474,692 research outputs found
Constraint-based generation of database states for testing database applications
Testing is essential for quality assurance of database applications. To test the quality of database applications, it usually requires test inputs consisting of both program input values and corresponding database states. However, producing these tests could be very tedious and labor-intensive in a non-automated way. It is thus imperative to conduct automatic test generation helping reduce human efforts.
The research focuses on automatic test generation of both program input values and corresponding database states for testing database applications. We develop our approaches based on the Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) technique to achieve various testing requirements. We formalize a problem for program-input-generation given an existing database state to achieve high program code coverage and propose an approach that conducts program-input-generation through auxiliary query construction based on the intermediate information accumulated during DSE's exploration. We develop a technique to generate database states to achieve advanced code coverage criteria such as Boundary Value Coverage and Logical Coverage. We develop an approach that constructs synthesized database interactions to guide the DSE's exploration to collect constraints for both program inputs and associated database states. In this way, we bridge various constraints within a database application: query-construction constraints, query constraints, database schema constraints, and query-result-manipulation constraints. We develop an approach that generates tests for mutation testing on database applications. We use a state-of-the-art white-box testing tool called Pex for .NET from Microsoft Research as the DSE engine. Empirical evaluation results show that our approaches are able to generate effective program input values and sufficient database states to achieve various testing requirements
QueRIE: Collaborative Database Exploration
Interactive database exploration is a key task in information mining. However, users who lack SQL expertise or familiarity with the database schema face great difficulties in performing this task. To aid these users, we developed the QueRIE system for personalized query recommendations. QueRIE continuously monitors the user’s querying behavior and finds matching patterns in the system’s query log, in an attempt to identify previous users with similar information needs. Subsequently, QueRIE uses these “similar” users and their queries to recommend queries that the current user may find interesting. In this work we describe an instantiation of the QueRIE framework, where the active user’s session is represented by a set of query fragments. The recorded fragments are used to identify similar query fragments in the previously recorded sessions, which are in turn assembled in potentially interesting queries for the active user. We show through experimentation that the proposed method generates meaningful recommendations on real-life traces from the SkyServer database and propose a scalable design that enables the incremental update of similarities, making real-time computations on large amounts of data feasible. Finally, we compare this fragment-based instantiation with our previously proposed tuple-based instantiation discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach
A Probabilistic Approach to the Drag-Based Model
The forecast of the time of arrival of a coronal mass ejection (CME) to Earth
is of critical importance for our high-technology society and for any future
manned exploration of the Solar System. As critical as the forecast accuracy is
the knowledge of its precision, i.e. the error associated to the estimate. We
propose a statistical approach for the computation of the time of arrival using
the drag-based model by introducing the probability distributions, rather than
exact values, as input parameters, thus allowing the evaluation of the
uncertainty on the forecast. We test this approach using a set of CMEs whose
transit times are known, and obtain extremely promising results: the average
value of the absolute differences between measure and forecast is 9.1h, and
half of these residuals are within the estimated errors. These results suggest
that this approach deserves further investigation. We are working to realize a
real-time implementation which ingests the outputs of automated CME tracking
algorithms as inputs to create a database of events useful for a further
validation of the approach.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
Object Recognition and Localization : the Role of Tactile Sensors
Tactile sensors, because of their intrinsic insensitivity to lighting conditions and water turbidity, provide promising opportunities for augmenting the capabilities of vision sensors in applications involving object recognition and localization. This thesis presents two approaches for haptic object recognition and localization for ground and underwater environments. The first approach called Batch Ransac and Iterative Closest Point augmented Sequential Filter (BRICPSF) is based on an innovative combination of a sequential filter, Iterative-Closest-Point algorithm, and a feature-based Random Sampling and Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm for database matching. It can handle a large database of 3D-objects of complex shapes and performs a complete six-degree-of-freedom localization of static objects. The algorithms are validated by experimentation in simulation and using actual hardware. To our knowledge this is the first instance of haptic object recognition and localization in underwater environments. The second approach is biologically inspired, and provides a close integration between exploration and recognition. An edge following exploration strategy is developed that receives feedback from the current state of recognition. A recognition by parts approach is developed which uses BRICPSF for object part recognition. Object exploration is either directed to explore a part until it is successfully recognized, or is directed towards new parts to endorse the current recognition belief. This approach is validated by simulation experiments
Multiple NEA Rendezvous Mission: Solar Sailing Options
The scientific interest in near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and the classification of some of those as potentially hazardous
asteroid for the Earth stipulated the interest in NEA exploration. Close-up observations of these objects will increase
drastically our knowledge about the overall NEA population. For this reason, a multiple NEA rendezvous mission through
solar sailing is investigated, taking advantage of the propellantless nature of this groundbreaking propulsion technology.
Considering a spacecraft based on the DLR/ESA Gossamer technology, this work focuses on the search of possible
sequences of NEA encounters. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through a number of fully-optimized
trajectories. The results show that it is possible to visit five NEAs within 10 years with near-term solar-sail technology.
Moreover, a study on a reduced NEA database demonstrates the reliability of the approach used, showing that 58% of the
sequences found with an approximated trajectory model can be converted into real solar-sail trajectories. Lastly, this second
study shows the effectiveness of the proposed automatic optimization algorithm, which is able to find solutions for a large
number of mission scenarios without any input required from the user
Query Morphing: A Proximity-Based Approach for Data Exploration
We are living in age where large information in the form of structured and unstructured data is generated through social media, blogs, lab simulations, sensors etc. on daily basis. Due to this occurrences, acquisition of relevant information becomes a challenging task for humans. Fundamental understanding of complex schema and content is necessary for formulating data retrieval request. Therefore, instead of search, we need exploration in which a naïve user walks through the database and stops when satisfactory information is met. During this, a user iteratively transforms his search request in order to gain relevant information; morphing is an approach for generation of various transformation of input. We proposed ‘Query morphing’, an approach for query reformulation based on data exploration. Identified design concerns and implementation constraints are also discussed for the proposed approach
Multiple near-earth asteroid rendezvous mission: solar-sailing options
The scientific interest in near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and the classification of some of those as potentially hazardous for the Earth stimulated the interest in their exploration. Close-up observations of these objects will drastically increase our knowledge about the overall NEA population. For this reason, a multiple NEA rendezvous mission through solar sailing is investigated, taking advantage of the propellantless nature of this propulsion technology. Considering a spacecraft based on the DLR/ESA Gossamer technology, this work focuses on a method for searching possible sequences of NEA encounters. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through a number of fully-optimised trajectories. The results show that it is possible to visit five NEAs within 10 years with near-term solar-sail technology. Moreover, a study on a reduced NEA database demonstrates the reliability of the approach used, showing that 58% of the sequences found with an approximated trajectory model can be converted into real feasible solar-sail trajectories. Overall, the study shows the effectiveness of the proposed automatic optimisation algorithm, which is able to find solutions for a large number of mission scenarios without any input required from the user
Keyword-based object search and exploration in multidimensional text databases
We propose a novel system TEXplorer that integrates keyword-based object ranking with the aggregation and exploration power of OLAP in a text database with rich structured attributes available, e.g., a product review database.
TEXplorer can be implemented within a multi-dimensional text database, where each row is associated with structural dimensions (attributes) and text data (e.g., a document). The system utilizes the text cube data model, where a cell aggregates a set of documents with matching values in a subset of dimensions. Cells in a text cube capture different levels of summarization of the documents, and can represent objects at different conceptual levels.
Users query the system by submitting a set of keywords. Instead of returning a ranked list of all the cells, we propose a keyword-based interactive exploration framework that could offer flexible OLAP navigational guides and help users identify the levels and objects they are interested in. A novel significance measure of dimensions is proposed based on the distribution of IR relevance of cells. During each interaction stage, dimensions are ranked according to their significance scores to guide drilling down; and cells in the same cuboids are ranked according to their relevance to guide exploration. We propose efficient algorithms and materialization strategies for ranking top-k dimensions and cells. Finally, extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach
Towards G2G: Systems of Technology Database Systems
We present an approach and methodology for developing Government-to-Government (G2G) Systems of Technology Database Systems. G2G will deliver technologies for distributed and remote integration of technology data for internal use in analysis and planning as well as for external communications. G2G enables NASA managers, engineers, operational teams and information systems to "compose" technology roadmaps and plans by selecting, combining, extending, specializing and modifying components of technology database systems. G2G will interoperate information and knowledge that is distributed across organizational entities involved that is ideal for NASA future Exploration Enterprise. Key contributions of the G2G system will include the creation of an integrated approach to sustain effective management of technology investments that supports the ability of various technology database systems to be independently managed. The integration technology will comply with emerging open standards. Applications can thus be customized for local needs while enabling an integrated management of technology approach that serves the global needs of NASA. The G2G capabilities will use NASA s breakthrough in database "composition" and integration technology, will use and advance emerging open standards, and will use commercial information technologies to enable effective System of Technology Database systems
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