130,017 research outputs found
Learner-Centered Approach to Students
For domestic pedagogy, the concepts of ‘learner-centered education’ and ‘learner-centered approach’ are no longer new. Can the learner-centered approach (style of interaction) be applied to students in higher education institutions? Or it may only be possible in preschool education institutions or in general education institutions?
A many years' experience in applying the learner-centered approach to pupils (students) in practice shows that such approach has been effective at all levels of general and vocational education.
This article discusses the specifics of the implementation of the learner-centered approach in the sphere of higher education, presents the criteria and indicators of such approach as well as the results of the student survey aimed at identifying the type of pedagogical interaction used
Applying Learner-Centered Principles to Information Systems Education
A large, growing body of evidence demonstrates the effectiveness of learner-centered education. In addition to being effective in terms of learning outcomes learner-centered education is also more satisfying for the learner. The focus of a learner-centered class is on a learner-student partnership with shared responsibility for learning. The learner-centered approach fits well with the characteristics of Millennial generation students, who are team-oriented, value continuous learning and seek frequent feedback may find the learner-centered approach particularly satisfying. For some time, learner-centered approaches have been recommended for information systems courses; these principles may be especially important for today’s students. This tutorial will introduce the concepts of learner-centered education, illustrate how learner-centered concepts can be applied to information systems courses, and help participants understand how they can employ learner-centered education in their courses. We will also present a methodology for developing learning activities. Participants will have the opportunity to apply the methodology. The tutorial will use the principles of leaner-centered education. Participants will receive a link to tutorial materials and additional resources
A Comparative Study of Teachers’ and Students’ Beliefs Towards Teacher- Centered and Learner-Centered Approaches in Grade 12 English as a Foreign Language Class at One Governmental Senior Secondary School In Shaan’xi Province, China
The aim of this study was to determine what were Grade 12 EFL teachers’, and Grade 12 intermediate- and advanced-level students’ beliefs towards teacher-centered approach and learnercentered approach, in order to determine whether there was a significant difference between them. This study was conducted at one governmental senior secondary school in Shaan’xi Province, China. The study focused on 23 Grade 12 EFL teachers, 48 Grade 12 EFL intermediate-level students and 87 Grade 12 EFL advanced-level students of the second semester of academic year 2016-2017 from the target school. The researchers used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data. Among other things, the research findings presented here showed that teachers hold positive beliefs towards both teacher-centered approach and learner-centered approach; both intermediate-level students and advanced-level students hold neutral beliefs towards teacher-centered approach and learner-centered approach, and positive beliefs towards teacher-centered approach and learner-centered approach. The results of the study also showed that there was a significant difference between Grade 12 teachers’ beliefs and Grade 12 intermediate- and advanced-level students’ beliefs towards teacher-centered approach and learner-centered approach in EFL class at the target school, whereas there was no significant difference between Grade 12 EFL intermediate-level and advanced-level students’ beliefs towards both teacher-centered approach and learner-centered approach in EFL. Based on these findings, the researchers gave some suggestions to students, teachers, administrators and future researchers
The article deals with the learner-centered approach to building lexical competence in speaking for prospective experts of hospitality and restaurant service. According to modern methodical principles the main aspect of teaching foreign languages are made on a learner-centered approach. Activities often create a sense of community within the class. The such as meeting the guest in the restaurant, showing the guest to the table, taking an order, dealing with complaints are held. From the analysis, it was concluded that learner-centered approach that developed the speaking skill through the realization of meaningful and authentic tasks.The article deals with the learner-centered approach to building lexical competence in speaking for prospective experts of hospitality and restaurant service. According to modern methodical principles the main aspect of teaching foreign languages are made on a learner-centered approach. Activities often create a sense of community within the class. The such as meeting the guest in the restaurant, showing the guest to the table, taking an order, dealing with complaints are held. From the analysis, it was concluded that learner-centered approach that developed the speaking skill through the realization of meaningful and authentic tasks
Focusing on the Learner: Creating a Learner-Centered in Course
There is a large and growing body of evidence that learner-centered education is more effective in terms of learning outcomes; it is also more satisfying for the learner. In a learner-centered course, the focus is on a partnership between the teacher and learner with shared responsibility for learning. The learner-centered approach fits well with the characteristics of “millennial” generation students, who are team-oriented, value continuous learning and seek frequent feedback. Learnercentered education has been recommended as a viable approach for information systems education for at least a decade, but applying these principles may be especially important today. Because learner-centered education matches well with the preferences of today\u27s students, it is possible that applying learner-centered principles to IS courses can help address our enrollment problems. The purposes of this workshop are to introduce the concepts of learner-centered education, to illustrate how learner-centered concepts can be applie to information systems courses, and to help participants understand how they can employ learner-centered education in their courses. In addition, a methodology for developing learning activities will be presented and applied. The workshop will be highly interactive, and will use the principles of leaner-centered education. Participants will receive a link to workshop materials and additional resources
Learner-centered Approach in Teaching Foreign Language: Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions
The paper dwells on the psychological and pedagogical conditions of implementing learner-centered approach in teaching foreign language to engineering students at the Tomsk Polytechnic University. The concept of learner-centered approach in teaching foreign language was in detail pedagogically, psychologically and methodologically studied, foreign language teaching regulatory documents in the technical university were analyzed, teaching methods and learning outcomes in accordance with the existing English language teaching methodology were presented, results of the engineering students’ questionnairing and key techniques to improve teaching foreign language based on the learner-centered approach were proposed
Learner-centered Approach in Teaching Foreign Language: Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions
The paper dwells on the psychological and pedagogical conditions of implementing learner-centered approach in teaching foreign language to engineering students at the Tomsk Polytechnic University. The concept of learner-centered approach in teaching foreign language was in detail pedagogically, psychologically and methodologically studied, foreign language teaching regulatory documents in the technical university were analyzed, teaching methods and learning outcomes in accordance with the existing English language teaching methodology were presented, results of the engineering students’ questionnairing and key techniques to improve teaching foreign language based on the learner-centered approach were proposed
A Learner-Centered Approach In Teaching
Метою абстракції є включення учня-орієнтованого підходу в середовищі ділової англійської мови.The purpose of the abstract is to incorporate learner-centred approach in business English environment
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