18,756 research outputs found
Coordinate transformations for studies of interactions between interplanetary and geomagnetic fields
A graphical procedure is provided for performing coordinate transformations between the geocentric-solar-equatorial, geocentric-solar-ecliptic and geocentric-solar-magnetospheric coordinate systems. The procedure is designed to facilitate intercomparison of previous studies of interactions between interplanetary and geomagnetic fields that made use of these coordinate systems. The interaction in the geocentric-solar-magnetosphere system has been shown to give the most consistent results
Derivation of transformation formulas between geocentric and geodetic coordinates for nonzero altitudes
Four formulas, for the nonzero altitude transformation from geodetic coordinates (geodetic latitude and altitude) to geocentric coordinates (geocentric latitude and geocentric distance) and vice versa, are derived. The set of four formulas is expressed in each of the three useful forms: series expansion in powers of the earth's flattening; series expansion in powers of the earth's eccentricity; and Fourier series expansion in terms of the geodetic latitude or the geocentric latitude. The error incurred in these series expansions is of the order of one part in 3 x 10 to the 7th power
Rocket trajectory optimization final technical summary report, mar. 1961 - dec. 1964
Interplanetary low thrust, geocentric low and high thrust trajectory optimizatio
The earths gravity field to 16th degree and station coordinates from satellite and terrestrial data
Geodetic parameters of earth gravity field and satellite tracking station positions in geocentric reference fram
Asteroids in the Inner Solar System II - Observable Properties
This paper presents synthetic observations of long-lived, coorbiting
asteroids of Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars. Our sample is constructed by
taking the limiting semimajor axes, differential longitudes and inclinations
for long-lived stability provided by simulations. The intervals are randomly
populated with values to create initial conditions. These orbits are
re-simulated to check that they are stable and then re-sampled every 2.5 years
for 1 million years. The Mercurian sample contains only horseshoe orbits, the
Martian sample only tadpoles. For both Venus and the Earth, the greatest
concentration of objects on the sky occurs close to the classical Lagrange
points at heliocentric ecliptic longitudes of 60 and 300 degrees. The
distributions are broad especially if horseshoes are present in the sample. The
full-width half maximum (FWHM) in heliocentric longitude for Venus is 325
degrees and for the Earth is 328 degrees. The mean and most common velocity of
these coorbiting satellites coincides with the mean motion of the parent
planet, but again the spread is wide with a FWHM for Venus of 27.8 arcsec/hr
and for the Earth of 21.0 arcsec/hr. For Mars, the greatest concentration on
the sky occurs at heliocentric ecliptic latitudes of 12 degrees. The peak of
the velocity distribution occurs at 65 arcsec/hr, significantly less than the
Martian mean motion, while its FWHM is 32.3 arcsec/hr. The case of Mercury is
the hardest of all, as the greatest concentration occurs at heliocentric
longitudes close to the Sun.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, Monthly Notices (in press). Higher quality
figures available at
IMS/Satellite Situation Center report: Predicted orbit plots for IMP-J-1976
Predicted orbit plots for the IMP-J satellite were given for the time period January-December 1976. These plots are shown in three projections. The time period covered by each set of projections is 12 days and 6 hours, corresponding approximately to the period of IMP-J. The three coordinate systems used are the Geocentric Solar Ecliptic system (GSE), the Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric system (GSM), and the Solar Magnetic system (SM). For each of the three projections, time ticks and codes are given on the satellite trajectories. The codes are interpreted in the table at the base of each plot. Time is given in the table as year/day/decimal hour, and the total time covered by each plot is shown at the bottom of each table
An exact transformation from geocentric to geodetic coordinates for nonzero altitudes
An exact method for the nonzero altitude transformation from geocentric to geodetic coordinates is derived. The method is mathematically general and should serve as a primary standard
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