990,474 research outputs found

    Exceptional Indices

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    Recently a prescription to compute the superconformal index for all theories of class S was proposed. In this paper we discuss some of the physical information which can be extracted from this index. We derive a simple criterion for the given theory of class S to have a decoupled free component and for it to have enhanced flavor symmetry. Furthermore, we establish a criterion for the "good", the "bad", and the "ugly" trichotomy of the theories. After interpreting the prescription to compute the index with non-maximal flavor symmetry as a residue calculus we address the computation of the index of the bad theories. In particular we suggest explicit expressions for the superconformal index of higher rank theories with E_n flavor symmetry, i.e. for the Hilbert series of the multi-instanton moduli space of E_n.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, v2: minor correction

    Counting Exceptional Instantons

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    We show how to obtain the instanton partition function of N=2 SYM with exceptional gauge group EFG using blow-up recursion relations derived by Nakajima and Yoshioka. We compute the two instanton contribution and match it with the recent proposal for the superconformal index of rank 2 SCFTs with E6, E7 global symmetry.Comment: 16 pages, references adde

    Exceptional zero formulae and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou

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    Let A/QA/\mathbb{Q} be an elliptic curve with split multiplicative reduction at a prime pp. We prove (an analogue of) a conjecture of Perrin-Riou, relating pp-adic Beilinson−-Kato elements to Heegner points in A(Q)A(\mathbb{Q}), and a large part of the rank-one case of the Mazur−-Tate−-Teitelbaum exceptional zero conjecture for the cyclotomic pp-adic LL-function of AA. More generally, let ff be the weight-two newform associated with AA, let f∞f_{\infty} be the Hida family of ff, and let Lp(f∞,k,s)L_{p}(f_{\infty},k,s) be the Mazur−-Kitagawa two-variable pp-adic LL-function attached to f∞f_{\infty}. We prove a pp-adic Gross−-Zagier formula, expressing the quadratic term of the Taylor expansion of Lp(f∞,k,s)L_{p}(f_{\infty},k,s) at (k,s)=(2,1)(k,s)=(2,1) as a non-zero rational multiple of the extended height-weight of a Heegner point in A(Q)A(\mathbb{Q})

    Exceptional planar polynomials

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    Planar functions are special functions from a finite field to itself that give rise to finite projective planes and other combinatorial objects. We consider polynomials over a finite field KK that induce planar functions on infinitely many extensions of KK; we call such polynomials exceptional planar. Exceptional planar monomials have been recently classified. In this paper we establish a partial classification of exceptional planar polynomials. This includes results for the classical planar functions on finite fields of odd characteristic and for the recently proposed planar functions on finite fields of characteristic two

    Exceptional knot homology

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    The goal of this article is twofold. First, we find a natural home for the double affine Hecke algebras (DAHA) in the physics of BPS states. Second, we introduce new invariants of torus knots and links called "hyperpolynomials" that address the "problem of negative coefficients" often encountered in DAHA-based approaches to homological invariants of torus knots and links. Furthermore, from the physics of BPS states and the spectra of singularities associated with Landau-Ginzburg potentials, we also describe a rich structure of differentials that act on homological knot invariants for exceptional groups and uniquely determine the latter for torus knots.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure
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