135,455 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic type integrable equations on a segment and a half-line

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    The concept of integrable boundary conditions is applied to hydrodynamic type systems. Examples of such boundary conditions for dispersionless Toda systems are obtained. The close relation of integrable boundary conditions with integrable reductions of multi-field systems is observed. The problem of consistency of boundary conditions with the Hamiltonian formulation is discussed. Examples of Hamiltonian integrable hydrodynamic type systems on a segment and a semi-line are presented

    Signatures of integrability in charge and thermal transport in 1D quantum systems

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    Integrable and non-integrable systems have very different transport properties. In this work, we highlight these differences for specific one dimensional models of interacting lattice fermions using numerical exact diagonalization. We calculate the finite temperature adiabatic stiffness (or Drude weight) and isothermal stiffness (or ``Meissner'' stiffness) in electrical and thermal transport and also compute the complete momentum and frequency dependent dynamical conductivities σ(q,ω)\sigma(q,\omega) and κ(q,ω)\kappa(q,\omega). The Meissner stiffness goes to zero rapidly with system size for both integrable and non-integrable systems. The Drude weight shows signs of diffusion in the non-integrable system and ballistic behavior in the integrable system. The dynamical conductivities are also consistent with ballistic and diffusive behavior in the integrable and non-integrable systems respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dispersionless integrable equations as coisotropic deformations. Extensions and reductions

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    Interpretation of dispersionless integrable hierarchies as equations of coisotropic deformations for certain algebras and other algebraic structures like Jordan triple systInterpretation of dispersionless integrable hierarchies as equations of coisotropic deformations for certain algebras and other algebraic structures like Jordan triple systems is discussed. Several generalizations are considered. Stationary reductions of the dispersionless integrable equations are shown to be connected with the dynamical systems on the plane completely integrable on a fixed energy level. ems is discussed. Several generalizations are considered. Stationary reductions of the dispersionless integrable equations are shown to be connected with the dynamical systems on the plane completely integrable on a fixed energy level.Comment: 21 pages, misprints correcte

    Quaternionic integrable systems

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    Standard (Arnold-Liouville) integrable systems are intimately related to complex rotations. One can define a generalization of these, sharing many of their properties, where complex rotations are replaced by quaternionic ones. Actually this extension is not limited to the integrable case: one can define a generalization of Hamilton dynamics based on hyperKahler structures.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the SPT2002 conference, edited by S. Abenda, G. Gaeta and S. Walcher, World Scientifi

    Coupling symmetries with Poisson structures

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    We study local normal forms for completely integrable systems on Poisson manifolds in the presence of additional symmetries. The symmetries that we consider are encoded in actions of compact Lie groups. The existence of Weinstein's splitting theorem for the integrable system is also studied giving some examples in which such a splitting does not exist, i.e. when the integrable system is not, locally, a product of an integrable system on the symplectic leaf and an integrable system on a transversal. The problem of splitting for integrable systems with additional symmetries is also considered.Comment: 14 page

    Integrable Hamiltonian systems with vector potentials

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    We investigate integrable 2-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with scalar and vector potentials, admitting second invariants which are linear or quadratic in the momenta. In the case of a linear second invariant, we provide some examples of weakly-integrable systems. In the case of a quadratic second invariant, we recover the classical strongly-integrable systems in Cartesian and polar coordinates and provide some new examples of integrable systems in parabolic and elliptical coordinates.Comment: 23 pages, Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Hypercomplex Integrable Systems

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    In this paper we study hypercomplex manifolds in four dimensions. Rather than using an approach based on differential forms, we develop a dual approach using vector fields. The condition on these vector fields may then be interpreted as Lax equations, exhibiting the integrability properties of such manifolds. A number of different field equations for such hypercomplex manifolds are derived, one of which is in Cauchy-Kovaleskaya form which enables a formal general solution to be given. Various other properties of the field equations and their solutions are studied, such as their symmetry properties and the associated hierarchy of conservation laws.Comment: Latex file, 19 page