4,379,140 research outputs found
Detection of Citrus psorosis virus in field trees by direct tissue blot immunoasay in comparison with ELISA, symptomatology, biological indexing and cross-protection tests.
Photoelectrochemical Detection of Dengue-Related Oligonucleotide Sequence Using Anthocyanin as an Intercalating Agent and Electrochromic Material
World Health Organization (WHO) presupposes a confirmation of dengue virus infection diagnosis with two criteria, i.e. clinical and laboratory criteria. One of the basic methods used by most laboratories to diagnose dengue virus is to detect oligonucleotide sequence using a DNA amplification technique. In this research, the measurement of denguerelated oligonucleotide was conducted by photoelectrochemical method. The presence of oligonucleotide sequence in target DNA can be detected by DNA probe that is immobilized on TiO2 electrode. The DNA hybrid is then bound to electrochromic substance like anthocyanin that generates current when it is subjected to light. The photocurrent is directly proportional to the number of target DNA. The aim of this research is to obtain photoelectrochemical system that has sensitivity and high responsiveness toward the change in oligonucleotide concentration, especially the applicability of anthocyanin as a electrochromic substance and intercalating agent. Linearity (R2) generated from the change of current in response to concentration changes of target DNA (in the concentration range of 0.75–3.00 nM) is 0.9611. Thus, this method has the potential to be developed to detect the presence of dengue virus in biological sample
Foreground detection enhancement using Pearson correlation filtering
Foreground detection algorithms are commonly employed as an initial module in video processing pipelines for automated surveillance. The resulting masks produced by these algorithms are usually postprocessed in order to improve their quality. In this work, a postprocessing filter based on the Pearson correlation among the pixels in a neighborhood of the pixel at hand is proposed. The flow of information among pixels is controlled by the correlation that exists among them. This way, the filtering performance is enhanced with respect to some state of the art proposals, as demonstrated with a selection of benchmark videos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucÃa Tech
Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements Using the Beneish Ratio Index for Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2016 and 2017 Period
Fraud is an action taken intentionally and it is done for personal or other people's purposes, where the action has caused harm to certain parties or certain institutions. Misstatements contained in fraudulent financial statements are intentional misstatements to deceive users of financial statements. The source of this misstatement includes manipulation or falsification of accounting records, intentional misstatements or omissions from financial statements, and / or incorrect application of accounting principles. In Indonesia, accounting fraud also occurs at the company level, both private and government companies. On December 6, 2012, the announcement of Indonesia's score in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) was 32 and ranked 118th out of 176 countries which measured the level of corruption (Transparency International, 2012). In 2001, a fraud scandal occurred by PT Kimia Farma Tbk. PT Kimia Farma is a state-owned company whose shares have been traded on the exchange to become public company. Based on indications by the Ministry of BUMN and Bapepam's examination, it was found that there were misstatements in the financial statements which resulted in overstatement of net income for the year ended 31 December 2001 of Rp. 32.7 billion, which represented 2.3% of sales and 24.7% from net income. The author's purpose of this study is to discuss about detecting fraud in financial statements by using 5 (five) of the 8 (eight) Beneish ratio indices, because Beneish's research states that the Days Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI) ratio index, the Gross Margin Index ( GMI), Asset Quality Index (AQI), Sales Growth Index (SGI), and Total Accrual to Total Asst Index (TATA) have significant results to detect financial report manipulation
Detection of Insecticide Resistance in Aedes Aegypti to Organophosphate in Pulogadung, East Jakarta
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. Jakarta is a capital city with the highest number of dengue patients. Among sporadic endemic areas in Jakarta, Pulogadung, a district of East Jakarta, is one of endemic areas of this disease. The primary strategy for the control of DHF is based on reducing population densities of the main mosquito vector Aedes aegypti. Organophosphate is an insecticide that has been used for more than 25 years in dengue vector control program. The long term used and sublethal dosage of this insecticide can induce resistance. This laboratory study used microplate test and ELISA reader to determine the increase of alfa- esterase activity in Aedes aegypti larvae for detecting the resistance to organophosphate. Resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung was shown to be: 23% high resistant, 33% medium resistant and 44% sensitive. This result was highly related to local community behavior where we found that the use of insecticide spray by the people was very low (8.8% of the sample). We found that the people who used insecticide spray were only 8.8% of the sample. Therefore, organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future. Based on resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung, we can conclude that organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future
Non-coherent detection for ultraviolet communications with inter-symbol interference
Ultraviolet communication (UVC) serves as a promising supplement to share the responsibility for the overloads in conventional wireless communication systems. One challenge for UVC lies in inter-symbol-interference (ISI), which combined with the ambient noise, contaminates the received signals and thereby deteriorates the communication accuracy. Existing coherent signal detection schemes (e.g. maximum likelihood sequence detection, MLSD) require channel state information (CSI) to compensate the channel ISI effect, thereby falling into either a long overhead and large computational complexity, or poor CSI acquisition that further hinders the detection performance. Non-coherent schemes for UVC, although capable of reducing the complexity, cannot provide high detection accuracy in the face of ISI. In this work, we propose a novel non-coherent paradigm via the exploration of the UV signal features that are insensitive to the ISI. By optimally weighting and combining the extracted features to minimize the bit error rate (BER), the optimally-weighted non-coherent detection (OWNCD) is proposed, which converts the signal detection with ISI into a binary detection framework with a heuristic decision threshold. As such, the proposed OWNCD avoids the complex CSI estimation and guarantees the detection accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art MLSD in the cases of static and time-varying CSI, the proposed OWNCD can gain ∼1 dB and 8 dB in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) at the 7% overhead FEC limit (BER of 4.5×10 −3 , respectively, and can also reduce the computational complexity by 4 order of magnitud
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