8,859,026 research outputs found
An ADM 3+1 formulation for Smooth Lattice General Relativity
A new hybrid scheme for numerical relativity will be presented. The scheme
will employ a 3-dimensional spacelike lattice to record the 3-metric while
using the standard 3+1 ADM equations to evolve the lattice. Each time step will
involve three basic steps. First, the coordinate quantities such as the Riemann
and extrinsic curvatures are extracted from the lattice. Second, the 3+1 ADM
equations are used to evolve the coordinate data, and finally, the coordinate
data is used to update the scalar data on the lattice (such as the leg
lengths). The scheme will be presented only for the case of vacuum spacetime
though there is no reason why it could not be extended to non-vacuum
spacetimes. The scheme allows any choice for the lapse function and shift
vectors. An example for the Kasner cosmology will be presented and it
will be shown that the method has, for this simple example, zero discretisation
error.Comment: 18 pages, plain TeX, 5 epsf figues, gzipped ps file also available at
Lexical Similarities and Differences in the Mathematics, Science and English Language Textbooks
The teaching of Science and Math in English in Malaysia is an area of great concern to educators and students alike. This study looks, in particular, at the common word classes among keywords identified in the Science, Math and English language Form One textbooks used in Malaysia and the differences in language use identified in the Science and Math textbooks
Gender Differences in Executive Compensation and Job Mobility
Fewer women than men become executive managers. They earn less over their careers, hold more junior positions, and exit the occupation at a faster rate. We compiled a large panel data set on executives and formed a career hierarchy to analyze mobility and compensation rates. We find that, controlling for executive rank and background, women earn higher compensation than men, experience more income uncertainty, and are promoted more quickly. Amongst survivors, being female increases the chance of becoming CEO. Hence, the unconditional gender pay gap and job-rank differences are primarily attributable to female executives exiting at higher rates than men in an occupation where survival is rewarded with promotion and higher compensation.
Common Differences
While still in the midst of their study abroad experiences, students at Linfield College write reflective essays. Their essays address issues of cultural similarity and difference, compare lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and examine changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States. In this essay, Marquesa Dixon describes her observations during her study abroad program at the University of Nottingham in England
Divided Differences
Starting with a novel definition of divided differences, this essay derives
and discusses the basic properties of, and facts about, (univariate) divided
differences.Comment: 24 page
Digital Differences
Examines 2000-11 trends in Internet use, high-speed broadband access, methods of accessing the Internet, and online and mobile activities by gender, race/ethnicity, age, income, education, and disability status, as well as reasons for not going online
Differences in use and function of verbal irony between real and fictional discourse: (mis)interpretation and irony blindness
This paper presents a contrastive approach to the presence of two distinct types of verbal irony in real (natural, unscripted) versus fictional (scripted) discourse, with a special focus on irony blindness, i.e. the inability to recognize ironic utterances. Irony strategies are categorized into two general types, based on the relationship between the expressed and the intended meaning (Type 1: meaning reversal and Type 2: meaning replacement). First, the differences between these two types are discussed in terms of use, interpretation, and misinterpretation. It is found that the first type of irony strongly prevails in natural discourse, while the second type is considerably more present in fictional discourse than it is in natural discourse. At the same time, the first type of irony appears to be more at risk of misinterpretation in natural discourse, as opposed to the second type, which seems to be a safer (even though less frequently selected) option. These findings are then further analyzed in light of the discussion concerning fictional (comedic, in particular) irony blindness and the construction and role of the irony blind characters. Interestingly, the causes of fictional irony blindness are found to correlate more strongly with the (more humorous) misinterpretation of the second type of irony
Differences in n-type doping efficiency between Al- and Ga-ZnO films
A careful and wide comparison between Al and Ga as substitutional dopants in the ZnO wurtzite structure is presented. Both cations behave as n-type dopants and their inclusion improves the optical and electrical properties of the ZnO matrix, making it more transparent in the visible range and rising up its electrical conductivity. However, the same dopant/Zn ratio leads to a very different doping efficiency when comparing Al and Ga, being the Ga cation a more effective dopant of the ZnO film. The measured differences between Al- and Ga-doped films are explained with the hypothesis that different quantities of these dopant cations are able to enter substitutionally in the ZnO matrix. Ga cations seem to behave as perfect substitutional dopants, while Al cation might occupy either substitutional or interstitial sites. Moreover, the subsequent charge balance after doping appear to be related with the formation of different intrinsic defects that depends on the dopant cation. The knowledge of the doped-ZnO films microstructure is a crucial step to optimize the deposition of transparent conducting electrodes for solar cells, displays, and other photoelectronic devices.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn TEC2007-60996, MAT2008-06858-C02-02, MAT2008- 06330, TEC2010-16700FUNCOAT CSD2008-00023- CONSOLIDER INGENIOSonderforschungsbereich SFB 76
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