177,163 research outputs found

    Simulating Galaxy Evolution

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    The forwards approach to galaxy formation and evolution is extremely powerful but leaves several questions unanswered. Foremost among these is the origin of disks. A backwards approach is able to provide a more realistic treatment of star formation and feedback and provides a practical guide to eventually complement galaxy formation ab initio.Comment: 11 pages with 2 figures, to appear in "After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young", proceedings of the 9th annual October Astrophysics Conference, ed. S. Holt and E. Smith, simulated images available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~bouwens/simulation.htm

    Galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing as a sensitive probe of galaxy evolution

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    The gravitational lensing effect provides various ways to study the mass environment of galaxies. We investigate how galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing can be used to test models of galaxy formation and evolution. We consider two semi-analytic galaxy formation models based on the Millennium Run N-body simulation: the Durham model by Bower et al. (2006) and the Garching model by Guo et al. (2011). We generate mock lensing observations for the two models, and then employ Fast Fourier Transform methods to compute second- and third-order aperture statistics in the simulated fields for various galaxy samples. We find that both models predict qualitatively similar aperture signals, but there are large quantitative differences. The Durham model predicts larger amplitudes in general. In both models, red galaxies exhibit stronger aperture signals than blue galaxies. Using these aperture measurements and assuming a linear deterministic bias model, we measure relative bias ratios of red and blue galaxy samples. We find that a linear deterministic bias is insufficient to describe the relative clustering of model galaxies below ten arcmin angular scales. Dividing galaxies into luminosity bins, the aperture signals decrease with decreasing luminosity for brighter galaxies, but increase again for fainter galaxies. This increase is likely an artifact due to too many faint satellite galaxies in massive group and cluster halos predicted by the models. Our study shows that galaxy-galaxy(-galaxy) lensing is a sensitive probe of galaxy evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&

    Galaxy peculiar velocities and evolution-bias

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    Galaxy bias can be split into two components: a formation-bias based on the locations of galaxy creation, and an evolution-bias that details their subsequent evolution. In this letter we consider evolution-bias in the peaks model. In this model, galaxy formation takes place at local maxima in the density field, and we analyse the subsequent peculiar motion of these galaxies in a linear model of structure formation. The peak restriction yields differences in the velocity distribution and correlation between the galaxy and the dark matter fields, which causes the evolution-bias component of the total bias to evolve in a scale-dependent way. This mechanism naturally gives rise to a change in shape between galaxy and matter correlation functions that depends on the mean age of the galaxy population. This model predicts that older galaxies would be more strongly biased on large scales compared to younger galaxies. Our arguments are supported by a Monte-Carlo simulation of galaxy pairs propagated using the Zel'dovich-approximation for describing linear peculiar galaxy motion.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS accepte
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