17,200 research outputs found
Uloga i značaj stranog kapitala u industrijalizaciji predratne Srbije
U kapitalistickoj privredi Srbije sve do Drugog svetskog rata strane investicije su najvećim delom išle preko privatnog bankraskog sektora od nosno stvaranjem bankarsko-industrijskih koncerna. Rezultati istrazivanja ukazuju da ove investicije nisu mogle da pokrenu ubrzaniji industrijski razvoj zemlje, jer država nije bila u stanju da (usled različitih društveno-politi čkih i ekonomskih faktora) zakonima i drugim aktivnostima zaštiti i uskladi sopstvene int erese sa interesima stranih ulagača. Ovaj rad posebnu pažnju posve ćuje načinima na koje su banke sa stranim kapitalom plasirale finansijska sredstva u različite industrijske grane ali ukazuje i na pozitivne efekte koje su strane investicije imale u razvoju modernizacijskih procesa u Srbiji ovog istorijskog razdoblja
Regionalni klasteri i novo zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj
The findings of the first part of the research study illustrate that during transition period in Croatia huge differences in economic development level of single regions has been noticed. This could also be seen in movements of labour market. Increasing problem of aggregate unemployment from year to year points to existence of regional structural unemployment. In the context of this larger discrepancy, regional differences have special position, that have emerge at the unemployment level and employment composition, but also in the context of new employment. Such situation is present in old and new EU members, as well as in Croatia. The analysis of latest trends in employment and unemployment movements illustrate that Croatia has the lowest employment rate between old and new EU members, and that only Slovakia and Poland have higher unemployment rates than Croatia. In circumstances of steady and increasing unemployment higher importance is aimed at labour market institution and policy development which role is particularly elaborated in third and forth part of this research. The institutional system of the labour market consist of social system of protection, flexibility of lay off security, implementation of active labour market policies and level of regional labour force mobility. All institutional forms in transitional countries have become more important in the moment of conversion to market economic conditions. The forth part of the research shows that with unemployment rate increase, duration and amount of unemployment compensation significantly decrease. The main goal was to stimulate job seekers to start look for a job and to reduce unemployment duration. Therefore in transition countries labour market policies moves from passive to active one. Mainly it can be concluded that use of passive labour market policies stimulates unemployed to stay inactive for a longer period, while active ones try to make process of employment or re-employment easier. The majority of transition countries spent less than 1% of GDP on passive and active labour market policies. The last part of the first part of the research study is directed to establishing regional differences at the Croatian labour market and the influence of the Free Business Zone Varaždin (place of biggest greenfield investment in Croatia) on job creation. The average registered yearly unemployment rate in Croatia slightly decreased from 18,0% in 2004 to 17,9% in 2005, but regional unemployment differences still remains. The number of registered vacancies at the Employment Office decreased during 2005 and regional employment in Croatia has been influenced by seasonal employment in tourism again. Setting up of Free Business Zones has more and more considerable influence on job creation in Croatia. The main goal for its foundation, besides the economic development reasons, is in attracting FDI, the new technologies development, export growth according to the export orientation of the total production in the zone, employment growth, GDP growth and increase of citizen's standard in each county. It is expected that in the Free Business Zone Varaždin from 2005 to 2008 export will exceed 500 millions Euro and that around 3500 new jobs will be created. In the absolute quantity that is maybe a small number, but if it is planned that in such way the number of new employment in Varaždinska county will increase for approximately 18% yearly, the importance of Free Business Zone in Varaždin is not questionable. It is expected that unemployment in Varaždinska county will decrease below European average in 2008. Second part of the research study emphasizes a role of regional clusters in increasing regional competitiveness. Regional clusters, which can be defined as geographically bound concentrations of interdependent firms and knowledge/technology suppliers, are seen as an important instrument for promoting competitiveness and new employment growth. In many regions, clusters are enabling firms to overcome internal limitations by joining efforts and resources with other firms, R&D institutions and universities, and public sector organisations. Clusters established at the regional level can form the perfect environment to enhance innovation by allowing firms to take advantage of specialised suppliers, local know-how, information, skills and education. The proximity of customers, competitors, suppliers, universities, and research/innovation organisations favours the growth, the employment, and the attractiveness of the regions. Theoretical foundations of the cluster concept could be found in the different approaches, such as agglomeration, or district theories, but it is mostly based on Porter,s diamond analysis. Regional clusters became the strategic development tool in achieving the Lisbon agenda in Europe. The same is the case in most post-transition economies. The situation in Croatia is different, because the institutional prerequisites for the cluster development are not completely developed. Croatia is still not divided into the regions, according to the EU standards and regional statistical accounts are not realised yet and there is no relevant basis to comparative regional statistics. There is a low level of communication and coordination between national, counties and local authorities. Adequate microeconomic policies that support cluster development are missing, such as educational policy and incentive policy to foreign direct investment. On the national level the Regional development strategy is built up, the same as the regional operational plans in most counties. Regional development agencies also exist in most counties and they are mostly engaged on the SMEs projects and other actions dealing with competitiveness building. In different counties, the various types of business integrations are created, such as districts, business zones etc. Regional clusters are foreseen as the future goals in many documents, but only one internationally recognised cluster in Croatia exists. It is BIOS cluster, in publishing and printing sector.regionalni klasteri, regionalne razlike, kreiranje novih radnih mjesta, slobodne zone
Ex-post cost-benefit analysis of investment projects as an integral part of construction project management
Investments have crucial importance in the development and growth of the company. The volume of investments and their performance significantly determine the economic conditions in the future, and have long-term consequences on business and its success as well as the entire economy. Since the resources for the investments are usually limited and usually the main objective of investment is a profit or at least adeguate level of benefits, it is important that the project preparation considers all possible factors which affect the success of the investment. Therefore, there are different methods for assessing the effectiveness of the investment applied. Usually the prediction of the effects of investment (ex-ante) is being performed less often one can see the analysis of the effects of investment and the analysis of the effects of investment analysis (ex-post). Analysis of the effects of investment is extremely important, as it allows for corrections and improves the prediction of the effects of the following investments their corrections in the thesis, I have focused primarily on ex-post analysis, which analyzes the performance of the investments after they were developed. The focus is to determine whether the investment achieved its objectives in the framework of foreseen costs and time or there is unforeseen factors that have a negative impact on the final result. Ex-post analysis in their findings also considers the previous (ex-ante) analysis. I have presented an example of ex-post analysis of Bolu Mountain Tunnel, which was conducted three years after the completion of the project. Unfortunately was the availability of the ex-post analysis of the investments in Slovenia quite limited
Investicije i podsticajne mere za zaštitu životne sredine
U radu se razmatraju investicija i podsticajne mere za zaštitu životne sredine i to posebno u oblasti emisije štetnih materija u vazduh i vodu, te postupanja sa otpadom. Dostupni podaci Ministarstva za prostorno planiranje i zaštitu životne sredine ukazuju na značajno povećanje ukupnih sredstava za finansiranje zaštite životne sredine, koji su u 2010. godini iznosila 0,66% BDP. Pretežan deo tih sredstava predstavljaju u osnovi i ključne podsticajne mere, koje prevashodno realizuje Fond za zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije u vidu kredita, dotacije, bespovratna sredstava i pomoć. Ova investiciona ulaganja ne mogu se isključivo smatrati kao trošak, niti kao isključivo ekološko pitanje, s obzirom na brojne direktne i indirektne ekonomske efekte se ogledaju kroz stvaranje bezbednog okruženja za postojeće i buduće generacije, multiplikativne efekte od investiranja, smanjivanje rizika od hemijskih udesa, unapređenje poljoprivrede i turizma, a posebno razvoj industrije reciklaže
Slom industrijskog sektora u Srbiji: postoje li šanse za reindustrijalizaciju
Industrija u Srbiji u poslednjih pet decenija, od 1960. do zaključno sa 2012. godinom, imala je dva međusobno sasvim suprotstavljena toka. Prvi period od 1960. do 1990. godine pokazao je izuzetan trend rasta. U uslovima nasleđenim od prethodne Jugoslavije , industrijski sektor je imao polaznu nisku osnovicu. Odvijao se, nakon početnog posleratnog centralizma i etatizma, u okviru socijalističkog samoupravnog sistema, koji je bio jedna specifična mešavina socijalno tržišne ekonomije, zasnovane na društvenoj svojini kao dominantnom obliku svojine. U tom periodu Srbija kao republika u okviru SFRJ je doživela preporod od dominantno agrarne, u srednje razvijenu industrijsku zemlju. U ovom periodu, industrijska proizvodnja imala je prosečnu stopu rasta od preko 7%. Drugi period od 1990. godine je period deindustrijalizacije, koji traje i danas. Naša analiza obuhvata period zaključno sa 2012. godinom. Ova faza deindustrijalizacije, traje i dalje, s tim što je zaustavljen pad industrije na 40% od nivoa koji je imala 1989. godine, kao godine koja je prethodila periodu tranzicije iz tržišnog socijalizma u liberalni kapitalizam. Pitanjima problema industrijskog sektora, nauka i ekonomska politika u Srbiji su se počele baviti tek onda kada je postalo očito da je ovaj sektor ekonomski degradiran, te da nije moguće ostvarivati ekonomski rast i razvoj zemlje na bazi rastućeg uslužnog i finansijskog sektora ekonomije. Deo nauke se ponovo počeo vraćati starim modelima ekonomskog rasta i razvoja koji u središte pažnje postavljaju problem proizvodnje i izvoza razmenjivih dobara, odnosno fizičkih dobara, to jest roba. Nakon 2010. godine, pored ranijih sporadičnih i pojedinačnih kritika modela ekonomskog razvoja Srbije, ponovo se u središte pažnje postavlja pitanje stanja industrijskog sektora i nužnosti njegove revitalizacije, odnosno razvoja novog industrijskog sektora u Srbiji. Tokom 2010. godine je izrađena Strategiju i politiku razvoja industrije Republike Srbije od 2011. do 2020. godine. Zatim je na istim polazištima od strane dominantno neoliberalnih ekonomskih eksperata izrađen „Postkrizni model ekonomskog rasta i razvoja Srbije 2011-2020“. U 2013. godini stručnoj i naučnoj javnosti ponuđen je treći dokument pod nazivom: „Nacrt strategije reindustrijalizacije Srbije“ koji je izradila radna grupa za reindustrijalizaciju u okviru Nacionalnog saveta za privredni oporavak Vlade Republike Srbije. Navedene koncepcije imaju jednu zajedničku osobinu, verno su i celovito interpretirale statističke podatke koji pokazuju slom indutrijskog sektora. Poslednji predstavljeni dokument, „Nacrt strategije..“ za razliku od prva dva dokumenta, u fokus kritike postavlja sumnju u sposobnost „skrivene ruke tržišta“ da reši probleme industrijskog propadanja izaostaanja Srbije. Ni jedan od dosadašnjih pristupa ne daje jasniju koncepciju revitalizacije industrijskog sektora u novim uslovima globalizacije svetskih ekonomskih tokova, posebno ne daju odgovor na pitanje o izvorima akumulacije koja bi bila upotrebljena za investiranje u razvoj industrijskog sektora. Autor u radu izlaže koncepciju po kojoj reformisana, odgovorna i razvojno usmerena ekonomska politika države u budućnosti mora da preuzme poluge razvoja industrije u Srbiji, imajući u vidu neuspehe tržišne samoregulacije i privatnog sektora. Za dalja temeljitija istraživanja ostaje izazov traganja za odgovore na pitanje u kom pravcu trend industrijske proizvodnje bi se kretao uz pretpostavku da nije došlo do sloma i dezintegracije prethodne Jugoslavije, te da li bi preovlađujuća teorija neoliberalnog kapitalizma, i na toj teoriji i ideologiji konstituisana ekonomska politika, imala manje negativne posledice po industrijski razvoj uz pretpostavku da se nisu dogodili ratni sukobi, međunarodne sankcije i pogrešno postavljena promena svojinske strukture
Izravne investicije u hrvatska društva osoba – porezna pitanja
The bilateral economic relations between Austria and Croatia are of prime importance to both countries: more than one quarter of foreign investments realised in Croatia stem from Austrian sources. Indeed, Austria is the largest investor in Croatia. Although the Croatian legal framework provides for several investment possibilities, Austrian residents prefer to invest in Croatian capital companies. However, especially from the perspective of Austrian residents, substantial tax benefits may result from the pursuit of entrepreneurial activities in the form of Croatian personal companies. This is mainly due to the different tax systems applied in Austria and Croatia that treat personal companies in fundamentally different ways. Nevertheless, diverging tax systems can trigger qualification and allocation conflicts in treaty law and may result in double (non-)taxation. The open questions are how to ascertain tax benefits despite these conflicts, i.e. how these conflicts can be solved by virtue of the double tax treaty concluded between Austria and Croatia. This paper illuminates the qualification and allocation conflicts which occur from participations of Austrian residents in Croatian personal companies and provides solutions for such conflicts. Moreover, the tax benefits resulting from investments in Croatian personal companies are identified and highlighted.Bilateralni ekonomski odnosi između Austrije i Hrvatske iznimno su važni za obje države: više od četvrtine stranih izravnih investicija u Hrvatskoj potječe iz Austrije. Austrija je najveći ulagač u Hrvatskoj. Iako hrvatski pravni okvir nudi različite mogućnosti za investicije, austrijski rezidenti preferiraju ulaganja u hrvatska društva kapitala. Austrijski rezidenti koji obavljaju poduzetničku djelatnost u obliku društava osoba osobito mogu steći znatne porezne pogodnosti. Razlog za porezne pogodnosti su austrijski i hrvatski porezni sustavi koji se u temelju razlikuju što se tiče poreznog tretmana društava osoba. Unatoč poreznim pogodnostima, različiti porezni sustavi mogu izazvati različite sukobe u slučaju primjenjivanja ugovora o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja, takozvane qualification and allocation conflicts. Nadalje mogu prouzrokovati dvostruko oporezivanje ili situaciju u kojoj obje države ne oporezuju prihod. U tom kontekstu je otvoreno pitanje kako ustanoviti porezne pogodnosti unatoč problemima vezanim uz primjenjivanje ugovora o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja. U radu se prikazuju sukobi koji nastaju primjenjivanjem ugovora o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja između Austrije i Hrvatske u slučaju ulaganja austrijskih rezidenata u hrvatska društva osoba. U radu su detaljnije prikazana rješenja za sve pronađene vrste sukoba i porezne pogodnosti koje rezultiraju ulaganjem u hrvatska društva osoba
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