984,604 research outputs found

    Enriched weakness

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    The basic notions of category theory, such as limit, adjunction, and orthogonality, all involve assertions of the existence and uniqueness of certain arrows. Weak notions arise when one drops the uniqueness requirement and asks only for existence. The enriched versions of the usual notions involve certain morphisms between hom-objects being invertible; here we introduce enriched versions of the weak notions by asking that the morphisms between hom-objects belong to a chosen class of "surjections". We study in particular injectivity (weak orthogonality) in the enriched context, and illustrate how it can be used to describe homotopy coherent structures.Comment: 25 pages; v2 minor changes, to appear in JPA

    Enriched factorization systems

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    In a paper of 1974, Brian Day employed a notion of factorization system in the context of enriched category theory, replacing the usual diagonal lifting property with a corresponding criterion phrased in terms of hom-objects. We set forth the basic theory of such enriched factorization systems. In particular, we establish stability properties for enriched prefactorization systems, we examine the relation of enriched to ordinary factorization systems, and we provide general results for obtaining enriched factorizations by means of wide (co)intersections. As a special case, we prove results on the existence of enriched factorization systems involving enriched strong monomorphisms or strong epimorphisms

    Enriched ∞\infty-operads

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    In this paper we initiate the study of enriched ∞\infty-operads. We introduce several models for these objects, including enriched versions of Barwick's Segal operads and the dendroidal Segal spaces of Cisinski and Moerdijk, and show these are equivalent. Our main results are a version of Rezk's completion theorem for enriched ∞\infty-operads: localization at the fully faithful and essentially surjective morphisms is given by the full subcategory of complete objects, and a rectification theorem: the homotopy theory of ∞\infty-operads enriched in the ∞\infty-category arising from a nice symmetric monoidal model category is equivalent to the homotopy theory of strictly enriched operads.Comment: Accepted version, 59 page

    Enriched Reedy categories

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    We define the notion of an enriched Reedy category and show that if A is a C-Reedy category for some symmetric monoidal model category C and M is a C-model category, the category of C-functors and C-natural transformations from A to M is again a model category.This research was partially conducted during the period the author was employed by the Clay Mathematics Institute as a Liftoff Fellow

    Enriched Reedy categories

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    We define the notion of an enriched Reedy category, and show that if A is a C-Reedy category for some symmetric monoidal model category C and M is a C-model category, the category of C-functors and C-natural transformations from A to M is again a model category.Comment: The definition of an enriched Reedy category was ever so slightly imprecise. Version 2 corrects thi
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