402,672 research outputs found

    Grid Cells Form a Global Representation of Connected Environments.

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    The firing patterns of grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) and associated brain areas form triangular arrays that tessellate the environment [1, 2] and maintain constant spatial offsets to each other between environments [3, 4]. These cells are thought to provide an efficient metric for navigation in large-scale space [5-8]. However, an accurate and universal metric requires grid cell firing patterns to uniformly cover the space to be navigated, in contrast to recent demonstrations that environmental features such as boundaries can distort [9-11] and fragment [12] grid patterns. To establish whether grid firing is determined by local environmental cues, or provides a coherent global representation, we recorded mEC grid cells in rats foraging in an environment containing two perceptually identical compartments connected via a corridor. During initial exposures to the multicompartment environment, grid firing patterns were dominated by local environmental cues, replicating between the two compartments. However, with prolonged experience, grid cell firing patterns formed a single, continuous representation that spanned both compartments. Thus, we provide the first evidence that in a complex environment, grid cell firing can form the coherent global pattern necessary for them to act as a metric capable of supporting large-scale spatial navigation

    Large Scale Electronic Structure Calculations with Multigrid Acceleration

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    We have developed a set of techniques for performing large scale ab initio calculations using multigrid accelerations and a real-space grid as a basis. The multigrid methods permit efficient calculations on ill-conditioned systems with long length scales or high energy cutoffs. The technique has been applied to systems containing up to 100 atoms, including a highly elongated diamond cell, an isolated C60_{60} molecule, and a 32-atom cell of GaN with the Ga d-states in valence. The method is well suited for implementation on both vector and massively parallel architectures.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Development of filtered Euler–Euler two-phase model for circulating fluidised bed: High resolution simulation, formulation and a priori analyses

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    Euler–Euler two-phase model simulations are usually performed with mesh sizes larger than the smallscale structure size of gas–solid flows in industrial fluidised beds because of computational resource limitation. Thus, these simulations do not fully account for the particle segregation effect at the small scale and this causes poor prediction of bed hydrodynamics. An appropriate modelling approach accounting for the influence of unresolved structures needs to be proposed for practical simulations. For this purpose, computational grids are refined to a cell size of a few particle diameters to obtain mesh-independent results requiring up to 17 million cells in a 3D periodic circulating fluidised bed. These mesh-independent results are filtered by volume averaging and used to perform a priori analyses on the filtered phase balance equations. Results show that filtered momentum equations can be used for practical simulations but must take account of a drift velocity due to the sub-grid correlation between the local fluid velocity and the local particle volume fraction, and particle sub-grid stresses due to the filtering of the non-linear convection term. This paper proposes models for sub-grid drift velocity and particle sub-grid stresses and assesses these models by a priori tests

    Multigrid calculation of three-dimensional viscous cascade flows

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    A 3-D code for viscous cascade flow prediction was developed. The space discretization uses a cell-centered scheme with eigenvalue scaling to weigh the artificial dissipation terms. Computational efficiency of a four stage Runge-Kutta scheme is enhanced by using variable coefficients, implicit residual smoothing, and a full multigrid method. The Baldwin-Lomax eddy viscosity model is used for turbulence closure. A zonal, nonperiodic grid is used to minimize mesh distortion in and downstream of the throat region. Applications are presented for an annular vane with and without end wall contouring, and for a large scale linear cascade. The calculation is validated by comparing with experiments and by studying grid dependency

    Turbulence in the ICM from mergers, cool-core sloshing and jets: results from a new multi-scale filtering approach

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    We have designed a simple multi-scale method that identifies turbulent motions in hydrodynamical grid simulations. The method does not assmume ant a-priori coherence scale to distinguish laminar and turbulent flows. Instead, the local mean velocity field around each cell is reconstructed with a multi-scale filtering technique, yielding the maximum scale of turbulent eddies by means of iterations. The method is robust, fast and easily applicable to any grid simulation. We present here the application of this technique to the study of spatial and spectral properties of turbulence in the intra cluster medium, measuring turbulent diffusion and anisotropy of the turbulent velocity field for a variety of driving mechanisms: a) accretion of matter in galaxy clusters (simulated with ENZO); b) sloshing motions around cool-cores (simulated with FLASH); c) jet outflows from active galactic nuclei, AGN (simulated with FLASH). The turbulent velocities driven by matter accretion in galaxy clusters are mostly tangential in the inner regions (inside the cluster virial radius) and isotropic in regions close to the virial radius. The same is found for turbulence excited by cool core sloshing, while the jet outflowing from AGN drives mostly radial turbulence motions near its sonic point and beyond. Turbulence leads to a diffusivity in the range =10^29-10^30 cm^2/s in the intra cluster medium. On average, the energetically dominant mechanism of turbulence driving in the intra cluster medium is represented by accretion of matter and major mergers during clusters evolution.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Characterization of an Ionization Readout Tile for nEXO

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    A new design for the anode of a time projection chamber, consisting of a charge-detecting "tile", is investigated for use in large scale liquid xenon detectors. The tile is produced by depositing 60 orthogonal metal charge-collecting strips, 3~mm wide, on a 10~\si{\cm} ×\times 10~\si{\cm} fused-silica wafer. These charge tiles may be employed by large detectors, such as the proposed tonne-scale nEXO experiment to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay. Modular by design, an array of tiles can cover a sizable area. The width of each strip is small compared to the size of the tile, so a Frisch grid is not required. A grid-less, tiled anode design is beneficial for an experiment such as nEXO, where a wire tensioning support structure and Frisch grid might contribute radioactive backgrounds and would have to be designed to accommodate cycling to cryogenic temperatures. The segmented anode also reduces some degeneracies in signal reconstruction that arise in large-area crossed-wire time projection chambers. A prototype tile was tested in a cell containing liquid xenon. Very good agreement is achieved between the measured ionization spectrum of a 207^{207}Bi source and simulations that include the microphysics of recombination in xenon and a detailed modeling of the electrostatic field of the detector. An energy resolution σ/E\sigma/E=5.5\% is observed at 570~\si{keV}, comparable to the best intrinsic ionization-only resolution reported in literature for liquid xenon at 936~V/\si{cm}.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, as publishe