1,460,083 research outputs found

    Reviews guidance for schools: key stage 2, years 3-6

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    "This guidance provides schools with information about the review services available in 2010... This guidance provides information on the: marking process, review services available, required steps for applying for each of the review services, and conditions for acceptance of review applications

    Working together: Connexions and adult information, advice and guidance partnerships

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    Adult Information, Advice and Guidance Working Together: Connexions and Adult Information,Advice and Guidance Services Summary The Connexions Service – part of the Supporting Children and Young People Group – the Department for Education and Skills, and the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) have worked with colleagues from Connexions partnerships, local LSCs and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) providers to produce this “Working Together” publication. It was first published in April 2003 and has been updated to reflect new arrangements and development work within Connexions partnerships and Information and Advice services for adults. Supersedes Working Together Connexions and Adult Information, Advice and Guidance Partnerships, Publication Reference MISC/0586/0


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    Provision of Guidance and Counselling Services is one of the educational policies of the Federal Government to cater for the apparent ignorance of many young people about career prospects and personality maladjustment among school children. This paper, therefore, discusses the relevance and importance of Guidance and Counselling in the implementation of educational policies Vis-a-vis problem areas that Guidance Counsellor could tackle for the purpose of educational development

    Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009: learner support services and learning pathways document guidance Guidance

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    "Governing bodies of maintained secondary schools and further education institutions must have regard to this guidance when providing, securing the provision of or participating in the provision of learner support services. Learner support services are services that encourage, enable or assist those aged 14–19 to participate in education and training, take advantage of opportunities for employment or to participate in the life of their communities." - Overview

    Statement of client entitlement: good practice guidance: for organisations and practitioners providing career guidance services

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    "Lifelong Learning UK, (the independent employer-led sector skills council with responsibility for the professional development of staff working in the UK lifelong learning sector) identified a need to develop a UK wide client entitlement statement for users of careers services. The International Centre for Guidance Studies was commissioned to undertake this work and developed the entitlement statements in consultation with potential clients and existing service users." - Page 3

    Realities of the Self-Employment Process in Romania

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    The present analyse was developed within the framework of Self-Employment project, i.e. “Guidance and counselling for self-employment”, financed under EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The aim of this project is to identify the location and the value of guidance and counselling services addressed to people considering self-employment. The project conducted a survey of existing guidance and counselling services in different location addressed to educated and experienced persons who wish to start their own business, how they were assisted and provided necessary guidance. The project partners are from Austria, Poland, Romania and Finland. This complementary partnership represents the background of counselling and guidance, academic and education, research and analysis fields strengthen by small business orientation and experience in self-employment project. They represent environments of different level of national awareness, policies and educational offer. The present paper is based on the findings of the field study, aiming to identify the real needs of the self-employed and of the people considering self-employment and if supporting services available are suited to their needs.

    Delivering advocacy services for children and young people 0–25 in Wales

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    "This document outlines the Welsh Assembly Government’s Model for Delivering Advocacy Services to Children and Young People in Wales. It is statutory guidance issued under section 25(8) of the Children Act 2004, and it sets out the purpose of the Model and what is required to embed recent Measures, Regulations and Directions which reinforce the legal framework for the Model. This Statutory Guidance has been produced at this time to support partners in implementing the Model, including the commissioning of Integrated Specialist Advocacy Services through Children and Young People’s Partnerships." - Page 2
