130,423 research outputs found
Diamond drilling for core sampling
The drilling for, and recovery of core samples from the earth's crust, sometimes at distances of up to 3 km from the surface, is subject to many practical problems. One of these problems involves the jamming of core samples inside the recovery cylinder during drilling. There is a need to analyse the forces involved when the recovery cylinder is sliding over the core. Several simple mechanisms associated with naturally occurring variations in rock and soil structure were suggested as possible causes of jamming. The results suggest that the simplest mechanisms are not the cause of the problem, but combinations of these simple mechanisms might well be the cause. The results and discussion indicate some experiments that would be useful in a further study of the problem, and data from the drilling operations that should be kept for further analysis
Drilling down to the core: collaborative core content creation
As part of Leeds Metropolitan University’s review of the postgraduate curriculum in 2012–13, Libraries and Learning Innovation (LLI) was asked to lead a project group to create two core content modules for use at Level 7 (Masters level) in Research Practice and Project Management. Core content modules are modules within a virtual learning environment (VLE) that have a clear structure and design, containing generic materials to support the subject. They are intended to serve as a template for academics designing a module, providing a range of high quality, up-to-date content (created by Leeds Metropolitan as well as from other sources) that may be easily inserted and contextualised within the curriculum. The modules have been extremely well received, with very positive feedback being given in the promotional workshops run for staff, through a feedback form and in meetings and events attended by team members. Several academic staff have already used a copy of the Research Practice module as the basis of their own research modules, and it has also been adopted by a new course for distance learners as the core of their Research Practice module, following on from recommendations of colleagues in that faculty. A member of academic staff involved in the MSc in Strategic Project Management is working with the team on re-purposing a number of his own materials to augment the Project Management module, and these re-purposed materials will also be used to enhance and extend the project management content on the Skills for Learning website. The project has been a very rewarding experience for the team involved, and it has led to the development of a set of resources which it seems will be of real worth to the academic community
Improved diamond coring bits developed for dry and chip-flush drilling
Two rotary diamond bit designs, one operating with a chip-flushing fluid, the second including auger section to remove drilled chips, enhance usefulness of tool for exploratory and industrial core-drilling of hard, abrasive mineral deposits and structural masonry
Technique for anchoring fasteners to honeycomb panels
Two-piece fastener bushing provides mounting surface for components on a three-inch thick honeycomb structure. Specially constructed starter drill and sheet metal drill permit drilling without misalignment. Tapered knife-edge cutting tool removes honeycomb core material without tearing the adjacent material
The European Ultrasonic Planetary Core Drill: Preliminary Results from Field Trials at the Haughton Mars Project
This paper presents the findings of a recent field trip by the Ultrasonic Planetary Core Drill team to the Mars analog site at the Haughton Mars Project. Results of this trip are compared to results obtained drilling permafrost simulant in the lab
Stratigraphy of the Hawai'i Scientific Drilling Project core (HSDP2): Anatomy of a Hawaiian shield volcano
The Hawai'i Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP2) successfully drilled ∼3.1 km into the island of Hawai'i. Drilling started on Mauna Loa volcano, drilling 247 m of subaerial lavas before encountering 832 m of subaerial Mauna Kea lavas, followed by 2019 m of submarine Mauna Kea volcanic and sedimentary units. The 2.85 km stratigraphic record of Mauna Kea volcano spans back to ∼650 ka. Mauna Kea subaerial lavas have high average olivine contents (13 vol.%) and low average vesicle abundances (10 vol.%). Most subaerial Mauna Kea flows are ‘a‘ā (∼63%), whereas the Mauna Loa section contains nearly equal amounts of pāhoehoe and ‘a‘ā (like its current surface). The submarine Mauna Kea section contains an upper, ∼900 m thick, hyaloclastite-rich section and a lower, ∼1100 m thick, pillow-lava-dominated section. These results support a model that Hawaiian volcanoes are built on a pedestal of pillow lavas capped by rapidly quenched, fragmented lava debris. The HSDP2 section is compared here to a 1.7 km deep hole (SOH1) on Kilauea's lower east rift zone. Differences in the sections reflect the proximity to source vents and the lower magma supply to Kilauea's rift zone. Both drill core sections are cut by intrusions, but the higher abundance of intrusions in SOH1 reflects its location within a rift zone, causing more extensive alteration in the SOH1 core. The HSDP2 site recovered a relatively unaltered core well suited for geochemical analyses of the single deepest and most complete borehole ever drilled through a Hawaiian or any other oceanic island volcano
The Mechanism of Sediment Depositional Environment of Core Drilling of Gilimanuk Coast, Bali and Ketapang, East Java, Based on Sediment Textures
The analysis result of grains frequency curve and relation between grains size to cumulative have shown medium grains at Gilimanuk (Core drilling-1) and coarse grains at Ketapang (Core drilling-2). In general both of them are showed by pattern uniformity, which is represented by the similar of curve pattern. On the grain size of -2 phi as medium gravel with percentage between 6.47 to 35.88%, while core drilling -2 on the size of -2 phi between 6.86 to 61.11%.The average grains size of core drilling -1 are gravel about 21.3%, sand 60.2%, silt 5% and clay about 0.4% while core drilling-2 are characterized by 44.3%, sand 26.8%, silt 24.6% and clay about 0.6%. These result shows that at location of Core drilling -1 is dominated by sand where as at location of Core drilling -2 is dominated by gravel. These situation can be interpreted that the sediment at core drilling -2 location have influenced by strong marine current which can transport the large amount of gravel size compare to the location of Core drilling-1 which is dominated by sand. Based on the relation shape of grains size curve versus cumulative frequency shows that the sediment of Core drilling-1is interpreted as a beach sand deposits and only one sample which shows as a river sand deposits which was found at depth 0 – 3 m depth. In general, the sample of Core drilling –2 shows that the pattern of sediment tend as a beach sand deposits and only one sample which shows the combination between coastal deposits and river deposits ( 4 – 5 m depth). From this sample, the coarse to fine grains is deposited by coastal media and fine grains material (about 10%) is deposited by river media. The sample of river deposits is found as lamination because the only one which is created from combination between coastal and river depos its from all sample of core drilling-2.Keywords: core drilling, grain sediments, media transport, environmental deposition Hasil analisis menggunakan kurva frekuensi butiran serta hubungan antara besar butir terhadap kumulatif menunjukkan dominasi ukuran butiran sedang di daerah Gilimanuk (Bor-1) dan kasar di daerah Ketapang (Bor-2). Pada kedua daerah tersebut, secara umum memperlihatkan pola keseragaman, yang ditunjukkan oleh pola kurva yang sama. Pada ukuran butir -2 phi (kerikil sedang) pada Bor-1 berjumlah antara 6,47 – 35,88%, sedangkan pada Bor-2 pada ukuran -2 phi berjumlah antara 6,86 – 61,11%.Kandungan rata-rata butiran pada Bor-1 adalah: kerikil 21,3%, pasir 60,2%, lanau 5% dan lempung 0,4%, sedangkan Bor-2 adalah: kerikil 44,3%, pasir 26,8%, lanau 24,6% dan lempung 0,6%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pada Bor-1 didominasi oleh pasir dan pada Bor-2 didominasi oleh kerikil. Hasil ini dapat memberi gambaran bahwa pada Bor-2 berarus lebih kuat karena mampu menstranspor butiran kerikil dalam jumlah yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan Bor-1 yang didominasi oleh pasir. Berdasarkan beberapa kurva hubungan antara besar butir vs frekuensi komulatif pada Bor-1 menunjukkan endapan pantai (beach sand), hanya satu contoh menunjukkan endapan sungai (river sand), yaitu contoh B1 (0 – 3m). Pada Bor-2, secara umum menunjukkan pola yang lebih mendekati endapan pantai (beach sand), hanya satu contoh menunjukkan kombinasi endapan pantai dan endapan sungai (river sand), yaitu contoh B2 (4 – 5 m). Pada contoh ini, butiran berukuran kasar sampai halus diendapkan oleh media pantai dan ukuran halus dengan persentase sekitar 10% merupakan endapan sungai. Contoh endapan sungai adalah pada B2 (4 – 5 m) ini merupakan endapan sisipan karena satu-satu terbentuk dari kombinasi pantai dan sungai dari seluruh contoh pada Bor-2
Twenty Years of Drilling the Deepest Hole in Ice
No abstract available.
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