154 research outputs found
Practices of Personal Protective Measures against SARS-Cov-2 among Undergraduate Medical Students in South India
Introduction: The use of personal protective measures holds relevance despite mass immunization coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in the population. This is because vaccination only gives protection from severe COVID-19 and does not prevent the risk of infection. Medical students can be vital in training people in infection control practices. The study aimed to assess the practices of undergraduate medical students regarding personal protective measures against COVID-19.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among first to final-year students at a private medical college in Mangalore. Data were collected using a Microsoft form.
Results: The mean age of the 302 participants was 21.2±1.6 years. The majority of them were females [179 (59.3%)]. Face mask was worn by 295(97.7%) participants. Non-recommended types of face masks like using cloth masks [108 (36.6%)] and handkerchiefs [7 (2.4%)] were reported by participants. 35 (11.9%) of them wore the face mask incorrectly. Periodicity of replacement of disposable type masks was not done every day by 181(61.4%) participants. 142(48.1%) of them did not dispose of masks whenever they became moist on every occasion. Only 79 (26.8%) always practiced proper disposal of face masks. Hand sanitizer to disinfect hands was always used by 102 (33.8%) participants. Only 42 (13.9%) participants practiced correct practice of hygiene hand wash always. Only 58 (19.2%) participants had a good level of practice. Practice level was significantly poorer among males and first-year students.
Conclusion: Several gaps in preventive practices against COVID-19 were identified, particularly among males and first-year students. These issues need to be addressed among medical students in future training programs
Isolation and Characterization of Tamarind Seed Gum as Pharmaceutical Excipient
Objective: Tamarind seed gum (TSG) is a polysaccharide having galactomannans as chemical constituents, and it is extracted from the seeds of Tamarindus indica L (Family Fabaceae). Generally, polysaccharides play most important roles as thickening, gelling, emulsifying, hydrating, and suspending agents in pharmaceutical formulations. The purpose of this work was to investigate the film coating potential of tamarind seed gum (TSG), using paracetamol as a model drug. Material and Method: Tamarind seed gum, Paracetamol tablet, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Sodium alginate, and Distilled water. Core tablets of paracetamol were obtained from a pharmacy shop in the local market and the physicochemical properties such as weight, hardness, friability, and disintegration time were evaluated. Aqueous coating solution consists of 2% TSG hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) (2% w/v), and sodium alginate (1% w/v) were prepared and used to coat the tablets by dip coating technique. The coated tablets were evaluated. Result: The coated tablets showed lower friability; increased disintegration time (14 min) as compared to the core tablet (3 min), improved hardness, and improved drug release profile. TSG film coated batches showed drug release profile up to 10 hrs and HPMC coated batches showed drug release up to 12 hrs. The results of drug release rate of TSG film is very closed to HPMC release profile. This TSG have good film formers properties. It is a promising natural, biodegradable, cheap and eco-friendly film former, particularly when masking of taste or objectionable odor in a solid dosage formulation is desired. It can be used as carrier in sustained release formulation.Conclusion: On the basis of result we can conclude that TSG has promising properties as pharmaceutical excipient. It could be used in the formulation of sustained release matrix as coating agent.
Herbal Contraceptives: Anti-fertility Activity of Herbal Plants
The Nature is providing us with a lots of source medicine in the form of herbal plants since from the existence of human on the earth and now many of the modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources. Herbal plants became a common word which came in everyone mouth while thinking for the treatment of diseases which sometimes cann’t be treated by allopathic medicine. Plants showing activity as contraceptives were well known by the ancient physicians. Various herbal medicinal plants have shown its activity during modern scientific research test for their antifertility activity in both male and female. Herbal contraceptives are not as much effective as pills but can be used as an alternative with lower side effect. People who are interested in family planning or not interested in getting pregnant are usually not interested in mixed result as any method of contraception there is risk of pregnancy. Modern form of birth control or contraceptive or antifertility are 70%-99% effective depending on the method chosen. For women or men who doesn’t want to use modern method can prefer herbal contraceptives and reducing fertility would be better than no birth control. Some herbal contraceptives show cumulative effect in body and need to be taken at regular time intervals or during a period of time. Herbal contraceptive or antifertility also overcome some side effect that are caused by the modern method of contraceptive
Formulation and evaluation of anti-microbial gel using lavender oil and rosemary oil
In the present study anti-microbial gels are prepared using Lavender oil and Rosemary oil. The anti-microbial gel was evaluated for appearance and homogeneity, grittiness, pH, viscosity, particle size etc.. The anti-microbial gel was light yellowish in colour which feels smooth on application and have aromatic odour.The antimicrobial activity of herbal gel was compared with standard Povidone iodine and the zone of inhibition is determined against S.aureus and E.coli bacteria. The gel was stable at room temperature. It was inferred from the result that the gel formulation shows better anti-microbial activity when compared with marketed formulation gel
Computerised Spirometric Evaluation of Pulmonary Functions in Obese Hypertensive and Obese Non-Hypertensive Male Subjects; A Comparative Study
Background:Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic and is associated with impaired quality of life. It is now a major health concern in our country contributing significantly to increased morbidity and mortality, reducing life expectancy markedly among adults, and is commonly associated with hypertension. It causes mechanical obstruction of various parts of the body, including the respiratory system.Materials and Methods: A Total of three hundred (300) age and sex matched subjects were selected from those attending the Executive Health Check up OPD of kannur Medical College , which included One hundred (100) normal subjects (Group 1), One hundred (100) obese normotensive subjects (Group 2), and One hundred (100) obese hypertensive subjects (Group 3). Results:In the obese normotensive group and obese hypertensive group, statistically significant decline in FVC was seen as compared to the non-obese group. But there was no significant change in FVC between the hypertensive obese and normotensive obese groups . FEV1 showed no significant difference between regular, obese normotensive and obese hypertensive groups, although the obese groups showed a small insignificant decrease. FEV1/FVC % did not show any significant change in the three groups. PEF did not show any significant change in the three groups.Conclusion:It can be concluded that obesity causes mechanical restriction to respiratory movements which adversely affect pulmonary functions. Hypertension had no adverse effects on lung functions.
A study on outcome of facet joint dislocation of cervical spine
Background:Cervical spine dislocations subluxations and dislocations are more common in the lower segments of cervical spines. This study was undertaken in order to study the outcome of cervical spine in a tertiary care centre. Material and methods:A prospective study of 25 cases was undertaken in a tertiary care centre. Cases with unilateral and bilateral facet dislocation were operated and they were followed up for a period of 6 months with radiological examination. JOA score, CC index and ASIA scale were used to assess the improvement. Results:Majority of the cases belonged to more than 40 years of age group and males outnumbered females. The preoperative JOA score was improved from 10.92 to 12.72 and CCI decreased from 19.12 to 10.56. The ASIA grade had also shown significant improvement in most of the patients. Conclusion:This study concludes that, a better outcome in cervical facet injuries which are performed at earliest possible point of time.
Key words: Cervical facet injuries, Closed reduction, Anterior approach, ASIA grading, CCI
To assess the major causes leading to admissions in our SNCU and their causes of death in relation to their conditions: an observational study
Aim:To assess the major causes leading to admissions in our NICU and their causes of death in relation to their conditions.Materials and Method: This was anobservational study done in SNCU at Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital Darbhanga, Bihar, India Data of all admitted neonates were analyzed with regard to age of babies, sex, weight, cause of admissions and their outcome.Results: During study period a total of 320 neonates were analyzed. Male were predominant over female with maleto female ratio 1.42:1. Majority of newborns were to belong to low birth weight (48.44%) followed bynormal birth weight (28.43%), very low birth weight (17.18 %) and ELBW babies. Maximum number of babies were preterm 165 (51.56%), more than half of all the babies, followed by sepsis 42 (13.12%), birth asphyxia 31 (9.68%), neonatal jaundice 24 (7.5%), Meconium aspiration syndrome. 35 (10.93%. Out of 320 admitted babies 58 were died with a mortality rate of 18.12%. Maximum number of death was observed with preterm, 38 out of 58 with 65.51%, their various complications followed by birth asphyxia (18.96%). Third commonest cause of mortality was sepsis (8.62%) which is followed by MAS (6.89%).Conclusion: Prematurity, neonatal sepsis, birth asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome were the major indications of admissions. Prematurity, birth asphyxia and neonatal sepsis were major causes of mortality in my study. These mortalities can be reduced with improved management of antenatal and perinatal period, early recognition of conditions, timely intervention and early referral to higher centre
Embryological aspects and surgical implications on variations of left vertebral artery origin
Background: Anatomic and morphological variations of the vertebral artery are of immense importance in surgery, angiography and all non-invasive procedures. Objective of this study was to elucidate the anatomic variations in origin of vertebral artery and its implications in the field of surgery.Methods: The study was undertaken in Anatomy/Gynaecology department of GMC Thrissur Institute/ from January 2015 to December 2015, for a period of one year. The study comprised of around 50 foetuses where the fetal dissection was done by thoracotomy and midline neck incision. Vertebral artery was traced up to its entry in foramen transversarium. Since the arteries were slender, further tracing was found difficult. Results: Of the 50 foetuses dissected, one male and one female foetus showed anomalous origin of left vertebral artery from arch of aorta (4% anomalous artery). The vertebral arteries originated between left common carotid and left subclavian artery. The length of each vertebral artery till its entrance to foramen transversarium was 2.5cm. The artery of female foetus entered C4 foramen transversarium and of male foetus to C5 foramen transversarium. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is therefore important to be aware of this rare variation in the origin and course of left vertebral artery as it might have serious implications in surgical and angiographic procedures.
Keywords: Vertebral artery, Foetus, Anatomic variations
A comparative study on weekly versus three weekly cisplatin based concurrent chemoradiotherapy in treatment of carcinoma cervix; Patient compliance and Feasibility study
Background: This prospective study compare concurrent weekly and three weekly cisplatin based concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer.Methods: The study was conducted in 40 patients with locally advanced carcinoma cervix randomised into 2 arms. Arm A patients received external beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) to pelvis with concurrent weekly cisplatin at dose of 40 mg/m2 and arm B patients received EBRT to pelvis with concurrent three weekly cisplatin at dose of 75 mg/m2 followed by high dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy (HDR ICBT). Acute gastrointestinal (GI) toxicities being common and worrisome complication and response rates were analysed.Results: The patient and disease characteristics were comparable in both arms. There was no significant difference in both arms in terms of lower GI toxicity i.e weekly vs three weekly(75% Vs 80%; P = 0.208) . Compliance to chemoradiation was better in three weekly vs weekly (85% vs 70%) cisplatin arms but not statistically significant (p<0.05) After a median follow up of 18 months, tumor control rates in both arms were comparable (85% Vs 90%; P = 0.128).Conclusion: The present study observations suggest that concurrent weekly or three weekly cisplatin based chemo-radiation therapy is equally effective in treatment of cervical cancer in terms of local tumor control rate,lower GI toxicity and patients compliance to proposed chemoradiotherapy treatment. However randomised trials with larger sample sizes and longer duration of follow up are required
Patient Relationship Management: A CRM Approach to Patient Care
In the business world, customer relationship management is used to retain customer loyalty in order to increase revenue. Healthcare organizations can build the same kind of relationship with patients, and it can also offer more tangible benefits. The first benefit is by using the same hospital a patient’s treatment history should be relatively well known by the organization. Oftentimes, different hospitals use different patient information systems which are not always compatible with each other. If a patient keeps changing the hospital, his or her medical record can be scattered around various sites. Ideally, if the patient is treated by the same physician in every visit, that physician will get more familiar with the patient, which could improve treatment. The most tangible benefit, however, is time. If the patient goes to the same physician every time, there is no need for long check-ups at the beginning of each visit
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