445,707 research outputs found

    The Network for Calibration and Validation in Earth Observation (NCAVEO) 2006 field campaign

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    This paper describes a remote sensing field campaign undertaken by the Network for Calibration and Validation in Earth Observation (NCAVEO) in southern England in June 2006. The aims of the campaign were: (a) to gain experience in the collection and use of field data to validate radiance and reflectance products from airborne and satellite sensors; (b) to share best practice on the validation of leaf-area index (LAI) estimates derived from satellite sensor data; and (c) to assemble a quality controlled, multi-scale, multi-sensor data set for algorithm development and testing. Data specifically to support the campaign experiments were acquired by CHRIS/Proba, SPOT and three satellites in the DMC constellation. Three aircraft fitted with hyperspectral sensors, LiDAR and high performance digital survey cameras were flown over the test area. Several field teams made measurements on the ground, and many data sets were acquired near-simultaneously so as to allow direct inter-comparison. The data may be accessed via the NERC EO Data Centre and potential uses are many and varied, including research, education and training on the physical basis of remote sensing (e.g. sensor and instrument calibration); image understanding (e.g. up- and down-scaling); and remote sensing applications (e.g. land cover mapping, forest survey, river habitat survey, LAI estimation, policy-related issues)

    The SPURS-2 eastern tropical Pacific field campaign data collection

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    This paper describes the large, diverse set of in situ data collected during the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study 2 (SPURS-2) field campaign. The data set includes measurements of the ocean, atmosphere, and fluxes between atmosphere and ocean; measurements of the skin surface layer, bulk mixed layer, and deeper water; (mostly) physical, chemical, and biological measurements; and shipbased, mobile drifting/floating, and moored observations. We include references detailing the methods for collection of each data set, provide DOIs for accessing the data, and note some papers in this special issue that use them. To facilitate broader access to SPURS-2 data and information, we created an online tool that allows users to explore data sets organized by various categories (e.g., instrument type, mobility, depth). This tool will complement content available from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) and will be highly engaging for visual learners

    Kampanye Public Relations Greenpeace Indonesia dalam Menangani Krisis Iklim

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    This article discusses the process of Greenpeace Indonesia's public relations campaign to deal with the climate crisis through Instagram social media. This study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative constructivism approach. Source of data based on public relations informants Greenpeace Indonesia. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, passive participatory observation, data collection with documents. The results of this study explain that Greenpeace Indonesia's public relations campaign to handle the climate crisis through social media Instagram @greenpeaceid has gone through four main processes. 1) The process of identifying problems by looking for data and facts in the field; 2) Campaign design process by determining campaign targets; 3) the process of implementing a campaign that adheres to the results of problem identification analysis in the form of scientific data; 4) Evaluation process by looking at and assessing indicators of program implementation results

    Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) experiments data collection, analysis, and publication

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    The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) program experiments data collection, analysis, and publication activities are described. These activities were associated with both the satellite chemical release and a planned Puerto Rico sounding rocket campaign. To coordinate these activities, a working group meeting was organized and conducted

    Transforming payment choices by doubling fees on the Illinois Tollway

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    Using data from the Illinois Tollway, the authors study the effectiveness of a particular application of pricing incentives, in conjunction with a mass-marketing campaign, to foster adoption of electronic toll collection. Dissecting the consumer response by income level, the authors reveal interesting heterogeneity of consumer payment choice in this environment.Toll roads ; Toll roads - Illinois

    Organizational Identity as a Promotional Tool: The Case of the Panther Paw

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    This paper examines a promotional campaign that was put together during the fall semester of 2012. The campaign was for a local bar, the Panther Paw Bar and Grill, and after data collection, it was determined that the main issue the bar suffered from was a lack of identity. So, with this knowledge, organizational identity was chosen as the main promotional tool for the campaign. The content of this paper outlines this process from start to finish including data collection, the plan put in place for the bar, and the promotional work that was done throughout the fall semester of 2012. It is concluded with a results and evaluation section that highlights the effectiveness of the communication campaign for the Panther Paw Bar and Grill


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    Participatory sensing has the potential to support human-driven sensing and data collection at an unprecedented scale. In this emerging class of software systems, participants use an application on their mobile phone to collect digital samples of the surrounding world using on-board sensors (e.g., camera, GPS, accelerometer). Such an approach can supplement data from special-purpose sensors, or even replace their use, providing data from a fine-grained, human perspective and potentially reducing the costs of large-scale data collection efforts. While many potential participatory sensing campaign organizers have extensive domain knowledge that drives the need for large-scale data collection and analysis, they do not necessarily have the skills required to develop robust software for partic- ipatory sensing. To address this challenge, I present Mobile Campaign Designer, a toolkit which lowers the barrier for the development of participatory sensing applica- tions. Using Mobile Campaign Designer, a campaign organizer can provide a simple, descriptive specification of the requirements of their participatory sensing campaign, and the toolkit generates the source code and an executable for a tailored mobile application that embodies the current best practices in participatory sensing. Since participatory sensing applications typically are used to study physical phenomena, the toolkit includes an algorithm that considers spatiotemporal requirements for the crowdsourced data set and recruits volunteers that can help to satisfy those requirements. Furthermore, this work lowers the barrier for the creation of participatory sens- ing applications for a diverse group through the Mobile Application Development for Science program, an outreach and educational initiative aimed at engaging middle school students with science and technology and increasing their interest in careers in science and technology. Using the Mobile Campaign Designer toolkit, along with other mobile application development tools, students will design and conduct a participatory sensing data collection campaign. The students define their campaign, create their mobile application, collect samples, and analyze the results of their data. In addition to lowering the barrier for participatory sensing application development, the program is intended to serve as an intervention that will impact attitudes and perceptions towards science and computing, thus broadening participation of under- represented groups in science and technology

    Botswana water and surface energy balance research program. Part 1: Integrated approach and field campaign results

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    The Botswana water and surface energy balance research program was developed to study and evaluate the integrated use of multispectral satellite remote sensing for monitoring the hydrological status of the Earth's surface. Results of the first part of the program (Botswana 1) which ran from 1 Jan. 1988 - 31 Dec. 1990 are summarized. Botswana 1 consisted of two major, mutually related components: a surface energy balance modeling component, built around an extensive field campaign; and a passive microwave research component which consisted of a retrospective study of large scale moisture conditions and Nimbus scanning multichannel microwave radiometer microwave signatures. The integrated approach of both components in general are described and activities performed during the surface energy modeling component including the extensive field campaign are summarized. The results of the passive microwave component are summarized. The key of the field campaign was a multilevel approach, whereby measurements by various similar sensors were made at several altitudes and resolution. Data collection was performed at two adjacent sites of contrasting surface character. The following measurements were made: micrometeorological measurements, surface temperatures, soil temperatures, soil moisture, vegetation (leaf area index and biomass), satellite data, aircraft data, atmospheric soundings, stomatal resistance, and surface emissivity

    Strategi Kampanye Public Relations Pada Program Rebo Nyunda di Kabupaten Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the description of the public relations campaign process in the Rebo Nyunda program in Bandung Regency. Researchers describe the campaign process starting from problem identification, campaign management, campaign evaluation. This research uses Leon Ostergaard's Ostergaard campaign model. The approach used in this research is an interpretative approach. The method used descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, passive participatory observation. The results of the research show that this campaign activity applies three stages of the campaign, namely problem identification, campaign management, and evaluation
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