34,358 research outputs found

    Strain-Rate Frequency Superposition in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear

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    In a recent work, Wyss, {\it et.al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 98}, 238303 (2007)] have noted a property of `soft solids' under oscillatory shear, the so-called strain-rate frequency superposition (SRFS). We extend this study to the case of soft solids under large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS). We show results from LAOS studies in a monodisperse hydrogel suspension, an aqueous gel, and a biopolymer suspension, and show that constant strain-rate frequency sweep measurements with soft solids can be superimposed onto master curves for higher harmonic moduli, with the {\it same} shift factors as for the linear viscoelastic moduli. We show that the behavior of higher harmonic moduli at low frequencies in constant strain-rate frequency sweep measurements is similar to that at large strain amplitudes in strain-amplitude sweep tests. We show surface plots of the harmonic moduli and the energy dissipation rate per unit volume in LAOS for soft solids, and show experimentally that the energy dissipated per unit volume depends on the first harmonic loss modulus alone, in both the linear and the nonlinear viscoelastic regime.Comment: 10 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E. Incorporates referee comment

    Nonlinear response of dense colloidal suspensions under oscillatory shear: Mode-coupling theory and FT-rheology experiments

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    Using a combination of theory, experiment and simulation we investigate the nonlinear response of dense colloidal suspensions to large amplitude oscillatory shear flow. The time-dependent stress response is calculated using a recently developed schematic mode-coupling-type theory describing colloidal suspensions under externally applied flow. For finite strain amplitudes the theory generates a nonlinear response, characterized by significant higher harmonic contributions. An important feature of the theory is the prediction of an ideal glass transition at sufficiently strong coupling, which is accompanied by the discontinuous appearance of a dynamic yield stress. For the oscillatory shear flow under consideration we find that the yield stress plays an important role in determining the non linearity of the time-dependent stress response. Our theoretical findings are strongly supported by both large amplitude oscillatory (LAOS) experiments (with FT-rheology analysis) on suspensions of thermosensitive core-shell particles dispersed in water and Brownian dynamics simulations performed on a two-dimensional binary hard-disc mixture. In particular, theory predicts nontrivial values of the exponents governing the final decay of the storage and loss moduli as a function of strain amplitude which are in excellent agreement with both simulation and experiment. A consistent set of parameters in the presented schematic model achieves to jointly describe linear moduli, nonlinear flow curves and large amplitude oscillatory spectroscopy

    Shear viscosity and nonlinear behaviour of whole blood under large amplitude oscillatory shear

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    We investigated experimentally the rheological behavior of whole human blood subjected to large amplitude oscillatory shear under strain control to assess its nonlinear viscoelastic response. In these rheological tests, the shear stress response presented higher harmonic contributions, revealing the nonlinear behavior of human blood that is associated with changes in its internal microstructure. For the rheological conditions investigated, intra-cycle strain-stiffening and intra-cycle shear-thinning behavior of the human blood samples were observed and quantified based on the Lissajous–Bowditch plots. The results demonstrated that the dissipative nature of whole blood is more intense than its elastic component. We also assessed the effect of adding EDTA anticoagulant on the shear viscosity of whole blood subjected to steady shear flow. We found that the use of anticoagulant in appropriate concentrations did not influence the shear viscosity and that blood samples without anticoagulant preserved their rheological characteristics approximately for up to 8 minutes before coagulation became significant

    Synthesis and Rheology of Model Comb Polymer Architectures

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    For a better understanding of the extent of branching and its influence on the rheological properties of commercial branched polymers, well-defined linear and branched (comb) model polymers were synthesized. The correlation between the melt rheological properties and the polymer topology was investigated under small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS), uniaxial extension and medium- (MAOS) respectively large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) in combination with Fourier-Transform rheology

    Oscillatory athermal quasi-static deformation of a model glass

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    We report computer simulations of oscillatory athermal quasi-static shear deformation of dense amorphous samples of a three dimensional model glass former. A dynamical transition is observed as the amplitude of the deformation is varied: for large values of the amplitude the system exhibits diffusive behavior and loss of memory of the initial conditions, whereas localization is observed for small amplitudes. Our results suggest that the same kind of transition found in driven colloidal systems is present in the case of amorphous solids (e.g. metallic glasses). The onset of the transition is shown to be related to the onset of energy dissipation. Shear banding is observed for large system sizes, without, however, affecting qualitative aspects of the transition
