283,615 research outputs found

    Topologically disordered systems at the glass transition

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    The thermodynamic approach to the viscosity and fragility of amorphous oxides was used to determine the topological characteristics of the disordered network-forming systems. Instead of the disordered system of atoms we considered the congruent disordered system of interconnecting bonds. The Gibbs free energy of network-breaking defects (configurons) was found based on available viscosity data. Amorphous silica and germania were used as reference disordered systems for which we found an excellent agreement of calculated and measured glass transition temperatures. We reveal that the Hausdorff dimension of the system of bonds changes from Euclidian three-dimensional below to fractal 2.55 ± 0.05-dimensional geometry above the glass transition temperature

    Elastic heterogeneity, vibrational states, and thermal conductivity across an amorphisation transition

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    Disordered solids exhibit unusual properties of their vibrational states and thermal conductivities. Recent progresses have well established the concept of "elastic heterogeneity", i.e., disordered materials show spatially inhomogeneous elastic moduli. In this study, by using molecular-dynamics simulations, we gradually introduce "disorder" into a numerical system to control its modulus heterogeneity. The system starts from a perfect crystalline state, progressively transforms into an increasingly disordered crystalline state, and finally undergoes structural amorphisation. We monitor independently the elastic heterogeneity, the vibrational states, and the thermal conductivity across this transition, and show that the heterogeneity in elastic moduli is well correlated to vibrational and thermal anomalies of the disordered system

    SOS model of overlayer induced faceting

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    A solid-on-solid model is proposed to describe faceting of bcc(111) metal surface induced by a metal overlayer. It is shown that the first order phase transition occurs between faceted {211} or {110} and disordered phases. The ordered phases consist of large 3-sided pyramids with {211} facets or {110} facets. It is shown that the high-temperature disordered phase has not planar bcc(111) structure but faceted disordered structure. Hysteresis effects were observed when the system was warmed above the transition temperature and then cooled down. Temperature dependence of LEED patterns for faceted and disordered phase are calculated in kinematic approximation.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, REVTe

    Experimental Realization of the Fuse Model of Crack Formation

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    In this work, we present an experimental investigation of the fuse model. Our main goal was to study the influence of the disorder on the fracture process. The experimental apparatus used consisted of an L×LL\times L square lattice with fuses placed on each bond of the lattice. Two types of materials were used as fuses: copper and steel wool wires. The lattice composed only by copper wires varied from a weakly disordered system to a strongly disordered one. The lattice formed only by steel wool wires corresponded to a strongly disordered one. The experimental procedure consisted of applying a potential difference V to the lattice and measuring the respective current I. The characteristic function I(V)I(V) obtained was investigated in order to find the scaling law dependence of the voltage and the current on the system size LL when the disorder was changed. Our results show that the scaling laws are only verified for the disordered regime.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures.ep

    Contact process on a Voronoi triangulation

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    We study the continuous absorbing-state phase transition in the contact process on the Voronoi-Delaunay lattice. The Voronoi construction is a natural way to introduce quenched coordination disorder in lattice models. We simulate the disordered system using the quasistationary simulation method and determine its critical exponents and moment ratios. Our results suggest that the critical behavior of the disordered system is unchanged with respect to that on a regular lattice, i.e., that of directed percolation
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