1,448,699 research outputs found
Effects of the Jigsaw and Teams Game Tournament (TGT) Cooperative Learning on the Learning Motivation and Mathematical Skills of Junior High School Students
This study aims to: 1) describe the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of junior high school (JHS) students, and 2) investigate the significant difference in the learning motivation and mathematical skills between the JHS students learning through the jigsaw cooperative learning and those learning through the TGT cooperative learning. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the non-equivalent pretest and posttest group design. This study involved two experimental classes. The research population comprised Year VII students of SMP Pembangunan Piyungan and the research sample consisted of two classes selected from all Year VII groups, with Year VII.A receiving a treatment of the jigsaw cooperative learning and Year VII.B receiving a treatment of the TGT cooperative learning. The instruments consisted of a test, i.e. a mathematical skill test, and a non-test, i.e. a questionnaire of mathematics learning motivation. To investigate the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of JHS students, the data were analyzed using the one sample test. To investigate the significant difference in the learning motivation and mathematical skills between the students learning through the jigsaw cooperative learning and those learning through the TGT cooperative learning, the data were analyzed using the T2 Hotelling. To compare the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of the students, the data were analyzed using the t-test. The normality was tested using the univariate approach, namely the Kolmogorov Smirnov, the homogeneity using the Box' M test, and the equivalence of the variance-covariance matrix using the Levene's test. The results of the study show that: 1) the jigsaw cooperative learning is effective for the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 2) the TGT cooperative learning is effective for the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 3) there is a difference in the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 4) the jigsaw cooperative learning method is more effective than the TGT cooperative learning method for the JHS students’ mathematics learning motivation; and 5) the jigsaw cooperative learning method is more effective than the TGT cooperative learning method for the JHS students’ mathematical skills.
Keyword: Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw, Teams Game Turnament, Learning Motivation, Mathematics Skill
Learners’ motivation and learning strategies in english foreign language (EFI) in Indonesian context
This paper focuses on the field of individual differences in English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. Both motivation and language learning strategies in individual differences of students are emphasized among other factors. Motivation and language learning strategies are important to be understood as parts of student differences in English Foreign Language (EFL) learning in the context of learner-centered instruction. The issue of individual differences becomes important to develop the quality of EFL teaching and learning process. It summarizes the concept of motivation and language learning strategies, constraints in current English curriculum implementation, the importance of understanding motivation and language learning strategies in EFL teaching and learning, and poses those issues for further research on motivation and language learning strategies
Motivation and emotion in the EFL learning experience of Romanian adolescent students: Two contrasting cases
The aim of this study was to investigate the language learning motivation of two EFL teenage students in Romania and the link between motivation and the emotional dimensions of these adolescents’ learning experiences. While language learning motivation has been widely researched, its relationship with emotion in the learning experience has not been examined in depth thus far. To gain deep insight into this relationship, the present study used various qualitative methods: a written task, multiple semi-structured interviews with the students and their teachers, and prolonged lesson observation. The findings showed that the learners’ motivation and emotions were closely intertwined in their learning experiences in idiosyncratic ways. Mika (pseudonym) experienced the prevalent emotion of love of English and was a highly motivated learner. In her out-of-class learning experience, her motivation was linked to her emotions towards her favorite singer. In her classroom learning experience, her motivation was shaped by her teacher’s encouragement and support. Kate (pseudonym) did not reportedly experience a dominant emotion towards English and had a rather weak motivation. The absence of an expressed dominant emotion towards English was linked to her classroom learning experience before high school, namely to her teacher’s lack of encouragement, which hindered her motivation. By focusing on two contrasting cases of learners, this study has foregrounded the role of the emotional aspects of the language learning experience in shaping motivation, showing how strong positive emotions enhance and sustain motivation and how the lack of such emotions hinders motivation
This study aims to determine: (1), School Environment influence on Student Motivation, (2) Method of Learning effect on Student Motivation, (3) Disciplinary Learning effect on Student Motivation, and (4) School Environment, Learning Methods, Discipline and Learning jointly influential on Student Motivation in subjects SMK Negeri 5 KKPI in Yogyakarta.
The subject of this study was student of class X, XI, and XII which amounted to 182 students and teachers of subjects, amounting to 6 people KKPI. Data collection technique using questionnaire method. Questionnaire method used to collect data on the Environmental Schools, Learning Method, and Discipline of Learning. Test the validity of the instrument using the formula Product Moment correlation and reliability test using the formula Croanbach's Alpha. Test requirements for data analysis using normality test, linearity, and multicollinearity tests. Hypothesis testing first, second, and third using linear regression with one predictor. The fourth hypothesis testing using multiple regression three predictors.
The results showed: (1) there is positive and significant for School Environment on Student Motivation KKPI subjects in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as indicated by the determination of 0.341 and 7.038 for tcount, (2) there are positive and significant effect Learning Methods of Motivation Students learn subjects KKPI in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as indicated by the determination of 0.579 and 2.577 for tcount, (3) there are positive and significant effect Learning Discipline of Student Motivation in subjects KKPI in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as indicated by the determination of 0.349 and tcount of 10.157, and (4) there is a positive and significant influence of School Environment, and Discipline Learning Method Learning on Student Motivation in subjects KKPI in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as indicated by the coefficient of determination of 0.585 and Fcount amounted to 86.598
Language Learning Motivation and Language Learning Strategies of Taiwanese EFL Students
[[abstract]]This study investigated the relationship between student motivation, both extrinsic and intrinsic, and learning strategies for English as a foreign language (EFL) students. Subjects were 46 Taiwanese undergraduate and graduate students of advanced EFL at a public university in the United States who were administered motivation and learning strategies questionnaires. Results reveal that total learning strategies were associated with motivational intensity, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation was associated with cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, while extrinsic motivation was associated with memory and affective strategies. Compensation strategies were the most commonly used, and had little relationship to motivation. Social strategies had little relationship to either extrinsic or intrinsic motivation. Motivational intensity correlated moderately with intrinsic motivation, but had little relationship to extrinsic motivation. An appendix contains the survey questionnaire. Contains 42 references
The research aim to find out : (1) Influence the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (2) Motivation influences the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (3) Influence of media interest in the use of computers as learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (4) Influence the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo.
This research is ex-post-facto quantitative approach. The population is all student of Junior High School 14 Purworejo totaling 570 students with sample 230 students. Methods for collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using simple regression analysis techniques and multiple regression three predictors. The results showed that : (1) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning for learning ICT learning outcomes by 15.2 %. (2) There is positive and significant relationship between motivation to use computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes of 24.5 %. (3) There is a positive and significant correlation between interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes by 22.2 %. (4) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT outcomes 43.3 %.
Keywords : Intensity, Motivation, Interest, Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this research thesis is to determine the effect of active student in robotic study club, learning motivation and learning attitude on the achievement Microcontroller subject, either simultaneously or partially, at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta.
The study used survey research methods with quantitative approaches. The study conducted in the scope of the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, with the object of study is limited only to the variables of active student in robotic study club (X1), learning motivation (X2), and learning attitude (X3) as an independent variable and the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject (Y) as the dependent variable. Samples were taken as much as 100% of the total population, which are 46 respondents.
The results of the study have shown that the active student in robotic variable significantly influence the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Motivation variable also significantly influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. And, learning attitude variable also significantly influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at the SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Variable that has the most significant influence on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta is the active student in robotic. Active student in robotic study club, motivation, and learning attitude found to have a significant effect on the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Active student in robotic study club, motivation, and learning attitude variables could explain the changes in the learning achievement in Microcontroller subject for 38.8% and the balance of 61.2% is explained by other variables which did not included in the this research.
Key word : active student, motivation, attitude, achievement, robotic, microcontrolle
Students' understanding of the excretory system learning material is very important
to continue to improve, because understanding has an influence on learning
outcomes and student motivation. A learning process depends on the teacher's role
in developing a learning model that can actively involve students. This research
aims to determine the learning outcomes and motivation of students who are taught
using the Jigsaw type cooperative model on excretory system material in class XI
MA Muhammadiyah 01 Malang. This type of research uses classroom action
research (PTK) with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was
obtained from observations during learning, motivation questionnaires and learning
outcomes tests using pre-post test questions. The research carried out consisted of
two cycles. Each research cycle consists of 4 stages, namely; planning stage, action
stage, observation stage, and reflection stage. The research subjects were class XI
students at MA Muhammadiyah 01 Malang with a total of 23 students. Based on
the research results, it is known that this research can improve student learning
outcomes and motivation. The improvement that occurs proves that applying the
Jigsaw type cooperative model can make learning activities more effective
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