29,280 research outputs found
Biofilm-stimulated epithelium modulates the inflammatory responses in co-cultured immune cells
The gingival epithelium is a physical and immunological barrier to the microbiota of the oral cavity, which interact through soluble mediators with the immune cells that patrol the tissue at the gingival epithelium. We sought to develop a three-dimensional gingivae-biofilm interface model using a commercially available gingival epithelium to study the tissue inflammatory response to oral biofilms associated with “health”, “gingivitis” and “periodontitis”. These biofilms were developed by sequential addition of microorganisms to mimic the formation of supra- and sub-gingival plaque in vivo. Secondly, to mimic the interactions between gingival epithelium and immune cells in vivo, we integrated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and CD14+ monocytes into our three-dimensional model and were able to assess the inflammatory response in the immune cells cultured with and without gingival epithelium. We describe a differential inflammatory response in immune cells cultured with epithelial tissue, and more so following incubation with epithelium stimulated by “gingivitis-associated” biofilm. These results suggest that gingival epithelium-derived soluble mediators may control the inflammatory status of immune cells in vitro, and therefore targeting of the epithelial response may offer novel therapies. This multi-cellular interface model, both of microbial and host origin, offers a robust in vitro platform to investigate host-pathogens at the epithelial surface
Infection of human cytomegalovirus in cultured human gingival tissue.
BackgroundHuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in the oral cavity plays an important role in its horizontal transmission and in causing viral-associated oral diseases such as gingivitis. However, little is currently known about HCMV pathogenesis in oral mucosa, partially because HCMV infection is primarily limited to human cells and few cultured tissue or animal models are available for studying HCMV infection.ResultsIn this report, we studied the infection of HCMV in a cultured gingival tissue model (EpiGingival, MatTek Co.) and investigated whether the cultured tissue can be used to study HCMV infection in the oral mucosa. HCMV replicated in tissues that were infected through the apical surface, achieving a titer of at least 300-fold at 10 days postinfection. Moreover, the virus spread from the apical surface to the basal region and reduced the thickness of the stratum coreum at the apical region. Viral proteins IE1, UL44, and UL99 were expressed in infected tissues, a characteristic of HCMV lytic replication in vivo. Studies of a collection of eight viral mutants provide the first direct evidence that a mutant with a deletion of open reading frame US18 is deficient in growth in the tissues, suggesting that HCMV encodes specific determinants for its infection in oral mucosa. Treatment by ganciclovir abolished viral growth in the infected tissues.ConclusionThese results suggest that the cultured gingival mucosa can be used as a tissue model for studying HCMV infection and for screening antivirals to block viral replication and transmission in the oral cavity
In vitro assessment of cytotoxicity of giomer on human gingival fibroblasts
Root coverage on restored root surfaces has been considered as a challenging issue. The evaluation of cytotoxic effects of restorative materials is a fundamental requirement for sustaining the cell attachment and the clinical success of root coverage. The aim of the present study was to compare the human gingival fibroblast cytotoxicity of the recently introduced giomer composite (GC) with resin ionomer (RI) restorative material. Discs (6x2 mm) of GC and RI restorative materials were prepared using sterile Teflon mold. Extracts from the materials were incubated to cell culture medium for 24, 48 and 72 h. Human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) were exposed to the extracts of the materials while the un-incubated media served as the control group. The cytotoxicity of the materials were evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. In order to compare the mean values of the measured parameters a Kruskal-Walis test was carried out. MTT assay indicated that human gingival fibroblasts proliferated well in the presence of GC extract. The proliferation rate was higher in cells incubated with GC compared to RI extracts but the differences were not statistically significant (p= 0.09). This in vitro study indicated that GC is a non-toxic material for HGF. However, further studies are needed to assess the other biologic and clinical behavior of this material prior to it being considered as a potentially suitable restorative material to restore the carious root lesions candidated to root coverage procedures
Oral Manifestations in Acute Leukemia as the First Sign; The Interdisciplinary Approach of Diagnosis and Treatment
Systemic diseases often present associated oral signs and symptoms, which can occur either from the beginning of the disease or during its evolution. In some cases the oral manifestations reveal an undetected and severe disease, like leukemia. According to the encountered oral signs and symptoms and their response to topical/ dental treatment, the dentist and physician should take into account specific additional tests, which could highlight a possible associated systemic disease.
The most frequent oral manifestations associated with leukemia are represented by paleness of oral mucosa/ local abnormal colour of the gum, gingival petechiae, ecchymosis, bleeding associating painless gingival hyperplasia, hemorrhages, ulcerative necrotic lesions and buccal infections. We presented in this paper the relevant literature data in respect to the oral manifestations encountered in leukemia, exemplified with two suggestive cases.
As a conclusion, dentists should be advised not only to recognize and treat the encountered oral lesions but also to refer the patient to specialized professionals for additional investigations, especially in the situation when suspect a severe systemic disease that require a precocious diagnosis or in the case when the establishment of diagnosis exceed the possibilities of the usual tests. Chemotherapy administration in association with topical/ oral solutions often leads to total or partial remission of the oral signs and symptoms
Puberty: Is Your Gingiva Having Mood Swings?
Objectives/aim: The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects on the different pathological changes in the oral cavity due to puberty, in both males and females. Hormonal changes caused by menstrual cycles, ovulation, the use contraceptives, and increased testosterone and estrogen levels.
Methods: This topic will be analyzed by thoroughly reviewing research on articles that relate to the oral health of individuals specifically between the ages of 12-18 years old.
Results: Research presents significant evidence that supports changes occurring in the oral cavity during an individual’s stage of puberty. These stages include ovulation, pre-menstruation, menstruation and males transitioning through puberty. During the puberty stage adolescents are more prone to have increased gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), gingival index, and bleeding on probing while research has shown no significant findings on plaque indexes or probing depths. Changes occurring during the menstrual cycle tend to influence the periodontium and induce inflammatory conditions as well. While the periodontium and inflammatory cytokines play a major role in the effects during puberty, changes in diet during this phase can increase the risk of developing caries as well.
Conclusion: When adolescents are transitioning into adulthood, there are multiple changes their body goes through. During the literature review, many changes happen during puberty significantly affecting the oral cavity were discovered. These changes have both positive and negative effects. Variations in hormone levels and diet greatly influence the health of the oral cavity and can be a deciding factor on development or severity of oral disease.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/denh_student/1008/thumbnail.jp
Effects of LP-MOCVD prepared TiO2 thin films on the in vitro behavior of gingival fibroblasts
We report on the in vitro response of human gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1 cell line) to various thin films of titanium dioxide (TiO2) deposited on titanium (Ti) substrates by low pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). The aim was to study the influence of film structural parameters on the cell behavior comparatively with a native-oxide covered titanium specimen, this objective being topical and interesting for materials applications in implantology. HGF-1 cells were cultured on three LP-MOCVD prepared thin films of TiO2 differentiated by their thickness, roughness, transversal morphology, allotropic composition and wettability, and on a native-oxide covered Ti substrate. Besides traditional tests of cell viability and morphology, the biocompatibility of these materials was evaluated by fibronectin immunostaining, assessment of cell proliferation status and the zymographic evaluation of gelatinolytic activities specific to matrix metalloproteinases secreted by cells grown in contact with studied specimens. The analyzed surfaces proved to influence fibronectin fibril assembly, cell proliferation and capacity to degrade extracellular matrix without considerably affecting cell viability and morphology. The MOCVD of TiO2 proved effective in positively modifying titanium surface for medical applications. Surface properties playing a crucial role for cell behavior were the wettability and, secondarily, the roughness, HGF-1 cells preferring a moderately rough and wettable TiO2 coating
Enrichment of innate lymphoid cell populations in gingival tissue
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are a population of lymphocytes that act as the first line of immunologic defense at mucosal surfaces. The ILC family in the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tissues has been investigated, and there are reports of individual subsets of ILCs in the oral tissues. We sought to investigate the whole ILC population (group 1, 2, and 3 subsets) in the murine gingivae and the lymph nodes draining the oral cavity. We show that ILCs made up a greater proportion of the whole CD45+ lymphocyte population in the murine gingivae (0.356% ± 0.039%) as compared with the proportion of ILCs in the draining lymph nodes (0.158% ± 0.005%). Cytokine profiling of the ILC populations demonstrated different proportions of ILC subsets in the murine gingivae versus the regional lymph nodes. The majority of ILCs in the draining lymph nodes expressed IL-5, whereas there were equal proportions of IFN-γ- and IL-5 expressing ILCs in the oral mucosa. The percentage of IL-17+ ILCs was comparable between the murine gingivae and the oral draining lymph nodes. These data suggest an enrichment of ILCs in the murine gingivae, and these ILCs reflect a cytokine profile discrepant to that of the local draining lymph nodes. These studies indicate diversity and enrichment of ILCs at the oral mucosal surface. The function of ILCs in the oral cavity remains to be determined; here, we provide a premise of ILC populations that merits future consideration in investigations of mouse models and human tissues
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