290,882 research outputs found
Which spring is the best? Comparison of methods for virtual stenting.
This paper presents a methodology for modeling the deployment of implantable devices used in minimally invasive vascular interventions. Motivated by the clinical need to perform preinterventional rehearsals of a stent deployment, we have developed methods enabling virtual device placement inside arteries, under the constraint of real-time application. This requirement of rapid execution narrowed down the search for a suitable method to the concept of a dynamic mesh. Inspired by the idea of a mesh of springs, we have found a novel way to apply it to stent modeling. The experiments conducted in this paper investigate properties of the stent models based on three different spring types: lineal, semitorsional, and torsional springs. Furthermore, this paper compares the results of various deployment scenarios for two different classes of devices: a stent graft and a flow diverter. The presented results can be of a high-potential clinical value, enabling the predictive evaluation of the outcome of a stent deployment treatment
Simplifying Contract-Violating Traces
Contract conformance is hard to determine statically, prior to the deployment
of large pieces of software. A scalable alternative is to monitor for contract
violations post-deployment: once a violation is detected, the trace
characterising the offending execution is analysed to pinpoint the source of
the offence. A major drawback with this technique is that, often, contract
violations take time to surface, resulting in long traces that are hard to
analyse. This paper proposes a methodology together with an accompanying tool
for simplifying traces and assisting contract-violation debugging.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2012, arXiv:1209.169
Interoperability Optimization and Service Enhancement in Vehicle Onboard Infortainment Systems
This paper presents an overview on optimizing interoperability between different applications for enhanced return-on-investment through utilization of business intelligence in conjunction with prognostics and health management methodology. Such implementation is particularly suitable for deployment in mass-produced vehicle onboard diagnostics system
Empowering geographically isolated communities with instant access to learning and training through satellite
Enabling learning for members of geographically isolated communities such as agrarian, or maritime communities presents benefits in terms of promoting regional development and cost savings for governments and companies. We present a methodology for designing a satellite and wireless based network infrastructure and learning services to support distance learning for such isolated communities. This methodology entails (a) the involvement of community members in the development of targeted learning services from an early stage and (b) a service-oriented approach to learning solution deployment. Here this methodology is applied in the context of the European research project BASE2 (BASE2 2006), in which the following two types of geographically isolated communities are considered: agrarian and maritime
TPM Deployment Methodology
Diplomová práce se zabývá metodikou nasazení TPM. Úvod diplomové práce pojednává o teorii TPM,´5S, nasazení a využití technické diagnostika a systému online sledování. V další části je práce soustředěná na stěžejní stroj ve firmě. Následující kapitola se zabývá představením firmy, jejich výrobků a popsáním výrobního procesu. Poté už je práce orientovaná na shrnutí současného stavu ve firmě, jeho vyhodnocení a doporučení z pohledu údržby a TPM.
Poté následuje kapitola, ve které je stěžejním tématem nalezení kritických bodů, jejich vyhodnocení a vyhledání nejvhodnějších metod pro efektivní údržbu.
Poslední kapitolou je popis implementace do konkrétního výrobního závodu.The Master thesis deals with the methodology of TPM Deployment. The introduction of the Master thesis deals with the theory of TPM, 5S, deployment and use of Technical diagnostics and online monitoring system. In the next part is the work concentrated on the core machine in the company. The following chapter deals with introducing the company, its products and describing the production process. Then, the work is focused on summarizing the current state of the company, its evaluation and recommendations from the point of view of maintenance and TPM.
Then, there is a chapter that focuses on finding critical points, evaluating them, and finding the most appropriate methods for effective maintenance.
The last chapter is describing the implementation to a particular production plant.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn
Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration
We propose a tool-supported methodology for design-space exploration for
embedded systems. It provides means to define high-level models of applications
and multi-processor architectures and evaluate the performance of different
deployment (mapping, scheduling) strategies while taking uncertainty into
account. We argue that this extension of the scope of formal verification is
important for the viability of the domain.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156
An approach to evaluating reactive airborne wind shear systems
An approach to evaluating reactive airborne windshear detection systems was developed to support a deployment study for future FAA ground-based windshear detection systems. The deployment study methodology assesses potential future safety enhancements beyond planned capabilities. The reactive airborne systems will be an integral part of planned windshear safety enhancements. The approach to evaluating reactive airborne systems involves separate analyses for both landing and take-off scenario. The analysis estimates the probability of effective warning considering several factors including NASA energy height loss characteristics, reactive alert timing, and a probability distribution for microburst strength
Techno-economics of ICT infrastructures: The impact of (user, network) requirements
- Towards a methodology for prospective deployment of
ICT infrastructures
- (Technologies & Architectures)
- Key deployment parameters (network requirements)
- User requirements
- A proposal for Cost‐Benefit Analysi
Improvement to quality function deployment methodology : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Statistics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Content removed from thesis due to copyright restrictions: Iqbal, Z., Grigg, N. P., Govindaraju, K., & Campbell-Allen, N. M. (2016). A distance-based methodology for increased extraction of information from the roof matrices in QFD studies. International Journal of Production Research, 54(11), 3277-3293. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1094585
Iqbal, Z., Grigg, N. P., & Govindaraju. (2017). Performing competitive analysis in QFD studies using multipole moments and bootstrap sampling. Quality Engineering, 29(2), 311-321. doi:10.1080/08982112.2016.1181181
Iqbal, Z., Grigg, N. P., Govindaraju, K., & Campbell-Allen, N. (2014). Statistical comparison of final weight scores in quality function deployment (QFD) studies. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 31(2), 184-204. doi:10.1108/IJQRM-06-2013-0092
Iqbal, Z., Grigg, N. P., Govindaraju, K., & Campbell-Allen, N. M. (2015). Enhancing prioritisation of technical attributes in quality function deployment, 64(3), 398-415. doi.10.1108/IJPPM-10-2014-0156Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a quality improvement methodology which
translates true customer requirements into technical solutions. The major purposes in
implementing QFD are enhancing quality, decreasing production cycle time, and
lowering costs. QFD methodology utilises a system of matrix like structures known as
the House of Quality (HOQ) which work collectively to determine final weightings of
the technical characteristics. The derivation of final weights of the technical
characteristics and their prioritisation is the final key in QFD process. One of the main
theoretical difficulties in employing QFD is that it deals with multidimensional
categorical (ordinal) data variables. The rating data of these categorical variables
varies from person to person and case study to case study. In prioritising the technical
characteristics, QFD practitioners often fail to fully integrate the diverse information
extractable from ordinal data and ignore some sections of QFD, House of Quality
(HOQ). It is also observed that in each matrix of QFD-HOQ, numerous heuristics
have been introduced to suppress the variation, uncertainty and vagueness. During the
QFD process, any mistakes such as selection and interpretation of rating scales,
application of methods, or integration of various matrices can fail the whole process.
In this project with the rationale to improve QFD methodology, a systematic emphasis
is placed on the following issues i) Application of methods, procedures, techniques
for the appropriate selection of likert scales within each matrix of QFD-HOQ. ii)
Application to each matrix, data and their integration towards statistically valid
conclusions. iii) Close observation and interpretation of the final prioritisation of
technical characteristics (TCs), and its enhancement
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