361,602 research outputs found
Interdependent Durations
This paper studies the identification of a simultaneous equation model where the variable of interest is a duration measure. It proposes a game theoretic model in which durations are determined by strategic agents. In the absence of strategic motives, the model delivers a version of the generalized accelerated failure time model. In its most general form, the system resembles a classical simultaneous equation model in which endogenous variables interact with observable and unobservable exogenous components to characterize a certain economic environment. In this paper, the endogenous variables are the individually chosen equilibrium durations. Even though a unique solution to the game is not always attainable in this context, the structural elements of the economic system are shown to be semiparametrically point identified. We also present a brief discussion of estimation ideas and a set of simulation studies on the model.duration, empirical games, identification
Statistics of seismic cluster durations
Using the standard ETAS model of triggered seismicity, we present a rigorous
theoretical analysis of the main statistical properties of temporal clusters,
defined as the group of events triggered by a given main shock of fixed
magnitude m that occurred at the origin of time, at times larger than some
present time t. Using the technology of generating probability function (GPF),
we derive the explicit expressions for the GPF of the number of future
offsprings in a given temporal seismic cluster, defining, in particular, the
statistics of the cluster's duration and the cluster's offsprings maximal
magnitudes. We find the remarkable result that the magnitude difference between
the largest and second largest event in the future temporal cluster is
distributed according to the regular Gutenberg-Richer law that controls the
unconditional distribution of earthquake magnitudes. For earthquakes obeying
the Omori-Utsu law for the distribution of waiting times between triggering and
triggered events, we show that the distribution of the durations of temporal
clusters of events of magnitudes above some detection threshold \nu has a power
law tail that is fatter in the non-critical regime than in the critical
case n=1. This paradoxical behavior can be rationalised from the fact that
generations of all orders cascade very fast in the critical regime and
accelerate the temporal decay of the cluster dynamics.Comment: 45 pages, 15 figure
The Visual Mechanisms of Tenebrio Molitor: Changes in the Electro-Retinogram as Function of the Stimulus Duration
The ERG complex of the compound eye of the yellow mealworm bettle Tenebrimolitor (L.) separates into two components with stimulus durations of longer than 100 ms. These are the ‘on’ and the ‘off’ effects. Above stimulus durations of 1 s the positive potential following the ‘on’ is faster and the positive ‘off’ is followed by a small negative one.
The latent period of the ‘on’ is independent of the stimulus duration while for stimulus durations of longer than 300 ms the ‘off’ latency is coupled with the end of the stimulus. If measured after the extinction of the stimulus the ‘off’ latency is affected by the stimulus duration.
The ‘on’ and ‘off’ amplitudes behave similarly for various stimulus durations. Both originate in the receptor cells.
The Bunsen-Roscoe Law of photochemistry holds for stimulus durations of 10-40 ms. For a given intensity, the amplitudes diminished for durations longer than 300 ms
Detrended fluctuation analysis of intertrade durations
The intraday pattern, long memory, and multifractal nature of the intertrade
durations, which are defined as the waiting times between two consecutive
transactions, are investigated based upon the limit order book data and order
flows of 23 liquid Chinese stocks listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in
2003. An inverse -shaped intraday pattern in the intertrade durations with
an abrupt drop in the first minute of the afternoon trading is observed. Based
on the detrended fluctuation analysis, we find a crossover of power-law scaling
behaviors for small box sizes (trade numbers in boxes) and large box sizes and
strong evidence in favor of long memory in both regimes. In addition, the
multifractal nature of intertrade durations in both regimes is confirmed by a
multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis for individual stocks with a few
exceptions in the small-duration regime. The intraday pattern has little
influence on the long memory and multifractaility.Comment: 15 Elsart pages including 4 figures and 1 tabl
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Does the value of quality of life depend on duration?
The aims of this study are to investigate the feasibility of eliciting Time Trade Off (TTO) valuations using short durations; to determine the effect of contrasting durations on individuals’ responses to the TTO; to examine variations within and between respondents’ values with respect to duration; and to consider the insights provided by participants’ comments and explanations regarding their reaction to duration in the valuation task. 27 participants provided TTO values using short and long durations for three EQ-5D states. Feedback was sought using a series of open ended questions. Of the 81 opportunities to observe it, strict constant proportionality was satisfied twice. 11 participants had no systematic relationship between duration and value; 11 provided consistently lower valuations in long durations, while 5 had higher valuations in long durations. Comments provided by participants were consistent with the values they provided. Mean TTO values did not differ markedly between alternative durations. We conclude that it is feasible to elicit TTO values for short durations. There is considerable heterogeneity in individuals’ responses to the time frames used to elicit values. Further research is required to ensure that the values used in cost effectiveness analysis adequately represent preferences about quality and length of life
Dissociable neuroanatomical correlates of subsecond and suprasecond time perception
The ability to estimate durations varies across individuals. Although previous studies have reported that individual differences in perceptual skills and cognitive capacities are reflected in brain structures, it remains unknown whether timing abilities are also reflected in the brain anatomy. Here, we show that individual differences in the ability to estimate subsecond and suprasecond durations correlate with gray matter (GM) volume in different parts of cortical and subcortical areas. Better ability to discriminate subsecond durations was associated with a larger GM volume in the bilateral anterior cerebellum, whereas better performance in estimating the suprasecond range was associated with a smaller GM volume in the inferior parietal lobule. These results indicate that regional GM volume is predictive of an individual's timing abilities. These morphological results support the notion that subsecond durations are processed in the motor system, whereas suprasecond durations are processed in the parietal cortex by utilizing the capacity of attention and working memory to keep track of time
Human comfort in relation to sinusoidal vibration
An investigation was made to assess the overall subjective comfort levels to sinusoidal excitations over the range 1 to 19 Hz using a two axis electrohydraulic vibration simulator. Exposure durations of 16 minutes, 25 minutes, 1 hour, and 2.5 hours have been considered. Subjects were not exposed over such durations, but were instructed to estimate the overall comfort levels preferred had they been constantly subjected to vibration over such durations
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