoa, as especificidades de seu funcionamento e interpretação na língua inglesa e aspectos de seu uso no processo de ensino de inglês. Todas as sutilezas da cultura de uma nação se refletem em sua linguagem, que é específica e única, pois capta o mundo e a pessoa que nele se encontra de diferentes maneiras (BUYANOVA, 1998). «Portanto, o problema da relação entre língua e cultura ocupa um dos lugares centrais nos problemas da investigação realizada no campo da linguoculturologia e das ciências cognitivas”. A linguoculturologia é o ramo da linguística que surgiu na intersecção da linguística e dos estudos culturais e explorando as manifestações da cultura do povo, que se refletiam e se fixavam na língua (VERESHCHAGIN, 1982)

    Linguocultural Analysis of Folklore Text

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    For centuries, the people living on earth have been trying to solve these mysteries and messages of nature, and that's when they form their culture. The diversity of national cultures enriches the typical human and world culture. A person who gets to know someone else's national culture and introduces it to universal material and spiritual values makes his inner world much more prosperous.The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the understanding folklore genre, realised with the help of a complex of specific linguistic means that have not been sufficiently researched within the framework of cultural linguistics. As an integral part of the national culture, folklore plays a critical role. Depending on who makes the culture and its level, sociologists distinguish three forms of culture: popular, mass and elite.In folk culture, two levels are distinguished – high, which originates from folklore and includes fairy tales, epics, folk legends, ancient dances, etc., and low, manifested in the framework of the so-called pop culture

    Teaching english by means of comic multimodal texts

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    The relevance of the problem that is discussed is connected with the changing character of media and social environment. The aim of the article is to share our experience how various types of multimodal or the so called creolized texts may become a very helpful means for the study of theoretical subjects. We are mainly concerned with the blocks that traditionally form a part when teaching a modern foreign language as a would-be professional field. As a rule, these theoretical subjects are rich in linguocultural phenomena that should be shown and explained to the students. We describe how purely linguistic facts can be demonstrated and taught with the help of graphic means. Methods of investigation are formed on the basis of conceptual metaphor theory, multimodal metaphor approach. These methods of study have been further changed in the process of our own research so that the linguistic data could be analyzed in a more detailed way. In particular, much attention is given to the study of transferred meanings, pun, decomposition of set-expressions and analysis of images that are deeply rooted in culture. Stereotypes that exist in every culture, human types that become popularized; folklore and fiction characters that are projected on real people and real-life situations; linguistic means; the system of images; discourse background; translation drawbacks and their reasons – all these became part of our investigation. Multimodal texts imply the use of both verbal and visual components. Thus, different advertising techniques, cartoons (including political subjects), comic strips, posters, collage art, feature films may present the unlimited source of material. Such activities are generally offered to senior students because such work requires a high level of second language acquisition but some activities and steps can be used with less proficient learners. Basic results may be of interest to the staff and scholars dealing with linguocultural data. © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    IDIOETHNIC INTERPRETATION OF UZBEK PHRASEOLOGY (on example of Uzbek, Kazakh and Karakalpak languages)

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    This article focuses on the linguocultural study of phraseological units in Turkic languages and illuminates the implicit manifestation of national-cultural semantics in them. Objects cannot be imagined without comparative study, because one of the main tasks of comparative study is to illuminate the integral and differential features of the way of thinking of each linguist of the linguistic phenomena under study. From our point of view, in addition to the material and cultural elements of the language, the semantic base component in the phraseology of the Turkic languages is the expression of the spiritual elements of the people. Hence, national-cultural identity is expressed in the nucleus of the unit (denotation) in the phraseology, while in some units it is realized in additional semantics. The article describes the idioethnic interpretation of the phraseology available in the three Turkic languages. Keywords: Turkic languages, phraseology, language, culture, linguoculturology, linguocultureme, concept, implicit, idioethnic, subtextual knowledge, linguistic picture of the world

    Cultural and educational environment of the school textbook

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    The Objective is to identify the role of the textbook as a representant of culture, to determine the main directions of linguistic and cultural approach based on the published educational texts. The research subject is the Belarusian language textbooks for the third stage (10-11 forms) of general secondary education in the Republic of Belarus that reflect the current level of the Belarusian people linguistic and cultural development. Methods: linguocultural analysis of linguistic material, synthesis and interpretation of linguo- methodological theory and pedagogical experience. At the present stage, the tutorial not only introduces basic linguistic notions to students (terms, definitions, rules, literary standards, etc.), but also acts as a means of presenting and teaching native and other cultures. In the context of the study, the tutorial is considered to be a representant of culture, a field of cross- cultural and educational environment. Linguocultural approach to language teaching is treated as a set of ways and means to transmit cultural values inscribed in the linguistic units (words with the national- cultural component, proper names, idioms, proverbs, aphorisms, symbols of national culture, precedent texts) through a system of educational texts