469,162 research outputs found

    Developing Science Learning Material with Authentic Inquiry Learning Approach to Improve Problem Solving and Scientific Attitude

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    This research was conducted to (1) produce science material learning based Authentic Inquiry Learning which is appropriate to improve problem solving and students scientific attitude; (2) know the potency of developing scientific attitude in science learning material based authentic inquiry learning; and (3) know the potency of developing scientific attitude in science learning material based authentic inquiry learning. The research method was Research and Development (R & D), by pointing to Four D models and Borg & Gall Model. There were 4 main phases (define, design, develop, disseminate) and additional phases (preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, and operational product revision). The instruments used included product validation questionnaire, problem solving test, observation sheet of problem solving, and scientific attitude questionnaire. Result data of validation, problem solving test, scientific attitude questionnaire were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that : (1) science learning material based authentic inquiry learning that was developed was considered as very good by expert lecturers and teachers, and it was appropriate to use in learning process; (2) science learning material based authentic inquiry learning could improve students\u27 problem solving; (3) science learning material based authentic inquiry learning could improve students\u27 scientific attitude

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terhadap Sikap Ilmiah Dan Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Laju Reaksi Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA N 8 Pontianak

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    This research is motivated by the results of student learning which is still low and not based on the scientific attitude of the students in chemistry learning. The purpose of this study is to determine differences in the scientific attitude and learning outcomes among students that were taught using inquiry learning model and students that were taught without using inquiry learning model, as well as how to know the scientific attitude students in both classes. Samples were selected based on random sampling techniques. The form of the study was used a quasi-experiment (Quasi Exsperimental Design) with the design of the study is a "Non Randomize Control Group Pretest Posttest Design”. Data were collected using pretest, posttest, and scientific attitude observation sheet. the average percentage of scientific attitude taught using inquiry learning model was 77% which means strong whereas the average percentage of scientific attitude taught without inquiry learning model was 57.68% which means enough. Posttest data analysis and scientific attitude data analysis showed that there were differences of scientific attitudes and learning outcomes between students who were taught by using inquiry learning model and students who were taught without using the inquiry learning model

    South Mississippi Public Elementary School Teachers\u27 Implementation of and Attitudes Toward Inquiry-Based Science

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    The present study was designed to examine the relationship between the dependent variables of K-5 elementary teachers\u27 attitudes toward inquiry-based science, implementation of National Science Education Standards concerning inquiry-based science, and the number of inquiry-based lessons taught with the predictor variables of gender, school district teaching, ethnic group, educational level, experience, grade level teaching, and number of science courses taken. Four hundred thirty teachers of grades K through 5 from seven school districts in south Mississippi were surveyed using the Revised Science Attitude Scale (Bitner, 1994), Inquiry Beliefs and Practices survey (Jeanpierre, 2006), and a demographic questionnaire. A total of 814 teachers were invited to participate in the study. Multiple linear regression techniques were used to test the hypotheses of this study at a .05 level. Results indicate that number of courses taken is a predictor for all subscales of attitude toward inquiry-based science. Grade level teaching was a significant predictor for two subscales of attitude and gender along with school district were predictors for one subscale for attitude. Results also indicate that school district, ethnic group, and grade level teaching are significant predictors of the complex skills subscale for implementation of inquiry-based lessons. The predictors of gender, school district, and number of courses taken were found to be significant concerning the number of inquiry-based lessons taught. Positive correlations were found between the four subscales for attitude, the two subscales for inquiry beliefs and practices, and the number of inquiry-based lessons taught. Conclusions, implications, and recommendations for future research are included

    Implementation of Open Inquiry and Guided Inquiry Learning Models Toward the Junior High School Students Collaborative Attitude

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    The aim of this study is to find out enhancement difference of collaborative attitude of students using Open Inquiry learning model and Guided Inquiry in Temperature and Alteration theme. Sample of study are 56 students grade VII students of Junior High School in Palembang City. This study use quasi experiment method. Data collection technique is by attitude scale. Data analysis technique use IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program. The result of study analysis show that collaborative attitude in Open Inquiry class is 84.5% with good category and in Guided Inquiry class is 85.0% with good category. Based on result of difference test, it can be concluded that there is no difference in collaborative attitude of students who use Open Inquiry learning model and Guided Inquiry learning model

    Inquiry-based leadership:The influence of affective attitude, experienced social pressure and self-efficacy

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of psychological factors that influence inquiry-based leadership. This study investigates how affective attitude, experienced social pressure, and self-efficacy relate to aspects of inquiry-based school leadership. A school leader’s inquiry habit of mind, data literacy, and the extent to which he or she creates a culture of inquiry in the school are each identified as aspects of inquiry-based leadership. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from questionnaires completed by a sample of 79 school leaders. Findings A significant relationship was found between self-efficacy regarding inquiry-based leadership and all aspects of inquiry-based leadership. Affective attitude toward inquiry-based leadership was significantly related to creating a culture of inquiry. There was no unique relationship between experienced social pressure and inquiry-based leadership. Practical implications Administrators and educators of school leaders who aim to stimulate inquiry-based school leadership should not only focus on increasing the capacity of school leaders to lead their school in an inquiry-based way, but they should also focus on leaders’ self-efficacy and on fostering leaders’ positive attitude toward inquiry-based school leadership. Administrators and educators can, for example, give positive feedback, emphasize the added value of inquiry-based leadership, encourage working with critical friends, and stimulate collaboration with other leaders. Originality/value This study addresses two gaps in the existing research, by focusing on inquiry-based leadership instead of data use and on psychological factors instead of knowledge and skills that are related to this type of leadership

    Building investigative skills and critical thinking for middle school students through inquiry based science lessons

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    This research analyzes the results of implementing inquiry based science lessons in a middle school classroom to determine if students build critical thinking and inquiry skills. Additionally, the impact of inquiry lessons on my own teaching methods and on student attitude towards science learning was measured. Conclusions have been drawn through analysis of data from pre and post intervention student questionnaires, rubric scoring of student work, as well as analysis of the inquiry lesson plans and impact on teaching methods. Through implementation of specifically designed inquiry based activities requiring students to build upon previous knowledge and providing opportunities to actively construct understanding of science and the natural world, participants showed a minor increase in critical thinking and inquiry skills. Attitude towards science was seen to be more positive after the implementation of the inquiry based lab activities in the experimental group of students. Teaching methods were found to have shifted during inquiry based activity surrounding time management as well as teacher focus and control during student activity


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan LKPD berbasis inquiry science issues yang layak untuk menumbuhkan practical skill dan environmental attitude; (2) mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap produk LKPD berbasis inquiry science issues yang dikembangkan; (3) mengetahui pertumbuhan practical skill setelah menggunakan produk LKPD berbasis inquiry science issues yang dikembangkan; dan (4) mengetahui pertumbuhan environmental attitude setelah menggunakan produk LKPD berbasis inquiry science issues yang dikembangkan. Penelitian pengembangan LKPD ini menggunakan model 4D yang meliputi tahap define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebarluasan). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 peserta didik kelas VII B SMP N 1 Paliyan. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi lembar validasi LKPD, angket respon peserta didik terhadap LKPD, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar observasi practical skill, soal pretest-posttest practical skill, dan kuesioner environmental attitude peserta didik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk lembar validasi dan angket respon peserta didik adalah analisis dengan pedoman kriteria penilaian ideal untuk menentukan kelayakan LKPD yang dikembangkan. Data keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan lembar observasi practical skill dianalisis dengan menggunakan pedoman kriteria penilaian dalam bentuk persentase. Data yang diperoleh dari soal pretest-posttest dan kuesioner environmental attitude dianalisis dengan menggunakan gain score ternormalisasi. Uji t-test berkorelasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui signifikansi pertumbuhan practical skill dan environmental attitude. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) LKPD yang dikembangkan layak untuk menumbuhkan practical skill dan environmental attitude peserta didik; (2) Respon peserta didik terhadap LKPD yang ditinjau dari angket respon peserta didik adalah sangat baik dengan nilai A; (3) LKPD ini mampu menumbuhkan practical skill peserta didik SMP dengan penguasaan practical skill peserta didik sebesar 77,87% setelah menggunakan LKPD dan gain score ternormalisasi sebesar 0,64 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Uji t-test berkorelasi menunjukkan bahwa practical skill peserta didik mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan setelah menggunakan LKPD dengan nilai signifikansi (Sig.) sebesar 0,000; dan (4) LKPD mampu menumbuhkan environmental attitude peserta didik SMP kelas VII dengan rata-rata persentase environmental attitude peserta didik setelah menggunakan LKPD sebesar 87,58 % dan gain score ternormalisasi sebesar 0,67 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Uji t-test berkorelasi menunjukkan bahwa environmental attitude peserta didik mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan setelah menggunakan LKPD dengan nilai signifikansi (Sig.) sebesar 0,000. Kata kunci: LKPD, Inquiry Science Issues, practical skill, environmental attitude The aims of this research were to (1) develop inquiry science issues-based student worksheet based which is feasible to advance students’ practical skill and environmental attitude, (2) know students’ responses towards inquiry science issues-based student worksheet, (3) know the advancement of students’ practical skill after using the developed inquiry science issues-based student worksheet and (4) know the advancement of students’ environmental attitude after using the developed inquiry science issues-based student worksheet. Research model that is being conducted is 4D model comprises define stage, design stage, develop stage, and disseminate stage. The sample of this study included 30 seventh grade high school students of B class SMP N 1 Paliyan. Data were collected using validation form, student response questionnaire towards student worksheet, inquiry science issues observation form, practical skill observation form, pretest-posttest of practical skill, and environmental attitude questionnaire. Data that were obtained from validation form and student response questionnaire towards student worksheet were analyzed using ideal assessment criteria to determine the quality of inquiry science issues-based student worksheet. Data that were obtained from inquiry science issues observation form and practical skill observation form were analyzed using standard assessment criteria to obtain its percentage. Data that were obtained from pretest-posttest of practical skill and environmental attitude questionnaire were analyzed using normalized gain score. Paired sample t-test was used to determine the advancement of practical skill and environmental attitude. According to results, (1) the developed worksheet was feasible to advance students’ practical skill and environmental attitude; (2) Students’ responses to the developed worksheet were found very good (A); (3), the developed worksheet could advance studens’ practical skill with the average score of practical skill after using the developed worksheet was 77,87%. The value of the normalized gains were 0,64, categorized as medium gains. Paired sample t-test indicated that there was significant advancement of students’ practical skill after using the developed student worksheet with the Sig. value was reported to be 0,000; and (4) the developed worksheet could advance studens’ environmental attitude with the average score of environmental attitude after using the developed worksheet was 87,58%. The value of the normalized gains were 0,67, categorized as medium gains. Paired sample t-test indicated that there was significant advancement of students’ environmental attitude after using the developed student worksheet with the Sig. value was reported to be 0,000


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    Improving thestudents’ critical thingking attitude by using an inquiry-based students’ worksheet becomes the research objective by using 4D model development research design from Thiagarajan. The worksheet is validated by the expert andthe science teacher, and then it’s practically tested to thejunior high school students of class VIII. The validation resultsshow that the worksheet is categorized sufficiently valid. So even also with the results ofpractical test indicating that the worksheet is effectively used on learning process because of improving the students’ critical thingking attitude.Keywords: critical thinking attitude, inquiry-based worksheet, inquiry method

    Analysis of Attitude and Achievement Using the 5E Instructional Model in an Interactive Television Environment

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine attitude and achievement among fifth grade students participating in inquiry and lecture-based forms of instruction through interactive television. Participants (N = 260) were drawn from registered users of NASA\u27s Digital Learning Network™. The first three levels of Bloom\u27s Revised Taxonomy were used to measure levels of achievement while the Science Attitude Inventory II was used to measure science attitudes. Results indicated a significant interaction between inquiry and topic area, as well as achievement for remember, understand, and apply levels of Bloom\u27s Revised Taxonomy. Differences between mean scores were in favor of the treatment group on both topic and achievement levels. Findings echo research that encourages the use of inquiry-based instruction to improve achievement. This study also serves as a reference for supplemental content providers searching for an effective instructional strategy when delivering instruction through interactive television. Recommendations for future research include the examination of: development time between inquiry-based and lecture-based strategies, a longitudinal study of attitude and achievement from elementary through middle school, differences between interactive television sessions and asynchronous sessions, and types of inquiry-based instruction related to student achievement and retention through interactive television

    Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa Terbimbing Berbasis Inquiry Pada Mata Kuliah Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia (Pkbi) Untuk Mengembangkan Karakter Mahasiswa Pgsd IKIP PGRI Madiun

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    Every teacher must foster the positive attitude, all the more, those of elementary schools. This kind of positive attitude should be cultivated since they are still studying in the teacher training study program. The students of elementary school teacher training study program of IKIP PGRI MADIUN have not yet coped with the positive attitude well, which is shown through evidence that they have not yet foster self-discipline in many class activities, such as being late getting in class, being incomplete doing tasks, being insensitive against the environmental changes and phenomena. In effort of cultivating their positive mental attitude, this research is conducted in the form of class action research design by inquiry-based controlled student worksheet. The student worksheet is used to develop the inquiry learning process for the mental attitude development, and the lecturer's control is used to develop the linguistic and to nurture the concepts. As the nature of classroom action researh is to overcome problems, this research is conduted for the most problematic class of all, i.e. class 2G. The analysis results in conclusions that the positive attitude of the students develops in terms of self-discipline and learning activity, so as to suggest that inquiry-based controlled student worksheet is effective to develop students mental attitude
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