1,602,474 research outputs found

    Road Maps: a guide to learning system dynamics

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    MIT System Dynamics Education Project developed Road Maps, a series of self-guides, modeling and selected literature to help students and teachers learn the principles of system dynamics. This site is part of that project, and provides listings of articles and othe webpages containing discussion of Road Maps publications. Road Maps are a series of self-guides that use modeling exercises and selected literature to provide a resource for learning about the principles and practices of system dynamics. Educational levels: High school, Middle school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division

    Curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final report

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    Throughout the history of schooling in New Zealand the national curriculum has been revised at fairly regular intervals. Consequently, schools are periodically faced with having to accommodate to new curriculum. In between major changes other specifically-focused changes may arise; for example, the increased recent emphasis upon numeracy and literacy

    W423-0-04 - Curriculum: General Records: Various Records

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    W423-0-01 - Curriculum: General Records: Annual Departmental Reports

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    Freshwater Macroinvertebrates

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    The purpose of this resource is to sample, identify, and count macroinvertebrates at a Hydrology Site. Students collect, sort, identify, and count macroinvertebrates from habitats at their site. Educational levels: Middle school, High school, Intermediate elementary, Primary elementary

    W423-0-03 - Curriculum: General Records: Sample Curricular Records

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    Робоча навчальна програма дисципліни «Фізіологія рухової активності» для студентів за галуззю знань 22– «Охорона здоров’я», за спеціальністю 227 – «Фізична реабілітація», за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «Бакалавр», 2017 рік, 28 с.Рабочая учебная программа дисциплины «Физиология руховои активности» для студентов по отрасли знаний 22-«Здравоохранение», по специальности 227 - «Физическая реабилитация», по образовательно-квалификационному уровню «бакалавр», 2017, 28 с.Work curriculum of discipline "Physiology of motor activity" for students in the field of knowledge 22- "Health", specialty 227 - "Physical rehabilitation", according to the educational-qualifying level "Bachelor", 2017, 28 p

    W423-0-02 - Curriculum: General Records: Departmental Histories

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    Gas Blowout Workshop Lesson Plan: Landslide or Not?

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    In this lesson, students apply principles of stratigraphy to investigate a large submarine landslide in the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. This slide, called the Albemarle-Currituck Slide, occurred approximately 18,000 years ago. It is estimated that over 33 cubic miles of material slid seaward from the edge of the continental shelf, possibly causing a tsunami that affected parts of eastern North America. Students will use information and data to infer whether observed 'cracks' in the continental shelf off the coast of the eastern United States point to a future undersea landslide. Educational levels: Middle school, High school

    Clusters and Curriculum: It\u27s All About the Students

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    Following up on work begun last year the Curriculum Committee has worked over the summer to refine our ideas about Clusters and curriculum. We will share how our big picture thinking is progressing and seek your input. We welcome your ideas about how we can further support curricular innovation with a focus on enhancing students\u27 educational experiences