100,982 research outputs found

    Roll tracking effects of G-vector tilt and various types of motion washout

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    In a dogfight scenario, the task was to follow the target's roll angle while suppressing gust disturbances. All subjects adopted the same behavioral strategies in following the target while suppressing the gusts, and the MFP-fitted math model response was generally within one data symbol width. The results include the following: (1) comparisons of full roll motion (both with and without the spurious gravity tilt cue) with the static case. These motion cues help suppress disturbances with little net effect on the visual performance. Tilt cues were clearly used by the pilots but gave only small improvement in tracking errors. (2) The optimum washout (in terms of performance close to real world, similar behavioral parameters, significant motion attenuation (60 percent), and acceptable motion fidelity) was the combined attenuation and first-order washout. (3) Various trends in parameters across the motion conditions were apparent, and are discussed with respect to a comprehensive model for predicting adaptation to various roll motion cues

    Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Social Spider Algorithm

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    Social Spider Algorithm (SSA) is a recently proposed general-purpose real-parameter metaheuristic designed to solve global numerical optimization problems. This work systematically benchmarks SSA on a suite of 11 functions with different control parameters. We conduct parameter sensitivity analysis of SSA using advanced non-parametric statistical tests to generate statistically significant conclusion on the best performing parameter settings. The conclusion can be adopted in future work to reduce the effort in parameter tuning. In addition, we perform a success rate test to reveal the impact of the control parameters on the convergence speed of the algorithm

    Extrapolation of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Data for Validation of Bio-Geo-Retrieval Algorithms for Future Spaceborne SAR Missions

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    Spaceborne SAR system concepts and mission design is often based on algorithms developed and the experience gathered from airborne SAR experiments and associated dedicated campaigns. However, airborne SAR systems have better performance parameters than their future space-borne counterparts as their design is not impacted by mass, power, and storage constraints. This paper describes a methodology to extrapolate spaceborne quality SAR image products from long wavelength airborne polarimetric SAR data which were acquired especially for the development and validation of bio/geo-retrieval algorithms in forested regions. For this purpose not only system (sensor) related parameters are altered, but also those relating to the propagation path (ionosphere) and to temporal decorrelation

    Design of Strongly Modulating Pulses to Implement Precise Effective Hamiltonians for Quantum Information Processing

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    We describe a method for improving coherent control through the use of detailed knowledge of the system's Hamiltonian. Precise unitary transformations were obtained by strongly modulating the system's dynamics to average out unwanted evolution. With the aid of numerical search methods, pulsed irradiation schemes are obtained that perform accurate, arbitrary, selective gates on multi-qubit systems. Compared to low power selective pulses, which cannot average out all unwanted evolution, these pulses are substantially shorter in time, thereby reducing the effects of relaxation. Liquid-state NMR techniques on homonuclear spin systems are used to demonstrate the accuracy of these gates both in simulation and experiment. Simulations of the coherent evolution of a 3-qubit system show that the control sequences faithfully implement the unitary operations, typically yielding gate fidelities on the order of 0.999 and, for some sequences, up to 0.9997. The experimentally determined density matrices resulting from the application of different control sequences on a 3-spin system have overlaps of up to 0.99 with the expected states, confirming the quality of the experimental implementation.Comment: RevTeX3, 11 pages including 2 tables and 5 figures; Journal of Chemical Physics, in pres

    Homodyne detection for measuring internal quantum correlations of optical pulses

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    A new method is described for determining the quantum correlations at different times in optical pulses by using balanced homodyne detection. The signal pulse and sequences of ultrashort test pulses are superimposed, where for chosen distances between the test pulses their relative phases and intensities are varied from measurement to measurement. The correlation statistics of the signal pulse is obtained from the time-integrated difference photocurrents measured.Comment: 7 pages, A4.sty include

    Suppressing low-order eigenmodes with local control for deformable mirrors

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    To improve the mechanical characteristics of actively controlled continuous faceplate deformable mirrors in adaptive optics, a strategy for reducing crosstalk between adjacent actuators and for suppressing low-order eigenmodes is proposed. The strategy can be seen as extending Saint-Venant’s principle beyond the static case, for small local families of actuators. An analytic model is presented, from which we show the feasibility of the local control. Also, we demonstrate how eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies are affected by mirror parameters, such as thickness, diameter, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density. This analysis is used to evaluate the design strategy for a large deformable mirror, and how many actuators are needed within a family
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