2,873 research outputs found
This research aims to find out the influence of smartphones in teaching and learning activities, whether they can foster students' interest in learning, make it easier or help their understanding of learning, especially in the field of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). The method used in this research is a quantitative method, while the instrument used in collecting data through distributing questionnaires and was distributed to a number of students at Al-Fikri Integrated Islamic Middle School, Aek Marbatu Village. The data obtained was analyzed in such a way using statistical analysis. The results show that first, teachers use smartphones to provide lesson material that has not been delivered due to time constraints and also to send material in the form of visual videos. Second, the use of smartphones is useful in teaching and learning activities by 5% where students use them to search for lesson material that they do not yet understand, and third, the hypothesis (H0) is accepted because tcountttable with a total of 0.5521.677. Acceptance of the hypothesis H0 means that the use of smartphones has a positive effect on students' interest in studying Islamic Education at the Al-Fikri Integrated Islamic Junior High School.  influence, integrate, interest, Islamic religious education, smartphone, student
The Effect of Augmented Reality-Based Qur'anic Natural Science into Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes
Augmented reality-based IPA (QURRACI, disingkat IPA) merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada topik IPA Al-Qur'an dengan menggunakan media. Untuk mengembangkan media digunakan pendekatan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate). Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, media yang dikembangkan berupa buku berbasis smartphone dan berhasil divalidasi relevansinya oleh ahli media, ahli materi, guru, peer reviewer, dan siswa. Secara khusus, validasi mengungkapkan (1) 87,27% untuk relevansi produk; (2) 90,66% untuk materi IPA Al-Qur'an; (3) 82,85% untuk tanggapan peer reviewer dan guru; dan (4) 86,2% untuk respon siswa, khususnya pada materi representasi ganda. Implementasi dilakukan pada 100 siswa, menunjukkan bahwa QURACI berpengaruh positif dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA Al-Qur'an. Selain itu dari penelitian ini, berdasarkan hasil uji coba pretest dan posttest menggunakan analisis paired sample t-test dari 50 siswa diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa
Augmented Reality Visualization through Multirepresentations Approach in Chemistry Based on Qur’anic to Improve Cognitive Learning Outcomes
media melalui visualisasi augmented reality berbasis pembelajaran al-Qur'an, dan mengkaji sejauh mana hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media tersebut. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, pendekatan ADDIE (Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi) digunakan untuk mengembangkan media. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, media yang dikembangkan berupa buku berbasis smartphone dan berhasil divalidasi relevansinya oleh ahli media, ahli materi, guru, peer reviewer, dan siswa. Secara khusus, validasi mengungkapkan (1) 87,27% untuk relevansi produk; (2) 90,66% untuk materi IPA Al-Qur'an; (3) 82,85% untuk tanggapan peer reviewer dan guru; dan (4) 86,2% untuk respon siswa, khususnya pada materi multirepresentasi kimia (tingkat makroskopis, submikroskopis, dan simbolik). Implementasi yang dilakukan terhadap 100 siswa, menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran berpengaruh positif dan meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran al-Qur'an dan kimia. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil uji coba pretest dan posttest menggunakan analisis paired sample t-test terhadap 50 siswa diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa
Teachers’ Control System on Negative Impact of Smartphone at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
AbstractThe proliferation of smartphone which are cheap and easy to obtain, raises a trend among parents to give their children a smartphone. This situation raises the concern about psychological health and student religiosity. The teachers become the only one who can filter the students and equip them with Islamic values. Thus, they are not swallowed up by the swift flow of digital negatives that are not yet fully understood by students. This paper tries to analyze the teachers’ control system in limiting the usage of smartphone and providing a negative and positive understanding on the impacts of smartphones at MIN Darul Imarah of Aceh Besar District. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data colection techniques were observation and interview using triangulation for data validity and realibility. The results show that teachers at MIN Darul Imarah sub-district of Aceh Besar, control the use of the negative impact of smartphone on their students by means of; limiting smartphone usage by prohibiting students from taking cellphones to shcool and giving punishmet to those who violate these rules. Furthermore, in providing understanding to students, the teachers do explaining the negative and positive impacts of smartphones in both inside and outside the learning instruction; teaching how to use smartphones smartly; using religious approaches; linking subject matter to the negative impact of smartphones; and socializing the negative impact of smartphones.Keywords: controlling, smartphones, student of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.AbstrakMenjamurnya smartphone yang murah dan mudah diperoleh, menimbulkan tren di kalangan orang tua untuk memberikan smartphone kepada anaknya. Keadaan ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran terhadap kesehatan psikis dan religiusitas siswa. Guru menjadi satu-satunya harapan untuk dapat memfilterisasi siswa dan membekali siswa dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Hal ini diperlukan untuk meminimalisir derasnya arus negatif digital yang belum sepenuhnya dipahami oleh siswa. Tulisan ini berusaha menganalisis sistem kontrol guru dalam membatasi pemakaian dan memberikan pemahaman akan dampak negatif dan positif smartphone pada siswa MIN di Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara dengan menggunakan triangulasi data dalam memvaliditas data. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa guru MIN se-kecamatan Darul Imarah Aceh Besar dalam mengontrol pemakaian dampak negatif teknologi komunikasi pada siswanya dengan cara melarang siswa membawa handphone ke madrasah dan memberikan punishmet apabila aturan tersebut dilanggar. Selanjutnya, dalam memberikan pemahaman kepada siswa, guru melakukan dengan cara menjelaskan dampak negatif dan positif smartphone baik di dalam maupun di luar pembelajaran, mengajarkan cara menggunakan smartphone secara cerdas, menggunakan pendekatan religius, mengaitkan materi pelajaran dengan dampak negatif smartphone, mensosialisasikan dampak negatif smartphone kepada orang tua siswa, serta mengadakan program pengembangan kreatifitas siswa.Kata kunci: pengawasan, smartphone, siswa, madrasah ibtidaiyah
The Impact of the Digital Al-Qur'an Thematic Learning Model on the Learning Achievement of Santri at Islamic Boarding Schools in Bandung Regency
This study aimed to determine the effect of the thematic digital al-Qur'an learning model on students' academic achievement in Bandung Regency boarding schools. The method used was a qualitative research method with a field research type. The research location was in one of the boarding schools in Bandung Regency, and the participants in this study were students. This study concluded that using the digital al-Qur'an in religious subjects can positively impact critical thinking skills, understanding, and memory. Using the versions of the Quran can also help students improve their memory. This is because features such as bookmarks, notes, and text highlighting provided by the digital Quran application can make it easier to revise and refer back to materials that have been previously learned. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings, specifically in the context of students
Digital Literacy Based on Islamic Values to Improve Risk Perception and Critical Thinking among Muslim Adolescents
Risk perception and critical thinking have become the two important cognitive skills for adolescents to possess in order to prevent risky online behavior such as spreading fake news. These skills are related to digital literacy and can be improved through training. However, most of the existing literature is in digital literacy training, online risk perception, and critical thinking by using correlational approach and conventional digital literacy training. For this reason, this research aimed to integrate Islamic values into digital training to improve risk perception and critical thinking skills among Muslim adolescents. This study hypothesized that digital literacy based on Islamic values can improve adolescents risk perception and critical thinking skills. To test this hypothesis, a pre-test post-test within experimental research design involving 112 Muslim adolescents in Surabaya was conducted. The participants were provided with digital literacy training which was embedded with Islamic values in four training sessions. The risk perception and critical thinking scale were used to measure each dependent variable. The results of data analysis using the paired sample t-test showed that there were significant differences in the scores of risk perception and critical thinking skills before and after training. Thus, the hypotheses in this study were accepted. The practical implications of the results of this study are also discussed.
Development Of Google Site As An Interactive Learning Media Integrated With Islamic Values
The research of the study was to determine the feasibility of Google Site learning media integrated Islamic values by utilizing advances in technology and student perceptions. The type of research is R&D using the ADDIE model design. The subjects of this study were researchers, material, religious, and media experts, as well as 61 seventh-grade students of junior high school. The data collection technique is to use the interview method, observation and validation sheet, and response questionnaire. Data analysis is quantitative according to the ADDIE model development procedure. The results showed that the feasibility of the product from material expert validation obtained a score of 97%, religious expert validation 100%, media expert validation with a score of 96%, and educator practicality obtained 91% and 95% learner response. Based on the results obtained, the interactive learning media of the integrated solar system of Islamic values is feasible and practical to be used to help learn and add insight into the relationship of material with Islamic values at junior high school.ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran google site diintegrasikan nilai-nilai islam dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknolog dan persepsi peserta didik. Jenis penelitian adalah R&D dengan menggunakan desain model ADDIE. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu peneliti, ahli materi, agama dan media, serta 61 peserta didik kelas VII sekolah menengah pertama. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan lembar validasi serta angket persepsi. Analisis data yaitu menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif sesuai prosedur pengembangan model ADDIE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelayakan produk dari validasi ahli materi memperoleh skor 97%, validasi ahli agama 100%, validasi ahli media dengan skor 96%, prktikalitas pendidik memperoleh 91% dan respon perserta didik 95%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh maka media pembelajaran interaktif sistem tata surya terintegrasi nilai-nilai islam layak dan praktis digunakan untuk membantu belajar dan menambah wawasan keterkaitan materi dengan nilai-nilai islam di sekolah menengah pertama
Digital Readiness in Islamic Education: A Case Study of Pesantren Assalafiyyah Mlangi Sleman, Indonesia
Purpose – The study's primary objective was to assess the level of preparedness among students at Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyyah Mlangi, Komplek Kitab Putra Madrasi, in navigating the challenges of the digital era, with a specific focus on their adaptability within the sphere of Islamic education.
Design/methods– A quantitative research methodology was adopted, centering on a survey conducted among 302 active male students at the institution. The sample size, which amounted to 75 students, was calculated using the Solvin formula. A structured questionnaire, designed to evaluate various aspects of digital literacy and adaptability, was employed for data collection, with the analysis executed through Likert scale scoring.
Findings – The study unveiled a substantial level of digital literacy among the students. It was found that the majority of students had access to digital devices and were capable of discerning between positive and negative content on the internet. Notably, 84% of the survey responses were classified as 'Highly Suitable' in terms of digital era readiness, based on Arikunto's evaluative scale.
Research implications/limitations – These findings indicate an imperative need to deepen the integration of digital literacy and ethical considerations within Islamic educational curricula. However, the research's confinement to a single educational institution poses limitations on the broader applicability and generalizability of its conclusions.
Practical implications – The results emphasize the importance of incorporating comprehensive digital education in Islamic educational settings, preparing students not only for technological proficiency but also for responsible and ethical digital engagement.
Originality/value – This study contributes valuable insights into the current state of digital readiness among students in an Islamic educational context. Its focus on the intersection of traditional Islamic education with contemporary digital challenges presents a unique perspective in educational research
Learning Management System for learning Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah in Indonesia: An Analysis of comparison lectures and students
The research aims to provide knowledge about the recognition, and use of faculty technologies for education teachers are responsible for developing moral character. Preliminary results were gathered from a survey offered to 182 departments of four universities. The researcher used a definition and interpretation approach for qualitative use in this study. There were 530 lectures of 25-50 years of age (men and women). A study was conducted based on Kohlberg's theory's concept of gender identity findings show that technology is mostly optimistic and that universities and colleges do not have adequate technological assistance (both hardware and training). The most popular forms of technologies are course management, laptop and web applications. The data show that intermediately or marginally below, the departments as a whole operates in the accepting/use spectrum of technology. Even while the epidemic rages worldwide, closing down higher education has never been an option; instead, finding methods to avoid it has led to a growing dependence on online technologies for a course and program delivery. Although this is not intended to be a perfect alternative, some claim that online education has exacerbated the 'diploma illness' dilemma the academic and job-ready percentag
Digitizing Worship: Challenges of Religious Applications and Spiritual Decline in the Digital Era
This paper aims to analyze the impact of digitalization on the religious practices of Muslims through the use of religious applications, such as Muslim Pro, and to explore the challenges related to spiritual depth and community engagement. This research uses a qualitative method with data collection techniques through online observation of users' interactions with the application. The research findings show that while religious applications facilitate access to information and worship, there is a tendency for a decline in spiritual quality and community engagement, particularly in terms of social interaction and direct religious guidance. Over-reliance on these applications can reduce a deeper understanding of religion and weaken participation in collective religious activities. This research contributes by offering solutions that integrate technology with religious social interactions, involving collaboration between app developers, religious institutions, and communities to maintain a balance between digital convenience and spiritual needs
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