3,259 research outputs found

    Reducing environmental pollution caused by construction plant

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    Quantifiable data produced in a national report by the Environment Agency of England and Wales entitled ‘Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1997’ and published by the Stationery Office in 1998, identifies that of over 3,723 substantiated pollution incidents across England and Wales in 1997. Within the generic sector classed as ‘Industry’ the construction industry was the most frequent polluter responsible for 22% of all substantiated water-related pollution incidents in that sector. The report also identified that a significant number (28%) of all substantiated pollution incidents across England and Wales are directly attributable to mineral-based fuels and oils many of which are used extensively within the construction industry. This paper seeks to locate the possible causes and effects for some of that oil-based pollution, discuss the issues and identifies a unique and radical Client-motivated solution within the UK to reduce and mitigate the undesirable impacts upon the environment. Evidence produced by the oil industry shows the enormous amount of one particularly aggressive pollutant –hydraulic oil, – which remains annually, unaccounted for. Hydraulic oil is used in most tracked earthmoving machinery; the sort of machinery most closely associated with construction work carried out near to watercourses. Biodegradable hydraulic oil is much more considerate to the environment, but is more expensive and not usually installed in new plant and machinery. The paper argues that on a life cycle basis the use of biodegradable oil is viable and feasible and that there are many external factors that make its usage desirable

    The Impact of Climate Change on the Profitability of Site Specific Technologies

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    Site Specific Technologies (SST) can reduce environmental pollution caused by common agricultural practice. Using a case study for corn yields, we investigate the impact of climate change (CC) on profitability of SSTs. We find CC to increase spatial variability of soils with respect to optimal input application and yield variability. This leads, ceteris paribus, to higher incentives for SST adoption in the future.Climate Change; Site Specific Technologies; Adaptation; Crop Production Function


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    Site Specific Technologies (SST) can reduce environmental pollution caused by common agricultural practice. Using a case study for corn yields, we investigate the impact of climate change (CC) on profitability of SSTs. We find CC to increase spatial variability of soils with respect to optimal input application and yield variability. This leads, ceteris paribus, to higher incentives for SST adoption in the future.Climate Change, Site Specific Technologies, Adaptation, Crop Production Function., Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Perancangan Sistem Kendali Otomatik Proses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Berbasis Mikrokontroler At89s52

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    Tofu industry is one of the people industries which are many in Pontianak. The existence of this industry causes a negative impact which is environmental pollution caused by tofu liquid waste. Tofu liquid waste is a kind of wastewater which is produced along with the making of tofu. The environmental pollution caused by tofu liquid waste can be overcome by giving the tofu liquid waste a treatment process before it's being wasted to the environment. To make the treatment process easy, I desinged an automation control system for the tofu liquid waste treatment process. The controller is a microcontroller AT89S52 which is a cheap microcontroller and also easy-to-program. The assembly programming is used to program the microcontroller. The results showed 83,98 % of average reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) for treatment process in 3 days

    What is needed for reducing the greenhouse gas footprint?

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    Livestock production is responsible for a large amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, numerous approaches have been developed to reduce these emissions and thus lower environmental pollution caused by livestock husbandry. This article shows where interventions are possible and which hurdles have to be cleared in implementing the various measures needed


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    The aims of this program are to develop Sidowangi community lives and prevent environmental pollution caused by slondok wastewater. Additionally, it also aim to promote awareness and empathy of Ahmad Dahlan University students to the problems of low-income communities, particularly in Sidowangi village, Magelang regency.The target group were the families of slondok artisans, unemployed youth and housewives who do not have productive activities. The main activities carried out in the target group were training and mentoring how to produce nata from slondok wastewater that it is conducted by UAD’s student. A culinary exhibition of nata de cassava products was conducted at the end of the program. At the end of this program there was a rose of people’s lives in Sidowangi community and a reduce in the environmental pollution caused by wastewater slondok. In addition it was ain increase of awareness and empathy of Ahmad Dahlan University students to the problems of the people in the Sidowangi village. Keywords: pemberdayaan masyarakat, limbah cair slondok, nata de cassav


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    Abstract Ships and other types of vessels contain very large quantities of lubricants in their structural assemblies used for steering or motion. This lubricant serves to reduce friction between the parts and prevents their wear and tear. Due to increasingly demanding criteria related to environmental pollution, changes are implemented in design solutions regarding new lubrication methods which are less harmfull to the environment in case they come into contact with the environment. New design solutions apply new types of lubricants, which have different chemical structures, the tribological properties of interacting materials likewise change, so we need to use new construction materials that provide good mechanical tribological properties for a structural system with regard to its motion and steering. New types of lubricants, as well as new construction materials, are quite underresearched. This complicates their use in realistic systems. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of new solutions with regard to lubricants and construction materials, as well as estimating their adverse impact on the environment
