1,548,206 research outputs found

    Negotiating Intersectional Identities in the Music Culture of the Deeper Christian Life Ministries in Nigeria

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    Christianity is the largest religion in the world with a population of over two billion. More than ever before, the rapid growth of this religion is getting more diverse due to a great variety of doctrines and practices that it accommodates. From the inception of Christianity, music has been prominent and a powerful bedrock of its religious worship. This thesis, underpinned by the paradigm of sound as a social structure as espoused by Steven Feld, examines the intersectional identities in the music culture of the Deeper Christian Life Ministries (DCLM) in Nigeria. This research aims to fathom the musical functions of the focus group and understand how their music reflects societal idiosyncrasies as well as ethnic and national identity. In addition, the survey elucidates the relations between sound events and the social structures of the specified church. Moreover, I explored how music serves as a partial defining homology of all DCLM congregations while acknowledging regional stylistic differences. I conducted individual interviews with choir directors, choir members, pastors, church members using semi-structured interview guides. Findings from the research have yielded the history of the church and its music ministries. Thematic analysis of data also showed the meaning, continuity, and changes in the worship music tradition of the DCLM as well as intersections of gender, ethnicity, and other identities in the musical practice of the DCLM

    Application of artificial neural networks as a predictive tool for the analysis of chemical engineering processes.

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    Master of Science in Chemical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2017.Abstract available in PDF file

    Analisis Tindak Tutur Direktif dalam Novel Amazing Genius Karya Komikus Rif\u27an

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    Email: [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this research are to describe and analysis types and functions of directive utterances in Amazing Genius novel by Komikus Rif\u27an. This research use descriptive method and the type of this research is qualitative research. The results of description and analysis conversation between speaker and listeners in Amazing Genius novel by Komikus Rif\u27an are: 1) The requestive functions of directive utterances are to ask, to supplicate, to pray, and to persuade; 2) The questions functions of directive utterances are to ask and to interrogate; 3) The requirement functions of directive utterances are to govern and to requisite; 4) The prohibitives functions of directive utterances are to forbid and to restrict; 5) The permissives functions of directive utterances are to approve and to permit; and 6) The advisories functions of directive utterances are to advise, to propose, and to recommended. Based on analysis results of directive utterances in Amazing Genius novel, the most dominant funtion is toask and to be main storyline builder

    Ubuntu management strategy in the informal sector: a case of Umlazi township.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In South Africa, many informal businesses have been responsible for providing consumers in the townships with products they demand. Often, it has been observed that these informal traders have been successful in their ventures without following conventional management models. Usually these entities lack company structure, policies and infrastructure. Without these tools they still have managed to own a 28% stake in the countries GDP. This study sort to find how Ubuntu Principles of Management influence the practises of these street vendors. Ubuntu or Bantu principles is a humanitarian approach to business, it emphasizes the need to achieve profits to meet expenses faced. It does not promote hyper profits as the emphasis is on building relationships more than anything. The principles that underpin this framework are trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, compassion and good citizenship. The driving aim was the need to understand reasons that guide strategy and implementation for informal entrepreneurs known as street vendors in Umlazi (SA). It was thus best to use exploratory research to ensure that insight into the phenomenon is best understood. Through thematic analysis it was revealed that Ubuntu Principles of Management are influential in the strategy practiced by street vendors. These entities were found to be driven by the need to satisfy community needs and demands. They however, failed to practice the second pillar of Ubuntu Principles of Management in their businesses of fair and responsible business practices. The latter was also linked to questionable social norms and ethics that they at times practised. However, that said, customers trusted these business entities and felt they were part of the community which was most important to both parties

    Burkitt Lymphoma: Pathogenesis and Immune Evasion

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    B-cell lymphomas arise at distinct stages of cellular development and maturation, potentially influencing antigen (Ag) presentation and T-cell recognition. Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a highly malignant B-cell tumor associated with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infection. Although BL can be effectively treated in adults and children, leading to high survival rates, its ability to mask itself from the immune system makes BL an intriguing disease to study. In this paper, we will provide an overview of BL and its association with EBV and the c-myc oncogene. The contributions of EBV and c-myc to B-cell transformation, proliferation, or attenuation of cellular network and immune recognition or evasion will be summarized. We will also discuss the various pathways by which BL escapes immune detection by inhibiting both HLA class I- and II-mediated Ag presentation to T cells. Finally, we will provide an overview of recent developments suggesting the existence of BL-associated inhibitory molecules that may block HLA class II-mediated Ag presentation to CD4+ T cells, facilitating immune escape of BL

    Camp-meeting sermons : sermons preached at the general annual camp-meeting of the Church of God held at Anderson, Indiana, Jun 6-15, 1913

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    Morality, God, and Possible Worlds: A Paper Inspired By Richard Swinburne's 'God and Morality'

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    The paper is a polemic with Richard Swinburne. According to him, both the possible worlds -- the ’world with God’ and the ’world without God’ -- contain moral properties. The ’world with God’, however, is morally "richer" because the existence of God entails some additional obligations; God may affect moral "facts" through creating some nonmoral facts; God may formulate some additional commands. I think that these differences lead to a greater difference in understanding morality: in the ’world without God’ morality is at most a consequence of some contingent nonmoral states of affairs; whereas in the ’world with God’ it is the correlate and intended "work" of a perfect personal bein

    Saving God

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    Life cycle evaluation of an intercooled gas turbine plant used in conjunction with renewable energy

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    The life cycle estimation of power plants is important for gas turbine operators. With the introduction of wind energy into the grid, gas turbine operators now operate their plants in Load–Following modes as back-ups to the renewable energy sources which include wind, solar, etc. The motive behind this study is to look at how much life is consumed when an intercooled power plant with 100 MW power output is used in conjunction with wind energy. This operation causes fluctuations because the wind energy is unpredictable and overtime causes adverse effects on the life of the plant – The High Pressure Turbine Blades. Such fluctuations give rise to low cycle fatigue and creep failure of the blades depending on the operating regime used. A performance based model that is capable of estimating the life consumed of an intercooled power plant has been developed. The model has the capability of estimating the life consumed based on seasonal power demands and operations. An in-depth comparison was undertaken on the life consumed during the seasons of operation and arrives at the conclusion that during summer, the creep and low cycle life is consumed higher than the rest periods. A comparison was also made to determine the life consumed between Load–Following and stop/start operating scenarios. It was also observed that daily creep life consumption in summer was higher than the winter period in-spite of having lower average daily operating hours in a Start–Stop operating scenario

    Dear God

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