24,234 research outputs found
Observations on the International Law Commission’s Draft Rules on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (Articles 1-4)
14 pages.
Includes footnotes
Introduction and Overview on the International Law Commission’s Draft Rules on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses
15 pages.
Contains footnotes
The Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Draft Articles on Protection and Preservation; Harmful Conditions and Emergency Situations; and Protection of Water Installations
52 pages.
Contains endnotes (pages 40-50)
Observations on the International Law Commission’s Draft Rules on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (Articles 1-4)
14 pages.
Includes footnotes
Observations on the International Law Commission’s Draft Rules on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: “Management and Domestic Remedies
46 pages.
Contains 11 pages of endnotes
The International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Law of International Watercourses: Principles and Planned Measures
52 pages.
Contains 6 pages of footnotes
Protection and Preservation in International Watercourses
56 pages.
Contains 11 pages of footnotes
The International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Law of International Watercourses: Principles and Planned Measures
52 pages.
Contains 6 pages of footnotes
AGENDA: The Law of International Water Courses: The United Nations International Law Commission\u27s Draft Rules on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses
Colloquium organizers, committee members and/or moderators included University of Colorado School of Law professors Daniel Magraw, James N. Corbridge, Jr. and Lawrence J. MacDonnell (Director, Natural Resources Law Center).
The United Nations International Law Commission has drafted new rules on the non-navigational uses of international watercourses. University of Colorado Law Professor Daniel Magraw has organized a colloquium to review these draft rules on October 18, 1991, sponsored jointly by the Panel on State Responsibility of the American Society of International Law, the University of Colorado School of Law, and the International Environmental Law Committee of the ABA\u27s Section of International Law and Practice
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