13,310 research outputs found
Emocje w dyskursie publicznym
In political discourse, the recipient is collective and intentional. Being a part of public discourse, political discourse abounds in speech acts that have emotive-evaluative function. In the prezent paper, the Author discusses the most frequent evaluative-emotive acts gleaned from parliamentary speeches, and these include: accusations, complaining, bragging, expressing recognition and justification. The methodological Framework adopted by the Author adheres to the model proposed by Aleksy Awdiejew. Another phenomenon observable in public discourse is aggression. Irrespective of this, expressing emotions in public discourse is sometimes ideologically motivated.In political discourse, the recipient is collective and intentional. Being a part of public discourse, political discourse abounds in speech acts that have emotive-evaluative function. In the prezent paper, the Author discusses the most frequent evaluative-emotive acts gleaned from parliamentary speeches, and these include: accusations, complaining, bragging, expressing recognition and justification. The methodological Framework adopted by the Author adheres to the model proposed by Aleksy Awdiejew. Another phenomenon observable in public discourse is aggression. Irrespective of this, expressing emotions in public discourse is sometimes ideologically motivated
Emocje – ich znaczenie i zadania
Emotions are mental states that cause specific physiological changes (e.g. adrenaline secretion), somatic (e.g. change of body posture, facial expression - a "sad" or "scared" expression), cognitive (e.g. thoughts of running away at the sight of a dangerous dog), behavioral (e.g. increased vigilance, running away). The emotional process consists of three basic components:emotional arousal, leading to mobilization changes in the body, the realization of the importance of these changes, the specific and qualitative characteristics of the event of significance for the person. Types of emotional responses: physiological, psychological, behavioral. There are different types of emotions, which are classified in order from the most basic to the emotions learned in different contexts.Therefore, there is a distinction between primary emotions (innate and respond to a stimulus, this includes: anger, sadness, joy, fear, surprise, aversion) and secondary emotions (formed after the primary emotion, shame, guilt, pride, anxiety, jealousy, hope). Positive and negative emotions: affect people's behavior, so some emotions can generate positive actions or reactions, such as joy or satisfaction, but there are other emotions that cause harmful feelings for the individual.Emocje są to stany psychiczne, wywołujące określone zmiany fizjologiczne (np. wydzielanie adrenaliny),somatyczne (np. zmiana postawy ciała, mimiczne- mina „smutna” lub „przerażona”), poznawcze (np.pojawienie się myśli o ucieczce na widok groźnego psa), związane z zachowaniem (np. zwiększona czujność, ucieczka).W skład procesu emocjonalnego wchodzą trzy podstawowe komponenty:pobudzenie emocjonalne, prowadzące do zmian mobilizacyjnych w organizmie, uświadomienie sobie znaczenia tych zmian, specyficzne i jakościowe cechy zdarzenia mającego znaczenie dla człowieka. Rodzaje reakcji emocjonalnych: fizjologiczna, psychologiczna, behawioralna. Istnieją różne typy emocji, które są klasyfikowane w kolejności od najbardziej podstawowych do emocji wyuczonych w różnych kontekstach, dlatego wyróżnia się emocje podstawowe (wrodzone i reagują na bodziec, zalicza się tu: złość, smutek, radość, strach, zaskoczenie, niechęć) i wtórne (powstają po pierwotnej emocji, wstydzie, poczuciu winy, dumie, niepokoju, zazdrości, nadziei). Pozytywne i negatywne emocje: wpływają na zachowania ludzi, więc niektóre emocje mogą generować pozytywne działania lub reakcje, takie jak radość lub satysfakcja, ale są też inne emocje, które powodują szkodliwe uczucia dla jednostki
When a sociologist reasearches emotions, when a sociologist researches love
Artykuł opowiada o wątpliwościach i wyzwaniach, jakie stanęły przede mną – antropologizującym socjologiem – podczas początkowej fazy badań życia uczuciowego w środowiskach kuracjuszy oraz bywalców imprez klubowych. Odwołując się do doświadczeń z jakościowych badań emocji miłosnych w interakcjach intymnych i towarzyskich, podejmuję tematy: podobieństw i różnic w spojrzeniu na afektywną sferę życia człowieka w nauce i sztuce; wyznaczania granic między dyscyplinami i dziedzinami nauki, które zajmują się emocjami; poszukiwania rozwiązań definicyjnych i metodologicznych w badaniu emocji i miłości w socjologii rozumiejącej.This article talks about the concerns and the challenges that I (as sociologist with anthropological verve) was faced with during the early stages of the research of love life among sanatorium visitors and among clubbers. Referring to experiences from qualitative studying of love emotions in intimate and social interactions, I raise the following issues: similarities and differences in the perception of affective sphere of human life between science and art; the boundaries between disciplines and fields of science concerning emotions; definitional and methodological solutions in the study of emotions and love in interpretive sociology
Negative emotions and rationality of decision-making
The paper provides an analysis of the impact of negative emotions on decision-making processes. It questions the common-sense view that negative emotions diminish rationality of decisions, i.e., increase the probability of making suboptimal choices. It is argued in the paper that this view is untenable on the grounds of neuroscience, cognitive science and evolutionary theory: the results provided by these sciences support the view that negative emotions in most instances of their occurrence, i.e. types of negative emotions, not only fail to undermine rationality of decision-making but substantially contribute to it. This does mean saying that token-negative emotions never undermine rationality of decision-making. But, as is argued in the paper, the fact that token-negative emotions may have sometimes this kind of negative effect is fully consistent with the claim that, as a rule, the effect is positive, so that one can speak about the causal connection between types of negative emotion and rational decision-making
Rola emocji i nastroju oceniającego w procesie oceniania pracowników
Na proces oceniania pracowników mają wpływ emocje i nastroje przeżywane przez
osoby oceniające. Mechanizmy wpływu stanów afektywnych na procesy poznawcze,
a przez to i formułowane oceny innych osób tłumaczone są głównie przy pomocy trzech
koncepcji. Pierwsza z nich – aktywizacyjna podkreśla rolę emocji i nastrojów przy
aktywowaniu informacji w pamięci. Według drugiej – informacyjnej – stan afektywny
sam w sobie stanowi wartość informacyjną wykorzystywaną przy wydawaniu ocen.
Trzecia koncepcja skupia się na różnicach pomiędzy apriorycznym i aposteriorycznym
trybem wartościowania. Koncepcje te uzupełniają się i łącznie pozwalają wyjaśnić wiele
mechanizmów wpływu stanów afektywnych na proces oceniania. Omówiono wpływ
emocji i nastrojów oceniającego na wydawanego przez niego oceny oraz ich możliwe
konsekwencje dla pracowników i organizacji. Zaproponowano również sposoby
radzenia sobie z oddziaływaniem stanów afektywnych podczas oceniania pracowników.Appraiser’s emotions and mood can influence the employees appraisal process.
There are three theories in place to explain mechanisms governing affective conditions’
impact on cognition processes, and by that, on other people appraisal. The first one –
activating theory – emphasizes the role of emotions and mood in activating different
information in our mind. The second one – informative theory – suggests that mood and
emotions have informative value taken into account during evaluation process. The third
theory describes distinctions between two styles of assessment: a priori and a posteriori.
The above mentioned theories complement one another and as a whole manage to
explain many of the mechanisms relating to affective conditions’ impact on evaluation
process. The article presents the impact of appraiser’ mood and emotions on the
employees evaluation and the potential consequences of emotive factors for both
employees and the organization. The article proposes also some means of coping with
possible interference of affective conditions in the employees appraisal
Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a School Reading. Comprehension – Experience – Metaphor – Emotion
Dominantą artystyczną utworu Roalda Dahla Charlie i fabryka czekolady (przywołanego jako szkolna lektura) i punktem wyjścia dla rozważań podjętych w tekście staje się przyciągająca czytelnika i oddziałująca na rozumienie tekstu, konstruowanie sensów i emocje, wyrazistość i plastyczność literackich obrazów (narracja wizualna i efekty wizualne) oraz polisensoryczność narracji Dahla. W opracowaniu zasobów empirycznych (części praktycznej) artykułu korzystałam z komentarzy do materiałów lekcyjnych (prac uczniów) szkoły podstawowej. Przeanalizowany materiał pozwala na sformułowanie następującego wniosku: wizualizacja efektów i afektów oraz metaforyzacja obrazów wzmacnianych doświadczeniem rzeczywistym może wpływać na emocjonalne zaangażowanie czytelnika/ucznia, wywierać wpływ na konstruowanie przez niego nowych znaczeń i sensów utworu oraz wzmacnia siłę interakcji, jaka zachodzi między słowem, obrazem i emocjami, co przekłada się w tym przypadku na wspomaganie rozumienia, kształtowanie wyobraźni i formułowanie etycznej refleksji nad światem.The novel’s artistic dominant and the starting point for this discussion is Dahl’s vivid (visual narration, visual effects), attractive and multisensory narration. It influences the reception of the text, structures senses and emotions, and refers to everyday experiences (experiential gestalt) and child’s imagination. In this article I refer to the theory of interactional reading (aesthetic and efferent). I emphasize that emotional reactions have an important interpersonal and intrapersonal function with the context of ethics and it depict individual world of each reader (this opinion was also aptly noticed by students from primary school – 10-12 years old) Visualization of effects and affections, and metaphorization of images enhanced with real experience, may influence emotional involvement of readers and their construction of new notions and meanings of the work. Combining certain aspects of strengthens and the interaction between words, images, and emotions, in this case facilitates comprehension, development of imagination, and formulation of moral reflections about the world
The features of political images and emotions in the voting for Bronisław Komorowski and Jarosław Kaczyński in the 2010 presidential elections. A report from a survey on the political attitudes of students
In the theory of political marketing the concept of the image appears crucial when explaining electoral preferences and behaviors. This paper presents a survey into the relations between image factors and liking for the main two candidates in the presidential elections in Poland in 2010. It is widely supposed that the assessment of a candidate’s image should translate into a definite (positive or negative) emotion towards him or her. An empirical analysis of the influence of political images on political attitudes, however, leads to a slightly more modest conclusion regarding the power of such influence. Surveys do not unconditionally confirm the assumption that voter’s emotions are unequivocally determined by a candidate’s image, especially as the decisive factors in stimulating support for a given politician (or party) may be provided by negative emotions evoked by his or her rival. The results of the survey do confirm an observation that has already been noted in the literature, that cognitive judgments of a candidate’s image have a considerably weaker influence on voter preferences than the emotions he evokes.In the theory of political marketing the concept of the image appears crucial when explaining electoral preferences and behaviors. This paper presents a survey into the relations between image factors and liking for the main two candidates in the presidential elections in Poland in 2010. It is widely supposed that the assessment of a candidate’s image should translate into a definite (positive or negative) emotion towards him or her. An empirical analysis of the influence of political images on political attitudes, however, leads to a slightly more modest conclusion regarding the power of such influence. Surveys do not unconditionally confirm the assumption that voter’s emotions are unequivocally determined by a candidate’s image, especially as the decisive factors in stimulating support for a given politician (or party) may be provided by negative emotions evoked by his or her rival. The results of the survey do confirm an observation that has already been noted in the literature, that cognitive judgments of a candidate’s image have a considerably weaker influence on voter preferences than the emotions he evokes
Zdystansowany inteligent. Emocje a afekt w poezji Barańczaka
The article analyses Barańczak’s poetry to compare the cultural models of presenting emotions (especially characteristic to modernist poetry exploring emotional restraint) with the feeling of hurt and the resulting fear occasionally seen in his work: not expressed directly, yet affecting the perception of reality. The relation between emotions and affect powerfully shapes the image of the poetic persona in the poems of the author of Surgical Precision (Chirurgiczna precyzja), also affecting the literary language.The article analyses Barańczak’s poetry to compare the cultural models of presenting emotions (especially characteristic to modernist poetry exploring emotional restraint) with the feeling of hurt and the resulting fear occasionally seen in his work: not expressed directly, yet affecting the perception of reality. The relation between emotions and affect powerfully shapes the image of the poetic persona in the poems of the author of Surgical Precision (Chirurgiczna precyzja), also affecting the literary language
Do emotions organize or disorganize action?
Emotions companions us in our everyday life and are still difficult to define. Among many functions, such as inducing physiological changes, availability to specific behaviors, the organizing or disorganizing influence of emotions is also distinguished.
The aim of the article is to show the theory of emotions and answer the question whether they organize our actions or, on the contrary, promote disorganization.
Among the many functions attributed to emotions are that they can direct our actions towards a given goal and sustain it, or vice versa. Emotion is, among other things, an expression of the action of instincts, it mobilizes the body, organizes action and performs an energizing function. Nowadays, attention is paid to the mobilizing aspects of emotions - weak or moderate emotions organize our functioning. Only a strong emotional state ceases to motivate, makes our actions disoriented. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish between emotional states and motivation. Watson shows emotions as a disorder of homeostasis along with numerous disorders of mental regulation. Clore, Clark, and Watson argue that dysfunctional are persistent, troublesome states that may be manifestations of affective or temperamental disorders rather than transient emotions. Speaking of emotion and its impact on action, it is worth mentioning and stopping at the issue of inhibition and expressing emotional states.
It is not possible to unequivocally determine that emotions either organize or disorganize our behavior, because a lot depends on the intensity of the experienced emotion and its directio
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