48,495 research outputs found

    Gaming The Comic Book: Turning The Page on How Comics and Videogames Intersect as Interactive, Digital Experiences

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    Little attention has been given to how digital technologies have impacted the comic medium. Despite the astronomical impact this shift has had on all sorts of traditional media, it is common to believe that digital comics are simply electronic versions of print comics, but the implementation of audio, animation, three-dimensional effects, and interactivity with other kinds of digital comics reveal that they are hardly so simple. Analyzing and classifying them is essential for English studies, comics studies, and even game studies. Digital comics are a hybridized medium that challenge the essence and existing definitions of comics with disparate instances and inclusions of multimedia and interactivity. Digital comics also complicate how the comic medium is remediated with three remediation types (retro remediation, stylistic remediation, and adaptation) that favor or balance out desires for immediacy and hypermediacy between old and new media. Digital comics can also converge with the logic and design of videogames in the digital space, presenting opportunities to question the nature of interactivity between comics and videogames and how these two mediums can be combined with “interactive, digital comics.” This paper creates a refined genre list for digital comics by separating them in terms of how much multimedia and/or interactivity they contain with an extensive analysis of nine digital comics. Their individual incorporations (or lack thereof) of multimedia and/or interactivity unveil innovative possibilities that the digital space affords for the comic medium with new methods of spatial, sequential, and temporal storytelling. In addition, this paper explores how digital comics are socially constructed and viewed as a genre by audiences with nine interviewees that glean further insight into the current perception and future potential of not only digital comics, but also the promising genre of interactive, digital comics

    A survey of comics research in computer science

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    Graphical novels such as comics and mangas are well known all over the world. The digital transition started to change the way people are reading comics, more and more on smartphones and tablets and less and less on paper. In the recent years, a wide variety of research about comics has been proposed and might change the way comics are created, distributed and read in future years. Early work focuses on low level document image analysis: indeed comic books are complex, they contains text, drawings, balloon, panels, onomatopoeia, etc. Different fields of computer science covered research about user interaction and content generation such as multimedia, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, etc. with different sets of values. We propose in this paper to review the previous research about comics in computer science, to state what have been done and to give some insights about the main outlooks

    Revolutionary Flipbook-Based Digital Comic: Changing Student Engagement in Learning

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    The development of digital technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including education. The use of digital media in learning is a necessity to motivate and increase students' interest in learning. One form of digital media that attracts attention is flipbook-based comics. This research aims to develop digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative learning tool to increase students' interest in learning. This research uses a 4D development approach (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) to design, develop, and implement digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative tool aimed at increasing students' interest in learning. This research also involved testing with a number of students to evaluate the effectiveness and attractiveness of digital flipbook-based comics as a learning tool. The data collected involves aspects of learning interest, understanding of the material, and student satisfaction with the use of digital flipbook-based comics. The research results show that the use of digital flipbook-based comics can significantly increase students' interest in learning. Students responded positively to the interactive and fun learning experience. Therefore, the development of digital flipbook-based comics is an innovative solution in increasing students' interest in learning in this digital era

    Comic narrative expression and aesthetics: From print to webtoons

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    Comics are a unique way for artists to tell stories. The production and distribution of comics are affected by technological development. In this process, comics formed their special narrative language and aesthetic system. With the development of digital technology and portable devices, comics as a medium is undergoing major transformations towards digitization. However, most digital comics still abide by the format and layout that traditional printed comics have used for so long. Although some platforms have tried to innovate their design and layout to be delivered digitally, not all of these attempts have been successful. Webtoon originated in South Korea as one form of digital comics. It adopts the vertical reading format associated with smartphones and integrates multimedia elements as well. As a new form of comics, webtoons have brought new narrative manners and aesthetic changes. Through comparative analysis between traditional printed comics and webtoons, this paper examines these potential adaptive, narrative and aesthetic changes brought on by this transformation from print comics to digital comics. Several aspects such as space, time, composition, panels, transition between scenes, the blending of images and texts, reading modes, and the impact of the control of multimedia elements on readers’ reading will be examined. Creators should be alert to the impact of these potential changes as comics transform from print to digital. This can promote the innovation of the comics so that the industry can maintain its unique art charm in the world of creative multimedia


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    Purpose: This digital comic of Trantraz Comic Studio is attractively packaged, displaying visuals different from other comics in Indonesia and able to provide new nuances in the story's packaging. The visual appearance is more contemporary and modern. Digital comics are digitally based on their delivery to readers. They are paperless in digital form, borderless because they are not limited in size or format and timeless because of their durability across time, which may not be possible in paper media. This research aims to explain and describe the meaning and ideology contained in digital comics by Tantraz Comics Bali. Research methods: An interpretative qualitative method is used in this research, emphasizing the disclosure of process and meaning in order to be able to capture a variety of qualitative information with descriptive clarity for a comprehensive conclusion in an interpretative manner. Findings: Comics have forms and types of stories and elements in comics in detail. Types of comics are educational comics, promotional comics, puppet comics and martial arts comics. In comics, there are themes, narratives, illustrations and character designs made by the demands of the story that reflect the nature and personality of the character. Implications: The ability to perform a work of art greatly influences the ability to digest and understand beauty

    Digital Comics in English Language Teaching

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    The era of education that is influenced by the industrial revolution 4.0 is characterized by the use of digital technology in the learning process, including language learning. Digital comics, then, become an advantageous instructional media in order to improve students’ skill in English as well as their motivation. This exploratory study examines English teachers’ views on the use of digital comics on learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). A 20 item survey questionnaire was distributed to 30 English teachers from different schools in Banten Province who have applied comics as a teaching aid in the English classroom. The questionnaire comprised of three main constructs: a) teacher's perceptions of using ICT in teaching English, b) teacher's perceptions of the advantages and limitations of using digital comics in EFL classroom, c) teacher's perceptions of applying digital comics in teaching EFL. Findings showed that more than 85% per cent of the respondents have positive views on the implementation of digital comics on teaching and learning English. Teachers view that teaching and learning English using digital comics promote a positive learning environment for the students, enhances students’ interest, and makes language learnt in context

    Comics on Screen : Pages and Places in the Cloud

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    Comics has long been a form of sequential art that has evolved alongside the printed page. As the print industry has developed so too have comics. From the black and white strips of newspapers to the colourful serial print comics on high quality paper and longer, stand alone graphic novels produced as independent hardback books. Whilst printing increased in output quality and dissemination so too did comics. In more recent times a similar development can be seen in screen comics. With the wide-spread adoption of computers and the additional impact of the internet screens have moved from the large, low quality home desktop monitor to high definition, portable display devices and screen comics have developed from short black and white web comic strips to full colour digital comics. As the printed comic has developed along with the printed page so to have digital comics developed with the computer screen. But if print comics developed with the page and digital comics developed with the screen we must ask ourselves whether screen comics truly have “pages” at all. And if they do, should they? We can begin to answer this question by looking at a combination of interactive media and comics reading theory from a number of key academic figures (McCloud, Cohn, Groensteen, Manovich) and comparing how comics are presented to us in their various print and digital forms. In this paper I discuss the lack of page exclusive elements such as the ability to riffle through or physically flip from one page to the next and the inclusion of interactive screen exclusive navigation and reading methods such as guided views and infinite canvases (McCloud). This will serve to inform a discussion and understanding of the difference between comics on the printed page and in the digital “place” or cloud

    Digital comics as a communication medium to convey the dangers of mental disorders among victims of bullying and perpetrators of bullying against teenagers at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to investigates the efficacy of digital comics as a communicative medium to convey the potential dangers of mental disorders to adolescent victims and perpetrators of bullying at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Using the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, the development process followed the ADDIE model, which includes the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. To validate the developed comic, assessments were conducted by media experts, material experts, students, and teachers at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. In addition, this study also used pretest and posttest observations, as well as questionnaires. Data analysis involved normality and homogeneity tests. The results showed a high level of validity for the digital comics, with 87% of media experts rating the digital comics as valid, 95% of material experts rating the digital comics as highly valid, and 76% of language experts rating the digital comics as valid. In addition, teacher and student evaluations yielded very high levels of validity, at 90% and 92% respectively. These findings collectively demonstrate the potential of digital comics to effectively communicate the risks associated with mental disorders in the context of bullying, especially among adolescent victims and perpetrators. This research underscores the importance of digital comics as a valuable tool for mental health education and awareness among adolescents, ultimately contributing to the fostering of more supportive and inclusive school environments
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