14,332 research outputs found

    Genetic Variation in Three Breeds of Indonesian Local Ducks Based on Blood and Egg White Protein Polymorphism

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    A study of genetic variation of four blood protein loci and three egg white loci in three breeds ofIndonesian local ducks (Magelang duck = MAD, Tegal duck = TED and Mojosari duck= MOD) wasinvestigated by using polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The result showed that four bloodprotein loci (Pre-albumin, Albumin, Transferrin and Post-transferrin) and three egg white loci(Ovalbumin, Ovoglobulin and Conalbumin) were found to be polymorphic in three breeds of localducks. There was no difference on blood and egg white protein polyimorphism. The average value ofheterozygosity on three breeds of local ducks had a genetic potential to determine the controlled matingsystem and selection to obtain pure line. The closest phylogenetic relationship among the three breeds oflocal ducks occurred between MAD and TED

    Genetic variability of some Italian and Polish duck breeds

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    This study is aimed to estimate and compare the inter- and within-breed variability of duck populations under genetic conservation programmes. The following four duck breeds were analysed: Germanata Veneta (AGV) and Mignon (AMG) from Italy, Pekin Krajowy (33P) and Pomniejszona (2K) from Poland. The characterisation of the four populations was carried out through a panel of 23 microsatellite markers. The analysis involved 180 individuals: 39 for AGV, 41 for AMG, 50 for 33P and 50 for 2K. An average of 11.36 alleles per locus was identified. Twenty-two loci showed high values of polymorphism information content from 0.575 to 0.912, while CAUD136 was monomorphic for the Italian breeds. The breeds showed relatively high heterozygosity: higher for the Polish populations (0.6920 for 33P and 0.6521 for 2K), and lower for the Italian (0.4497 and 0.3718 for AGV and AMG, respectively). The inbreeding coefficient was higher for the Italian breeds, AMG in particular (0.133, 0.097 and 0.121), as well as the differentiation index (0.253). The Nei’s minimum distances (DM) and Reynolds distances (DR) were low between the Polish populations (0.131 and 0.088, respectively); these were associated to AGV (DM = 0.191 and DR = 0.259 for 33P; DM = 0.174 and DR = 0.226 for 2K). Finally, AGV was distant from AMG (DM = 0.259 and DR = 0.317). The molecular coancestry, or mean kinship was higher for the Italian breeds compared to Polish populations. The Italian populations showed intermediate values. The obtained results can be perceived as an important tool for the applied genetic conservation programmes

    Animal vulnerability and the necessity of protecting them

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    In Romania, there are at least 14 animal species represented by 123 animal breeds and pure lines listed on the List of animal genetic resources in critical state, threatened, or vulnerable. Though these animal species need to be protected, their conservation has not been supported financially. These categories of vulnerable animals are represented by: 13 sheep breeds, 19 fish species and breeds, 2 goat breeds, 2 swine breeds, 4 goose breeds, 61 chicken breeds and pure lines, 7 turkey populations, 7 duck breeds, the Romanian buffalo, and a bovine breed, the Sură de stepă

    A homogenous nature of native Chinese duck matrilineal pool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>China, with around 30 unique breeds, has a diverse duck genetic pool. Currently, there is no systematic report which investigates the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship, and matrilineal genetic structure of these domestic breeds and wild mallards (<it>Anas platyrhynchos</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we sequenced the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region segments in 278 domestic ducks (<it>Anas platyrhynchos domestica</it>) from 19 indigenous breeds/populations and 70 wild mallard samples and analyzed them together with the 101 control region sequences from published sources. Fifty-two samples were then sequenced for a cytochrome <it>b </it>(Cyt <it>b</it>) gene fragment to solidify the pattern emerged from the control region sequences. All domestic duck and wild mallard haplotypes were essentially indistinguishable and were clustered together in the phylogenetic tree. There was no geographic differentiation and breed/population-specific distribution of duck lineages.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results showed that unlike other domesticated farm animals in China such as chicken, cattle, goat, and yak with multiple matrilineal components, the matrilineal pool of Chinese ducks was homogenous.</p

    Evaluation of agro-industrial by-products as protein sources for duck production in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

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    This thesis is based on four studies to determine the nutritive value and ileal and total tract amino acid digestibility of agro-industrial by-products, and the effects of inclusion of these by-products in diets on the biological performance of growing crossbred Muscovy and common ducks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The results show that brewery waste (BW) was characterised by high protein content,good balance of essential amino acids, but high crude fibre content. The best growth performance was observed when 50% of the concentrate was replaced by BW for both Muscovy and common ducks. The crossbred Muscovies had better performance and gave higher economic benefit than the local Muscovies, and common ducks gave the lowest profit. BW could be offered either in mixed or separate feeding systems without any effects on performance and carcass yield (Paper I and II). Soya waste (SW) and ensiled shrimp waste (ESW) are good protein sources, but low in dry matter (DM) and methionine content (SW) and high in chitin content (ESW). The best performance in terms of growth rate and carcass quality was found with replacement of up to 60% of soybean meal by SW, and only 20% of fish meal by ESW, which gave the lowest feed costs (Paper III). The inclusion of ESW in diets for adult crossbred common ducks resulted in a linear decrease of the apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, N free extract and N retention with increasing levels of ESW. The digestibility of individual amino acids followed a similar pattern to the nutrient digestibility. The apparent total tract digestibility of most individual amino acids was higher than the apparent ileal value (Paper IV). It can be concluded that from nutritive and economic apects the three agro-industrial byproducts evaluated have proven to be acceptable feed ingredients in duck diets. Replacement up to levels of 20% (ESW), 50% (BW) and 60% (SW) of fish meal, concentrate and soybean meal, respectively, in diets for growing crossbred ducks can be recommended under the conditions of the Mekong Delta


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    Alabio duck is a superior laying duck breed from Alabio, South Kalimantan. The government program of crossing Alabio duck with other duck breeds to produce commercial hybrid ducks was followed by local breeders, where the crossbreed was carried out without direction and occurred in the genetic source area of Alabio ducks. This has resulted in a decrease in the performance of Alabio duck, a fewer number of duck breeders, and reduce the quality of processed products,  especially salted eggs. To conserve and maintain the purity of Alabio ducks in their genetic source area, it is necessary to educate local breeders about the potential of Alabio ducks as a source of germplasm with high selling value. The objective of this activity was to educate the breeders to avoid uncontrolled crossbreeding of Alabio duck. This community service was carried out through observations, interviews, and Focus Group Discussion in Harapan Bahagia Farmer Group in Murung Asam Village, Alabio, HSU Regency. Issues identification showed that the decline in Alabio ducks population was caused by the unavailability of good Alabio ducklings, the higher price of Alabio duck compared to other duck breeds and the smaller egg size of Alabio duck. However, it was agreed on the superiority of Alabio duck, namely resistance to avian influenza disease, longer egg shelf life, longer egg production period, and a more savory taste of meat. It was concluded that conserving Alabio duck breed was necessary because Alabio ducks were always used as parents in crossing with other duck breeds. Many ways could be carried out to conserve Alabio duck, among others were by well-planned and under control crossbreeding, eliminating subsidies of hybrid ducklings produced by BPTU, utilizing local feed ingredients, and technology adoption to increase the quality of Alabio duck products. --- Itik Alabio merupakan itik petelur unggul yang berasal dari Alabio, Kalimantan Selatan. Program pemerintah menyilangkan itik Alabio dengan rumpun itik lain untuk menghasilkan itik hibrida komersial ternyata diikuti oleh  peternak, di mana peternak melakukan persilangan secara tidak terarah, tidak terencana dan   dilakukan di  daerah sumber bibit itik Alabio.  Hal ini berakibat menurunnya mutu bibit itik, semakin sedikitnya jumlah peternak itik Alabio, serta menurunnya kualitas produk itik Alabio, terutama telur asin.  Untuk menjaga kelestarian dan tetap terpeliharanya kemurnian itik Alabio di daerah sumber bibit, maka perlu dilakukan edukasi kepada peternak  mengenai potensi itik Alabio sebagai sumber plasma nutfah lokal yang bernilai jual tinggi. Tujuan kegiatan  iniadalah melakukan edukasi peternak agar tidak melakukan persilangan itik Alabio secara tidak terkontrol dan tidak terencana sehingga kemurnian genetik itik alabio dapat dipertahankan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion dengan Kelompok Peternak Itik Harapan Bahagia di Desa Murung Asam, Alabio, Kabupaten HSU. Identifikasi isu memperlihatkan bahwa berkurangnya populasi itik Alabio disebabkan tidak tersedianya bibit yang baik, harga bibit itik Alabio lebih mahal dibanding rumpun itik lain, serta ukuran telur yang lebih kecil. Meskipun demikian diketahui juga keunggulan itik Alabio, yaitu tahan terhadap penyakit flu burung, daya simpan telur lebih lama, masa produksi telur lebih panjang dan rasa daging yang lebih gurih. Disimpulkan bahwa menjaga kemurnian itik Alabio murni sangatlah penting karena itik Alabio selalu dipergunakan sebagai tetua dalam persilangan dengan rumpun itik lain. Upaya pelestarian itik Alabio dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan penghapusan subsidi harga bibit itik hibrida yang dihasilkan BPTU, penggunaan bahan pakan lokal dalam ransum, serta adopsi teknologi untuk peningkatan kualitas produk itik Alabio

    Cross-sector Comparisons of Poultry Production in The Philippines

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    The Philippine poultry industry is diverse. It comprises broiler chicken, layer chicken, native chicken and duck. The production of broiler and layer chickens are characterised by large-scale, intensive, commercial production systems with modern technology and imported hybrids. Native chicken and duck production, one the other hand, is characterised by low-input, backyard production by smallholders. The objectives of the paper are to provide an overview of the Philippine poultry industry, make cross-sector comparisons and derive policy implications based on the issues identified. The main conclusion is that although demand outlook is optimistic for the Philippine poultry industry as a whole because of anticipated income and population growth, it faces increasing threats from poultry imports due to higher input costs and less efficient production and marketing systems.The Philippines, backyard production, smallholder production, poultry marketing, trade liberalisation, Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,

    The Philippine Duck Industry: Issues and Research Needs

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    The Philippine duck industry is dominated by balut (partially hatched embryos) production and by smallholder production that accounted for more than 75 percent of the total duck production. However, the commercial sector is gaining momentum in moving towards a higher degree of vertical integration and contract farming and there appears to be some increase in the demand for duck meat. At present, almost all of the demand for duck eggs is met by domestic production while about two percent of duck meat consumption is imported. As such, imports appear not to be a serious threat to the domestic supply at present. However, it is envisaged that as trade liberalisation continues, the Philippine duck industry will face increasing competition from overseas and other food products. Continuing survival and future growth of the industry depend on its ability to compete in a free trade environment, which, in turn, depends on efficiency of the production and marketing systems relative its competitors. The objectives of this paper are to provide an overview of the industry, identify industry issues and suggest areas for further research. The key issues identified in this paper include (1) a possible declining demand for duck products; (2) the absence of product standards and market information; and (3) the collection and consistency of BAS data. One suggestion is that expert opinions are needed to reconcile discrepancies in the published data. In addition, more research is needed on several areas, including identifying issues facing the smallholders, including the emergence of large scale commercial duck farms; better understanding of consumer demand; defining and establishing product standards, and generating more reliable market intelligence.duck, poultry marketing, trade liberalisation, balut, Industrial Organization, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Pengaruh Frekuesi Pendinginan yang Berbeda Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Persilangan Cihateup Alabio

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    Increasing of duck rearing as a meat producer requires an increase in duck population to fulfill the demand.  The objective of this research was to analyze the proper chilling frequency to increase duck egg hatchability from cihateup alabio cross breeds.  Chilling frequencies used in this study were once, twice, and three times.  One time chilling was done in the afternoon (12.00-13.00).  Two times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00) and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Three times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00), in the afternoon (12.00-13.00), and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Materials used in the research were digital thermometer, 491 eggs from Balitnak Ciawi, KMnO4, Na2CO3, 40% formalin, and chlorin.  The result showed a high fertility on duck egg from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds (&gt;75% on average) with 4 : 16 (male : female) sex ratio.  All of the chilling frequencies had no significant effect on egg hatchability from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds