528,528 research outputs found
Faculty and Student Perceptions of Technology Integration in Teaching
This journal article discusses a study examining the perceptions of faculty and students on the topic of technology integration in the teaching of courses at a Midwestern College of Education. The purposes of this study are to collect baseline data to identify the current extent of technology integration, to inform the strategic planning process, and for accreditation purposes. The article from "The Journal of Interactive Online Learning," describes faculty comfort levels and proficiency with technology, faculty perceptions and frequency with which they use technology, and student perceptions of technology use and impact on their learning. Educational levels: Graduate or professional
Maori and epilepsy: Personal perceptions of the cause, treatment and consequences of epilepsy by Maori in the Bay of Plenty
This paper discusses the perceptions of epilepsy held by Maori in the Bay of Plenty. The paper
begins by introducing the purpose and rationale of the research. It then moves on to describe the
aims and qualitative research methods that were used to collect the data. Finally the paper
discusses the findings of the research, this includes: a close look at the unique perceptions of
epilepsy that were reported by Maori in the Bay of Plenty; the lack of resources and services
available in a small rural town of the Bay of Plenty; the services desired by Maori; attitudes
towards medication and the inappropriate behaviour many of the participants experienced by the
medical profession
South East Career Technical Academy (SECTA) High School 2015 College & Career Aspirations Survey
In partnership with GoToCollegeNevada.org and the American College Application Campaign, this research project aims to provide key data on the college-going culture in Nevada. The purpose of this research project is to collect survey data aimed at examining a group of Nevada high schools and their studentsā aspirations, college plans, and perceptions of school and family support and encouragement. Survey results are available in the form of aggregate reports and individual school data for 2014 and 2015
Preliminary Findings ā 2015 College & Career Aspirations Survey
In partnership with GoToCollegeNevada.org and the American College Application Campaign, this research project aims to provide key data on the college-going culture in Nevada. The purpose of this research project is to collect survey data aimed at examining a group of Nevada high schools and their studentsā aspirations, college plans, and perceptions of school and family support and encouragement. Survey results are available in the form of aggregate reports and individual school data for 2014 and 2015
A Survey Instrument to Collect Student Perceptions of Drama Class Benefits
The purpose of this study is to develop a student survey for a drama class. The focus of the research is to substantiate the need for teaching drama in schools and by using a student survey. Presented is a drama class student survey developed and administered in high school drama classes. Offered are interviews with two drama teachers regarding the use of a drama survey. The study concludes with suggestions for future drama class student surveys
Public perceptions of the favelas in Rio de Janeiro: a post World Cup 2014 and pre 2016 Olympics Assessment
This research assesses public perception of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro following the awarding of the bids for both the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. In preparation of these mega sports events, Rio has been challenged to improve infrastructure, build Olympic venues and reduce crime in the favelas. The purpose of the research is to collect data on the perceptions of potential visitors to Brazil, specifically, Rio de Janeiro to determine if the preparation for and hosting of the mega sports events is changing the image of the favelas
Using National Measures of Patients' Perceptions of Health Care to Design and Debrief Clinical Simulations
This article describes an innovative approach to using national measures of patients' perspectives of quality health care. Nurses from a regional simulation consortium designed and executed a simulation using the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey to prepare nurses to improve care and, in turn, enhance patients' perceptions of care. The consortium is currently revising the reporting mechanism to collect data about specific learning objectives based on national quality indicator benchmarks, specifically HCAHPS. This revision reflects the changing needs of health care to include quality metrics in simulation
Whose knowledge is of most worth? The importance of listening to the voice of the learner.
This paper discusses some of the data produced in the course of a research study that examined the perceptions that primary school aged children (7-13 year olds) had about their learning in health education. The study explored children's knowledge about their own health, their issues and concerns about health and health education and what they thought they should be learning about in health education at school. The research used mixed methods to collect data and several themes emerged that were central to listening to children and gaining their perceptions. The importance of understanding children and taking time to listen to what they were saying was the major theme and also the negation of children's views in favour of adult agendas. This study has shown that children have opinions and they also have something to say, and that what they have to say is worth listening to. Moreover, children possess knowledge that can contribute to classroom health lessons and health curriculum design
Surveillance and the Self: Understanding Privacy and Identity in Digital Environments
The widespread use of internet enabled devices among contemporary US adults has given rise to a series of questions about issues of identity, privacy and group behaviors. The increasing use of algorithmic systems in social media and the attendant privacy concerns among users may also contribute to increased levels of strategic management of identity among users. In order to contribute to this discussion, this project examines perceptions and practices of privacy and self-representation in digital spaces among college age adults 18-24. This project utilizes semi-structured interview data collected with college students in the Eastern United States and focuses on both behavioral and attitudinal patterns. I specifically consider the impact of strategic interventions of corporate media platforms to collect, distribute, manage and utilize individual level data on participants\u27 information consumption, individual identity representation and group affiliation. Preliminary data suggests that participants engage partial and strategic representations of self across diverse media platforms. Patterns of self-representation are shaped by a wide variety of factors including in-group online community norms, perceptions of visibility and privacy, algorithmic distributions of information and individual perceptions of technology. Furthermore, online identity, while partial and strategically created, has the potential to impact self-identity and group affiliation in a diverse set of offline and online contexts
Afghan EFL Lecturersā Assessment Practices in the Classroom
The current study is conducted with the aim to explore the practices and perceptions of Afghan EFL lecturers toward assessment. A second aim of the study is to explore the challenges the lecturers encounter in the implementation of formative assessments in their classes. To serve these basic objectives, a qualitative case study method design was employed with three English language lectures as the participants. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main instrument to collect data. The findings of the study indicated that all three lecturers maintained positive perceptions toward formative assessment and favored it over summative assessment. However, the study also discovered that the lecturers practice summative assessments more than formative assessments in their classrooms. This, as indicated by the lecturers, was due to the fact that their choices of employing certain assessment practices were dictated in terms of certain challenges such as university rules and policies, large classes, and time constraints. Lastly, some suggestions are made that may prove useful to effectively apply formative assessment in Afghan EFL context
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